Hi friends! How's it going? Frigid here. Otherwise all is pretty well. I did the finishing on my tinies. You like that? I made that up. Ha! These are the little samplers and my favorites... yep, poodles! They are all stitched one over one on 45 ct white linen. I had to use half cross to make it all fit nicely. And I surprised myself. I did not need to use magnification to stitch these little darlings.
I placed a counting pin next to them for reference. Tiny! Now I am sorry. I have so many freebies printed off in my stash. Sometimes they go back years. I don't always remember to write down the site on the printout. I do NOT have the link for this precious, little sampler. This one was stitched with the beautiful, pink, variegated floss Donna just gifted me with. I love this tiny sampler so much, I also stitched it in DMC 815.
I changed the look of the "A" in this one just because. ;)
Too adorable, right?! This sweet, little Henry is from Antique Pattern Library. You need to scroll down to Markbok. It is found there. This is a Swedish pattern from 1915. Love, love, love it!!
This last one is a combination of two freebies, modified a bit to make ME!! ;) And Mabel and Henry of course. I used Lavender Girl from The Snowflower Diaries to create me. I used Donna's pink, variegated floss for my dress. "I" am stitched one over two. Mabel and Henry are stitched from this freebie found here.
So why did I stitch up all these sweet tinies? Well, I have had these two 1960's poodle lipstick holders for a few years now. I knew I wanted to make tiny pincushions to insert in the holes. I have just never made time to do this. I needed a break from Theotokos, and got them done!
So do you have a favorite? I do. The Swedish antique Henry chasing the ball. ♥
I am back to stitching Theotokos. I found a mistake. Added one extra stitch in the cream, scroll border. Unstitching took about half an hour total in time to correct the problem. sigh. Oh well.
I hope you have a fabulous day my friends. Thanks for stopping by!
Stitching and praying,
Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Blessed By Friends
Hi friends! Welcome new friends! I am glad you all stopped by today. Thank you for your words of encouragement on Theotokos. I am still enjoying it, but my heart just truly adores smalls. So I am taking quick breaks here and there to get a small or two done.
I have finished the stitching on the 45ct linen. I have two samplers and two tiny pieces featuring my favorite stitching subject. Any guesses?! I will be doing the finishing on those four tiny pieces very soon and will be sharing with you then. =)
Our dear friend Nancy of Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe has done it again! I won her Valentine's Day Giveaway. She sent me 2 red flosses,cluny lace, red ric rac trim, red heart buttons, adorable charms, the Alphabet Ornament Chart in "V" and the Treasured Friend red heart pattern! Have you come across a more generous, kind, giving stitcher?! She is ALWAYS having a giveaway. What a lovely, Christian lady. Thank you again Nancy.
Guess what? I also was chosen as the winner by Chris for this sweet chart by The Cross-Eyed Cricket.
I will be stitching Crazy Love, but with the alternate "L", the "normal" one. ;) Thank you again Chris!
In case you missed it, check out my prior post. I am having a giveaway for my Second Blogoversary.
Still snowy and cold here. Only the frigid, below zero temps have now returned. :( So we keep warm with things like this Cheese Bread I baked.
And of course the poodles stay warm sleeping in the sun.
So glad you stopped by today! Leave me a note, they always make me smile. =) I thanked God for you today! I am praying for a few of you my friends who have medical problems right now. ♥
Stitching and praying,
I have finished the stitching on the 45ct linen. I have two samplers and two tiny pieces featuring my favorite stitching subject. Any guesses?! I will be doing the finishing on those four tiny pieces very soon and will be sharing with you then. =)
Our dear friend Nancy of Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe has done it again! I won her Valentine's Day Giveaway. She sent me 2 red flosses,cluny lace, red ric rac trim, red heart buttons, adorable charms, the Alphabet Ornament Chart in "V" and the Treasured Friend red heart pattern! Have you come across a more generous, kind, giving stitcher?! She is ALWAYS having a giveaway. What a lovely, Christian lady. Thank you again Nancy.
Guess what? I also was chosen as the winner by Chris for this sweet chart by The Cross-Eyed Cricket.
I will be stitching Crazy Love, but with the alternate "L", the "normal" one. ;) Thank you again Chris!
In case you missed it, check out my prior post. I am having a giveaway for my Second Blogoversary.
