Hey everybody!
So glad you are here! I received an award from Dana at
maplecottagestitcher. Thanks Dana. :)
Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest or beloved
and the Leibster is awarded by Bloggers to other newer Bloggers who have fewer
than 200 followers to spread the word and help the new(er) Bloggers gain wider
recognition. The award comes with four conditions which each recipient must
satisfy when accepting:
1. Choose five up- and- coming blogs (with fewer
than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the
Blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on
your blog. list the Bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their
sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
4. Share
five random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.
And the award goes to these favorite, dearest and beloved blogs:
1. Tricia at
Tricia's Craft Box
2. Lucie at
Lucie's Stitching Journey
3. Krista at
Just Stitching Along
4. Joanie at
Joanie's World
5. Terri at
Rosy Stitches
Five random facts about me:
1. I am 5'11" (or slightly under nowadays, as I seem to be compacting!)
2. My husband Brian and I have been together 26 years. We began dating when I was17 and he was 18.
3. I went to college and became a certified veterinary nurse. I stopped working when Jacob was 6 months.
4. I danced ballet when I was young. Stopped when I was a teen. (Remember the 5'11"??)
5. My youngest brother Jonathan was the McDonald's Monopoly Millionaire winner two years ago.
Congratulations to the winners - please visit their blogs.
Maggie in the lambs ears outside the kitchen |
You can see how the dogs help me with gardening. :) The lambs ears and sedum are coming in nicely.
Madeleine and I purchased this sweet little tea pot birdhouse at JoAnn. Hubby hung it from garage. We will see who moves in.
pink pansies on kitchen window sill |
pink pansies in pink window planter |
I have 5 of these pink planters, we won and collected off of ebay a few years ago. They are in the windows seen from the street.
That's about it for today folks. I am trying to get gardening work done. Quite a few hours put in, many more to go. :( I planted some zinnia seeds. Gotta do the lettuce seeds as well.
Thanks for visiting and your sweet comments!
still reading and not really stitching,