Calendar Poodle SAL

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

Good Morning my friends! Welcome new friends! Hope all is well with you. We are still frozen and covered in snow around here. We went to a Marquette Golden Eagles basketball game on Saturday. We were gifted the tickets. It was fun because Marquette is the University Jacob attends. Otherwise I am not much of a basketball fan.

I thought I might show you an ornament I made 5 years ago, in honor of my father. He died 5 years ago. He always called himself the Polish Eagle. He was very proud of being 100% Polish.
This was a freebie I found on the internet. I am sorry, I searched, but after 5 years, I cannot find it anymore. I know I stitched this over one on 28ct evenweave.

This is the progress I have made so far on the Riolis kit. I am going to call it Theotokos. I cannot read Russian and the Riolis kit is from Russia and has no printed English anywhere to be found. Good thing the DMC is numbered. I will just have to refer to the color photograph for the rest of my questions. And there will be many!! This will be my first significant project with lots of beading.
I am overcoming my dislike for stitching this whole thing on 14ct Aida. This is a gift for Brian. He wants it stitched "just as it is supposed to be". No fabric change and no additional threads used. Of course!! It is always, always that way with him. He thinks patterns should be stitched just the way the designer says.

Since this is a large piece, I had to dig out the 9"x24" scroll frame I bought many years ago. I had never used it. It was still sealed in the package. I am not finding a stand for this brand of scroll frame locally anymore. It was a cheap one bought from Michael's. I do not wish to invest further into it. So I will try and make do, since I rarely stitch large projects.

My pain is very bad lately. I became nauseous from it in church this weekend. I kept telling myself I could make it. Then I started to faint, it was so intense. I had to just sit and pray to make it through. This "pain management" that I have STINKS!! The doctor AND his PA have had off 6 weeks so far. They still have off 2 more!!!! I called yesterday morning. I need new meds or med changes. NOW. The problem is their "coverage" for when your doctor or his PA are not there. Sometimes I have had NO ONE return my calls. Sometimes I have had battles with staff for DAYS without any help. Sometimes I cry and beg on the phone. Sometimes I am very, very assertive. It just shouldn't have to be this way. Not at all. I had to call back 3 times yesterday. The PA wants me to try Voltaren gel. This is a NSAID gel. The hope is that this will work without causing my stomach problems. They never called it in. They never called me back. They left the office early and just plain left me hanging. It is a good thing I had an appt in the late afternoon with my ob/gyn. I was telling her of my increased pain problems. She said she would just call in the Voltaren gel for me. That was it. Taken care of!! For crying out loud. It seems to be giving me that little bit of extra help thus far.

Thank you for stopping by today. I am so glad you did. May God richly bless you in 2014!

"Let God's promises shine on your problems."
 ~Corrie Ten Boom

Stitching and praying,


Justine said...

So sorry to hear about your pain management problems Vickie. Hope this new medication brings you some relief. I love your Polish eagle and wow Theotokos is going to be stunning!

Stitching Noni said...

Oh Vickie, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling so much with the pain... It must be horrible for you and so depressing ;o(
The Polish Eagle is a lovely reminder of your Dad.
I love the pic you have at the end of your post :o)
Big hugs and lots of prayers and thoughts for you and your loved ones for the New Year x

Annette-California said...

Oh Vickie! I am praying for you and soo glad the other doctor got you the gel. Incredible, I feel your frustration. Hope the gel works for you. Love the polish eagle ornament you stitched honoring your dad. Theotokos is looking great already. I had to laugh about the Russian instructions. Thank goodness DMC numbers are the same in all languages. I wish you a very blessed New Year and especially pain free.
hugs Annette

Michelle said...

Oh Vickie I am so sorry to hear you are sitll in pain and hope the medication will help. A lovely reminder of your dad. Happy New Year to you my dear friend x

Lee said...

Keeping you in my prayers my best wishes for the New Year and may it be a year with out as much pain as you have had to go through in 2013

butterfly said...

Oh Vickie so sorry you are still in pain, I was thinking of you when I had very bad pain in my head this last week I took so many tablets I feel sick but what can you do when you have no one on duty over the holidays , I just didn't want to spend all night at the hospital . My pain is almost gone now , but how I do feel for you dear friend.
Love you ornament you stitched for your Dad , and the new large one looks beautiful, hugs.

Shirlee said...

Keeping you in my prayers dear friend. I pray that 2014 brings you relief from your pain & more blessings than you can count!

Krista said...

Happy New Year, Vickie! I hope that 2014 brings you joy and happiness. Feel better!

♥ Nia said...

May this new year bring you many joys and happiness! May it take your pain away!! Hope you'll feel better soon sweetie.. wish you all the best!
Start your new year with the right foot!! Happy 2014!!

Chris said...

I am so sorry that you are having pain issues right now. Sending you well wishes.
Lovely finish in remembrance of your Dad. My husband's family is Polish :)
Great progress on the piece for Brian.
Wishing you and your family all the best in 2014!

Karol R Johns said...

Sorry you are having so much pain. I pray that the new med will help. Look forward to watching your progress on your big project. Blessings for the new year.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I am praying that the pain will ease very soon dear friend. So sorry about the way you have been treated by such uncaring doctors. I can totally relate.

Love the Eagle you made in memory of your Dad. Thank you for sharing the story with us. :)

Wow, I love your new stitchy project. The eyes are awesome, they seem to look into your very that!

Sending you a hug and keeping you in my prayers sweet friend.

Happy New Year!

Trace4J said...

Praying for you too Friend.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.

Tricia said...

I'm so sorry that the pain is still so intense, Vickie. I pray that you'll get some relief with the gel!

