Calendar Poodle SAL

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Advent Blog Hop

Hi friends! Welcome to the 11th day of the Advent Blog Hop. So glad you stopped in. If you are not familiar with this, you can check out all 10 prior days of the Hop, over here at Serendipitous Stitching. Jo will be updating the entries daily. You can see how everyone celebrates, and enjoy some seasonal stitching and nice stories too.

This year I am sharing three new stitched ornaments for our tree. I made them all earlier this year.
My regular followers will recognize these. For any new friends here, these are Mabel and Henry, our toy poodles.

Jo would like us to also share our best Christmas present ever. I would have to say I received that back in 1987. Brian and I had been dating for 13 months. I was 18, he was 19 years old. I was invited to spend Christmas eve with his family. Well you can imagine I was a bit nervous.

I should give you a bit of background history here briefly. Brian's father created his own business when Brian was young. He ended up doing very well for himself financially. I came from a poor family. My father and mother divorced when I was 8. We rarely saw my father. He never paid child support. My mother constantly struggled to get food for our table. I have three younger brothers. So we were all used to having not much and accepted this.

So on with the story! It came time for me to open my one gift. It was a very large box. I opened it to find a new, white, down-filled  winter coat and royal blue knitted hat, mittens and scarf. My MIL had noticed my thin winter coat that truly did NOT keep me warm here in Wisconsin. Now I had NEVER in my life received such gifts at Christmas. To say I was overwhelmed with emotion, well that is putting it mildly. So what did I do? I could not even look up, because I was crying. Not just one teardrop mind you, I was an emotional mess. Brian was stunned. His only sibling, my future BIL Andy, was staring. My future MIL was trying to figure out what was wrong. My future FIL, he saved me. He knew instantly. He grew up poor also. He knew what it was like to receive a fantastic gift and be ever so grateful for it. He jumped up and "got busy distracting everyone" after he handed me a tissue box. They all gave me a moment or two to collect myself and my voice. And then I thanked them properly, and the rest is history.
My Christmas wish for you is that you are filled with the real joy of what this time of year is all about. My hope is that you recognize your need of a Savior. Let’s celebrate that God sent His Son to save us from our sins! Advent is the preparation for the arrival of the Messiah in the birth of the Christ Child.

Stitching and praying,


Anonymous said...

Hello Vickie

What a lovely story and I love the tree ornaments x

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Thank you foe sharing your stitching and your memory.

Julie said...

What a wonderful and warm family you became a part of. A truly lovely Christmas story. xxx

Annie said...

I'm sure Mabel and Henry love those pretty new ornaments. And that was a lovely and touching story. Thanks for sharing something so personal and heartwarming.

Christina said...

New to your blog. Such cute ornaments. What a wonderful story and family you became a part of.

KimM said...

What a beautiful story, Vickie. Christmas blessings -

Margaret said...

Ok, it looks like everyone is out to make me cry this morning. lol! What a lovely story, Vickie. What a sweet family you married into. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

Dovilė said...


Melody said...

What a lovely story. It sounds like you married into a caring family.

cheryl said...

Love your poodle ornaments and sweet story. Merry Christmas!

Tricia said...

Your story brought tears to my eyes, Vickie. What a beautiful picture of God's love for us. So much more than we could ever imagine!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

gracie said...

Lovely stitching and beautiful story

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part this year.
Love the poodle ornies!

And your story brought tears to my eyes too. What lovely people your in-laws are.

Annette-California said...

What a lovely and touching story! I so cried! Your ornaments are beautiful.
love Annette

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Love your ornaments! Oh friend, what a truly lovely memory you shared with all of us. Sometimes there are no words, sometimes our tears speak from our heart. Oh what a truly wonderful family you married into! God always knows what we need...Isn't He just awesome! :)

Wishing you and your family a most blessed Christmas.

Cathy said...

I love that story. I'll admit that my own eyes filled while reading. Sounds like you have a wonderful family. And what cute ornaments!

Beth said...

Okay, tears in my eyes! That is a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

Astrids dragon said...

Your ornaments are just precious!

How blessed you are to be in such a loving family. Happy Christmas!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Your ornaments are very cute. What a heartwarming Christmas that was ")
Thank you for sharing*
Merry Christmas*

butterfly said...

I love the story Vickie.
Your ornaments are just beautiful.
Have a Blessed Christmas.

Christine said...

Beautiful stitching and a lovely story8237

Carol said...

What a touching story, Vickie--it sounds like you married a very special man who came from very special parents :)

Darling ornaments! Your tree will look great this year :)

Barb said...

Oh what a wonderful Christmas gift of love your husband's family gave to you - such a sweet memory. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

And your ornaments of Mabel & Henry are just the best!

Maggee said...

THAT is the best story ever!!! I can just picture it!! You are the sweetest... Love the ornies of the pups! Big Hugs!

Andrea said...

Beautiful ornaments and a lovely touching story. You married a wonderful man and into a wonderful family.

jocondine said...

Lovely ornaments and such a moving story. Merry Christmas to your family - Joyeux Noël ;)

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

What a wonderful welcome to your future husband's family.
Lovely stitching Vickie.

Simply Victoria said...

What a sweet, tender story!

Sheryl said...

Beautiful stitching and very moving story.

beadgirl said...

What a sweet story!

moreofhim said...

What a beautiful story! It brought tears to my eyes! *sniff* I just love your poodle ornaments and always love seeing your beautiful work!

Blessings - Julie

Jacqueline Morris said...

Oh I am not sure how I missed you on this Advent blog hop ? But I am here now!!
Love your Christmas stitch.. its adorable.
A darling man you married :)
Merry Christmas :)
Smiles :)

Angela said...

I love your ornament finishes! Lovely story :) Thanks for sharing :)

Katie said...

Beautiful ornaments but the best was the story. Sometimes the thought of what our gifts are is the most touching. Your MIL was helping you out in a way you hadn't been helped out before. What a great memory.

Brigitte said...

I've been following this blog hop, such a nice idea from Jo. Of course, I recognize your poodle ornaments, lol.
A wonderful and heartwarming memory.

Kaisievic said...

Vickie, that is such a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.

Kaisievic said...

P.S. Love your poodle ornies, too.

Gillie said...

Tears in my eyes too, blessings, dear Vickie!

Unknown said...

Wonderful story.

and your ornies are really cute

rosey175 said...

Oh what a great story and a wonderful gift and memory! I admittedly was expecting a poodle-y sort of gift but this is so sweet. Good family and quick thinking on your FILs part. :)

Your ornaments are adorable!! :D