Still snowy and cold here. Only the frigid, below zero temps have now returned. :( So we keep warm with things like this Cheese Bread I baked.
And of course the poodles stay warm sleeping in the sun.
So glad you stopped by today! Leave me a note, they always make me smile. =) I thanked God for you today! I am praying for a few of you my friends who have medical problems right now. ♥
Stitching and praying,
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Second Blogoversary
Hi friends! Tomorrow marks my second blogoversary. Two years of sharing my stitching and my life with you, my stitchy friends. =) Thanks for being so inspiring. I am thankful to God for needlework and YOU!
My Home Is Built In Glory by Heartstring Samplery Primitives
Field Aray by Carriage House Samplings
To enter the Blogoversary Giveaway, just be a follower and leave a comment here telling me which chart you would like. I will draw two names on Monday March 3rd.
This is where I am at with Theotokos. Many beads will be added later.
I am stitching two smalls right now. As in small. Two samplers over one on 45 ct. Pictures soon I hope. =)
Have a restful Sunday my friends!
Stitching and praying,
I have two gifts to offer. These are both new, never used charts. I would like to offer them separately. If you would like a chance at both, just mention that. I will have two drawings, and will enter your name in the drawing for the chart you name ( or in both drawings if you would like either one).
My Home Is Built In Glory by Heartstring Samplery Primitives
Field Aray by Carriage House Samplings
To enter the Blogoversary Giveaway, just be a follower and leave a comment here telling me which chart you would like. I will draw two names on Monday March 3rd.
This is where I am at with Theotokos. Many beads will be added later.
I am stitching two smalls right now. As in small. Two samplers over one on 45 ct. Pictures soon I hope. =)
Have a restful Sunday my friends!
Stitching and praying,
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
It Is Well With My Soul
Hi friends!
I find myself taking little breaks from Theotokos. It is such a large piece. Working with the wool is going fine. I am not sure I look forward to the beadwork.
I discovered this freebie a few weeks ago. This is offered by Donna of By The Bay Needleart. I just knew I wanted to stitch this up.
I wanted this wonderful message to hang on our back door.
I stitched this on 35ct lambswool given to me a while ago by Peggy. I stitched this one over one with DMC B5200.
I had this beautiful fabric in my stash for the backing. Are you familiar with the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul"?
I cannot post the whole story behind this hymn here. It is such a tragic story. But what an awesome testimony of faith! If you are not familiar with this story, you can read about it here.
I finished reading A Little House Traveler. This was an omnibus edition with black and white photographs. This book was made of three parts: On The Way Home, West From Home and The Road Back. The Road Back is the one I was interested in, as I read the other two portions this month as separate books. This was Laura's record of their journey back to DeSmet, South Dakota in 1931. Once again, an enjoyable read. Loved all the old pictures. So neat!
We are actually enjoying a few days above freezing this week! Whoo hoo! This will barely melt any of our snow though. But it sure is nice for a change.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. I am thankful for your encouragement. Have a great day my friends!
Stitching and praying,
I find myself taking little breaks from Theotokos. It is such a large piece. Working with the wool is going fine. I am not sure I look forward to the beadwork.
I discovered this freebie a few weeks ago. This is offered by Donna of By The Bay Needleart. I just knew I wanted to stitch this up.
I wanted this wonderful message to hang on our back door.
I stitched this on 35ct lambswool given to me a while ago by Peggy. I stitched this one over one with DMC B5200.
I had this beautiful fabric in my stash for the backing. Are you familiar with the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul"?
- When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.- Refrain:
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
- Refrain:
- Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. - My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! - For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. - But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul! - And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
I finished reading A Little House Traveler. This was an omnibus edition with black and white photographs. This book was made of three parts: On The Way Home, West From Home and The Road Back. The Road Back is the one I was interested in, as I read the other two portions this month as separate books. This was Laura's record of their journey back to DeSmet, South Dakota in 1931. Once again, an enjoyable read. Loved all the old pictures. So neat!
We are actually enjoying a few days above freezing this week! Whoo hoo! This will barely melt any of our snow though. But it sure is nice for a change.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. I am thankful for your encouragement. Have a great day my friends!
