Hi friends! I have been busy stitching, it just has been gift stitching, so it has been secretive! This is Toby.
He is my best friend Heather's little dog. I have had this French freebie printed off and saved in my "to be stitched" pile for years for Heather! 😳Shameful, I know. I finally told myself, "THIS IS THE YEAR!"
I stitched it for her birthday. It was a surprise gift. 😁I am happy to say, she was overjoyed to receive this.💖 I truly wish I had the link to the freebie for you my friends. The link is not on my printed page, and I no longer remember where I got it.
Stitched two over two on 32ct red Belfast linen with DMC
I have since stitched Emerson's Christmas ornament and Brian's too! I am now working on the finishing for Emerson's. Next up is stitching Madeleine's ornament.
📚Okay friends! THIS AND BOOK ONE are my favorite books of the year❣️ I highly recommend LISTENING to them! Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim make up the Thursday Murder Club. What a bunch of characters they are!😂 They are senior citizens who live in a posh retirement village and enjoy figuring out real-life murder cases. Joyce is truly my favorite. I struggled with telling you more. I held back. I will not wreck it for you. TOO fun! Just read it. You won't regret it.

I decided I had reached my limit with my EXCRUIATING migraine when it had reached ONE MONTH WITHOUT ONE DAY OF EVER BREAKING. I had gone to urgent care over three weeks ago. The doctor there put me on methylprednisone and gave me a shot of toridol. It did not do much of anything. I was advised by my gynecologist that if it just gets too bad, go right to the hospital's emergency room. They have much better drugs there. So Brian and I went there last week Monday. Sad to say, they gave me IV medications and were only able to knock the migraine down to half. What the heck??
I called my neurologist's nurse and told her I was not willing to wait until my December appointment to talk about the possibility of me going on the injectable migraine medications, as the nurse and the doctor had suggested I wait to do. I wanted to pursue going on them with insurance NOW. The steroids were doing nothing for me. She told the doctor. She got back to me. He tapered me off the steroid very quickly. He put me on Indomethacin, a NSAID, that I noticed in the paperwork reduces inflammation or heat. I am totally suffering from internal body heat during this menopause. It is helping me so far. He also got me the prescription for injectable Emgality. I gave myself the initial two injections in my thigh last Tuesday. They did bring my migraine down to a 1 by the next morning, BUT we have rain here almost every day this season. My head is affected by, you guessed it, rain and humidity! I can't win. So the Indomethacin and the shots work together for me it seems. And my Topomax. And if it gets real bad, take Naratriptan! I cannot wait til menopause is over!!!! At least then I will be done with hormonal migraines. My gynecologist said that my be another four years worst case scenario though. 😭😩The neurologist does not ever think I will be rid of the migraines caused by the incorrectly given steroid facet injection in 2016. The good news is that today my pain is a 1.
I am afflicted very much; Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word. 119:107
I do hope you have a blessed week my friends. Thank you once again for stopping by. Take care now.
Stitching and praying,