Gentle hugs,

Annie said...

Nice tribute to your Dad. The Russian piece will be beautiful if you can stand to keep stitching it. DMC is the universal language!

So sorry to hear about your continued pain and struggles with the medical system. Hope this new med helps.

I wish you a very happy new year and all good things in 2014!

Margaret said...

Can you change your doctor to a new one? This one seems totally incompetent and uncaring. I'm so sorry you had to go through such trials with them once again and that your pain is so bad. Lots of hugs and prayers. I love the project you are stitching for Brian. Bummer that he wouldn't let you change the fabric at least. I think we are all linen snobs these days. lol! Love the ornament in memory of your father too. Happy 2014! Here's hoping the New Year will be as pain free as possible for you.

Vicki said...

I'm so sorry about your increased pain. How in the world can a Dr take an eight-week vacation?! I hope you get good results from the gel. Have a blessed 2014!

Sally said...

I am hoping that your increased pain is taken care of soon Vickie. It is terrible that you can't get any help. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Lovely reminder of your Dad.

Clare-Aimetu said...

Happy New Year to you and all your family - I hope 2014 brings you a good year with the doctors stepping up to help. I have a nasal medicine for migraine as I cannot stomach pain killers as migraines make me sick. They are brilliant - maybe there is a nasal dose for your meds, hugs.

Giovanna said...

Yikes, what poor care you've getting - surely there must be a better way to handle the situation? I hope you will get the relief you need very quickly.

Your stitching is lovely. Best wishes for a good 2014.

Mouse said...

good grief they want sacking ....
sorry to hear about your pain levels I have used biofreeze a lot and that helps me ... also tens machine .... (not sure you can use one or not ) .. also think the weather plays a big part in our pain levels ....
take care and hope things improve more for you soon :)
wishing you a wonderful stitchy new year :) love mouse xxxxx

Angela said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have been in so much pain again. I will pray that you get some relief soon.

Lovely ornament in honor of your father and lovely new project. I am beading my first large project now and it's fun.

Happy New Year!

Julie said...

A lovely ornament for you dad, how special.

Wishing you a new year that brings relief from your pain. x

Catherine said...

A great ornament in remembrance of your dad. Sending continued prayers for you to find relief from the pain....

Magiczny Świat Krzyżyków said...

It's nice that you have Polish roots. A beautiful gift for grandpa. I wish you all the best for the New Year!

Meari said...

So sorry to hear you're having trouble with your pain again. At least your OB/GYN was willing to help.

You've made quite a bit of progress on your new project.

Anne said...

Oh my dear Vickie! I'm so sorry to hear about your intense pain. I will pray to the Lord to help you. I think the Mother of God icon is beautiful. We usually pray before we do an icon, or in this case, stitch one! I sure hope you will be okay. I'm hear if you need me. Xoxo Anne

Karen said...

My father was 100% Polish and proud of it also!! Nice to meet another 1/2 Polish girl...:o). My husband has been waiting for x-ray and ultrasound reports for over 2 weeks. He had them done immediately after his doc found a mass and now it has been like pulling teeth trying to get results. The ultrasound tech said we'd have the results in 2 days (before Christmas) and it's been 11 days. He's called twice but no one is very helpful. I think the quality of care in pain management should be much better that what you have been getting! I'm so sorry you have had to suffer like that. I hope the gel works for you! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to hear of the poor quality treatment you've been receiving. It seems like I hear these reports more & more often. :( Best wishes to you.

Michelle said...

Wishing you a very Happy New Year Vickie! So sorry to hear that your pain has been so bad lately (and about the poor treatment you received when you needed help!) - I hope 2014 will be the year when you find a solution for the pain!

The Eagle stitching is great and good luck on your big project!

Simply Victoria said...

Sorry to hear that you have been suffering badly again. Praying for you and quick relief all through the new year.

imawe said...

Beautiful !!!

imawe said...

Beautiful !!!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Lovely stitching Vickie.Our friends Krystoff and Ewa will appreciate your Eagle when I show them.
So sad that you have had all that trouble with your doctors considering the pain you are in.I read about it with dismay on your behalf.

Brigitte said...

Oh Vickie, this is really bad to hear. I do hope that the gel brings you some relief and that your doctor knows what to do once he'll be back. It's incredible that you had such a problem to see a doctor who could help you. I will be thinking of you.

Great big project. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on it.

Wishing you a better 2014!

Nicky said...

Oh no your pain situation is not the way you want to start the new year! I do hope you get things under control, and that 2014 can get under way with positivity for you. Happy stitching!!

Kaisievic said...

Oh Vickie, I am so sorry to hear of this dreadful pain you are having. Luckily we can get Voltaren gel over the counter here in Australia. Wish that I could send you some but it is probably illegal to post medications overseas!

moreofhim said...

Vickie - I'm so sorry that you're having this problem with your pain mgt. doctor! This is totally unacceptable! Is there another pain mgt. doctor you could go to? I know here, I go to the best and most caring one, but have heard horror stories of some of the other ones. I can't imagine them just leaving you hanging with your pain like this!!

You are in my prayers, my dear friend, and I will ask the Lord to lift this pain and comfort you as only He can.

I love your projects!! Can't wait to see more of the one you're doing for Brian. It looks so amazing.

Many prayers and blessings - Julie

Maggee said...

Eight weeks off?? And no suitable alternatives? Phooey! Hope the gel is working... Your Polish freebie reminded me that I need to go thru my freebies and pick the ones I will most certainly do, and toss/giveaway the rest. Putting it on the list... Praying for relief for you! Hugs!