Stitching and praying,
Sunday, February 16, 2014
A Stitcher's Heart
Hi friends! This is the Valentine stitching I did this year. This was a freebie available from A Mon Ami Pierre. I say WAS because I searched and searched and cannot find it available/offered any more. I printed this off years ago. I saw it stitched up as a freebie on quite a few blog posts from the past on numerous blogs. Sorry. =(
It is titled "Heart Stitcher". It is lovely isn't it? I stitched this one over one on 25ct Antique White linen. I used DMC 115. Here is what I stitched up for the back.
Hope you can see the three red x's "stitched" on the heart?
Brian got me a tin of chocolates and this beautiful multi-colored miniature rose plant for Valentine's Day. =)
I finished reading West From Home by Laura Ingalls Wilder. In 1915 Laura traveled by train from her home in Missouri to San Francisco to visit their daughter Rose. Almanzo was unable to leave the farm, so Laura wrote him letters during the whole trip. She visited the Panama Pacific International Exposition there. I enjoyed this intimate look into Laura's life. She had not intended for this to be a book. Rose inherited the letters after Laura's death. Rose couldn't bear to read them. Rose's friend/executor had these letters made into a book after Rose's death.
I also finished On The Way Home. This was Laura's diary of the trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri in 1894. I just love history. This glimpse of the prairie frontier was so interesting. Rose Wilder Lane also contributed to this book. This diary was discovered after Laura's death.
Still stitching on Theotokos. Hope you have a beautiful, restful Sunday!
Stitching and praying,
It is titled "Heart Stitcher". It is lovely isn't it? I stitched this one over one on 25ct Antique White linen. I used DMC 115. Here is what I stitched up for the back.
Hope you can see the three red x's "stitched" on the heart?
Brian got me a tin of chocolates and this beautiful multi-colored miniature rose plant for Valentine's Day. =)
I finished reading West From Home by Laura Ingalls Wilder. In 1915 Laura traveled by train from her home in Missouri to San Francisco to visit their daughter Rose. Almanzo was unable to leave the farm, so Laura wrote him letters during the whole trip. She visited the Panama Pacific International Exposition there. I enjoyed this intimate look into Laura's life. She had not intended for this to be a book. Rose inherited the letters after Laura's death. Rose couldn't bear to read them. Rose's friend/executor had these letters made into a book after Rose's death.
I also finished On The Way Home. This was Laura's diary of the trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri in 1894. I just love history. This glimpse of the prairie frontier was so interesting. Rose Wilder Lane also contributed to this book. This diary was discovered after Laura's death.
Still stitching on Theotokos. Hope you have a beautiful, restful Sunday!
Stitching and praying,
Friday, February 14, 2014
Secret Stitching Sweetheart
Happy Valentine's Day to you my friends! Welcome to new friends! I took part in Jo's Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop once again this year. It is fun! This is the sweet Valentine picture sent by my Secret Stitcher.
Now the fun part is waiting to find out who she is! Eighteen stitchers participated in the Blog Hop this year. My Secret Stitcher just needs to visit Jo's blog, visit the stitchers on the list and once that stitcher finds their Valentine picture posted here, well they leave me a comment here letting me know who they are. ;)
I took a bit of a break last week from Theotokos.( I am back at it now.) I stitched up my Secret Stitching and did the finishing on it too. I will show you that next time. Don't want to give away who I stitched for. ;) I also stitched up a freebie. Still need to do the finishing before I show you that one quite yet.
So, I suppose I can show you this.
No, I did not make this. I saw it listed on ebay, as a handmade doll house rug. It is signed and dated on the back. It was made in 1973! It is faded. The thread on the back shows the pastel pink the poodle was.
Now the fun part is waiting to find out who she is! Eighteen stitchers participated in the Blog Hop this year. My Secret Stitcher just needs to visit Jo's blog, visit the stitchers on the list and once that stitcher finds their Valentine picture posted here, well they leave me a comment here letting me know who they are. ;)
I took a bit of a break last week from Theotokos.( I am back at it now.) I stitched up my Secret Stitching and did the finishing on it too. I will show you that next time. Don't want to give away who I stitched for. ;) I also stitched up a freebie. Still need to do the finishing before I show you that one quite yet.
So, I suppose I can show you this.
No, I did not make this. I saw it listed on ebay, as a handmade doll house rug. It is signed and dated on the back. It was made in 1973! It is faded. The thread on the back shows the pastel pink the poodle was.
The picture on ebay wasn't very great. It was cheap and cute. So I was rather surprised when I received it, to find out those are all french knots! Shirlee are ya with me?! Shirlee? Have you fainted?! Cool huh? Well, I think so. =)
I received a wonderfully sweet RAK in the mail from Beth.
A monthly planner from Marjolein Bastin! Isn't it beautiful. I love and admire her work. My favorite part of this planner, besides the artwork, are the pages for prayer requests. I love that. I am always straining my brain to remember all my friends and family who I want to pray for. This will get me organized. Thank you again Beth. =)
Have you read The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder? It was the last of her nine children's books, where she is married to Almanzo and they have Rose. I really enjoyed this one too.
I finished reading Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I own this book. I have been picking it up and reading it here and there for months. I guess the best way to sum this book up, is to say that it exposes the lies that imprison so many women and sets them free. I like this book very much. I will be reading it more than once.
Thank you for stopping by today friends. I appreciate your friendship.
Stitching and praying,
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Emerson's Awards
Hi friends! It is snowing yet again as I type this. You may recall last year I told you of Emerson's achievement in art in this post. Well he has done it again! He has won another Gold Key Award and an Honorable Mention Award in the Scholastic Art Competition. This is a national art competition. There were almost 2,000 entries from our state of Wisconsin alone. It is for grades 7-12. His Gold Key piece will go on to National Competitions for Gold and Silver Medals. This is the painting he won a Gold Key for in painting.
He has titled it 'Captured'. Perhaps you are familiar with the Prince Valiant cartoons in the newspapers here in the U.S. that have been running since before I was born? Well Emerson always reads that and truly admires the artwork in it. So he painted characters from the series and created this. I know I have never shown pictures of my kids. This is the closest you get! ;) Emerson has painted himself into this piece, next to Prince Valiant. I love the Vikings expressions he created. This next one is the Honorable Mention.
He calls this 'The Merchant'. =) I was with Emerson all the way on these pieces. He works at the kitchen table when not working on them at school. Mom stitches at the table and he draws and paints there. So cool to see these things come to life.
We will be attending the award ceremony at the Milwaukee Art Museum on Saturday. 'Captured' is hanging there already.

I received a special RAK from Donna! She made me a sweet, pink Valentine. She found "Matilda" the poodle candle while thrifting and thought of me. =) She also sent some nice variegated pink floss and yummy Candied Caramel Pecan wax cubes to melt. Thank you so much Donna!
I finished Little Town On The Prairie. Another great read. Laura cross stitches a gift for Carrie in this story. ;)
This is my progress thus far on Theotokos.
Thanks for indulging me today friends. I just had to share Emerson's wonderful artistic talent. =)
Have a stitchtastic day! I have thanked God for you today!
Stitching and praying,
He has titled it 'Captured'. Perhaps you are familiar with the Prince Valiant cartoons in the newspapers here in the U.S. that have been running since before I was born? Well Emerson always reads that and truly admires the artwork in it. So he painted characters from the series and created this. I know I have never shown pictures of my kids. This is the closest you get! ;) Emerson has painted himself into this piece, next to Prince Valiant. I love the Vikings expressions he created. This next one is the Honorable Mention.
He calls this 'The Merchant'. =) I was with Emerson all the way on these pieces. He works at the kitchen table when not working on them at school. Mom stitches at the table and he draws and paints there. So cool to see these things come to life.
We will be attending the award ceremony at the Milwaukee Art Museum on Saturday. 'Captured' is hanging there already.
I received a special RAK from Donna! She made me a sweet, pink Valentine. She found "Matilda" the poodle candle while thrifting and thought of me. =) She also sent some nice variegated pink floss and yummy Candied Caramel Pecan wax cubes to melt. Thank you so much Donna!
I finished Little Town On The Prairie. Another great read. Laura cross stitches a gift for Carrie in this story. ;)
This is my progress thus far on Theotokos.
Thanks for indulging me today friends. I just had to share Emerson's wonderful artistic talent. =)
Have a stitchtastic day! I have thanked God for you today!
Stitching and praying,
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