Calendar Poodle SAL

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Beautiful Gift

Hi friends! How are ya? Freezing like me? We have been barely making it above zero for our daytime highs around here lately. I gave Mabel her much needed haircut a few days ago. Henry needs a cut too. He is very, very fuzzy. I will have to wait just a bit longer. He needs that extra protection. It is going to get even colder in the next few days. The kids will get off of school one extra day, extending their Christmas vacation yet one more day. The schools have already decided to stay closed on this coming Monday. It will be a high of -11ºF with a windchill as low as -45ºF that day. That is just too dangerous for little and big people to be waiting for a bus or to be outside at all!

I received a lovely package in the mail from Anne yesterday. A beautiful Christmas card, great tea that we have all enjoyed, one of her sweet, little crocheted snowflake ornaments, and just look at that beautiful pillow made just for me! Oh Anne, it all so very nice, but that pillow really, truly touched my heart.
Thank you my friend! I am so blessed to call you my sister in Christ.

I do not take part in the TUSAL thing, but I do save my orts. I put them out for the birds in the spring. =) They use them to build soft, pretty nests!
These are my 2013 orts in a 10 inch tall vase.

I am going to pick up Theotokos again. I, um, took a small break already. I have not stitched a poodle in quite some time and just wait til you see these two cuties I am working on!! One done, one to go. They are small. One is apricot and one is grey. Imagine that! ;)

I continue to use the Voltaren gel for extra pain relief. It helps some. I go to the pain PA in less than 2 weeks now. I hope to get my Neurontin increased in dosage at that time. Thank you for your prayers and concern.♥

Keep warm my friends! Behold the Lord's glory and you will grow in grace.

Stitching and praying,


♥ Nia said...

Lovely mail surprise =)
Hope you'll feel better sweetie, stay warm too!! hugs&smiles to you

Mii Stitch said...

You've received a great parcel from Anne. A beautiful way to start the New Year.

Shirlee said...

What lovely gifts from Anne! I wonder where she got that pillow design? I'll have to ask her : ) I had to laugh at the school there planning to stay closed on Monday only because the temp is predicted to be -11 with wind chills as low as -45. I remember when we lived in Bismarck, ND. The schools never closed during the entire time we lived there. Absolutely never, not once! I remember one time in particular ... I can 't recall the "real temp" but the wind chill was -80. I still had to bundle up me & the kids & take them to school.

Chris said...

So cold! Please be careful, stay warm inside and stitch :) That is a lot of orts!
What a lovely package from Anne!

Myra said...

It is cold here too Vickie but not nearly as cold as you are. That is a lovely gift you received from Anne - just perfect. Praying your pain continues to lessen..hugs.

Cindy's Stitching said...

pretty gifts from Anne. Have a blessed new year. Stay warm.

Tricia said...

Oh, what a beautiful pillow! I love it! Any ideas how to keep out doggies from freezing outside during the cold snap??? I'm so afraid their noses or feet will get frostbite! : (

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

What lovely gifts from your friend Vickie.
Boy, do you have cold weather!! It is unseasonably warm here in the Northwest of England.The flowers will start to grow and then we will have colder weather no doubtand they will have to start all over again..not as cold as yours though.
I an glad the Voltaren is of some help. I hope you get more relief soon.

Dani - tkdchick said...

What a beautiful gift.

I don't think you're allowed to complain about the cold the last few days we've been sitting at -24c without the windchill, adding in the windchill its been feeling like -40c

butterfly said...

Sounds cold there Vickie we have rain and floods again here.
Love your gifts from Ann the little pillow so pretty in Pink . Keep warm my friend.

Melissa said...

Lovely gift from Anne!

Stay warm and cozy!

Beth said...

Stay warm and Go Packers!

Giovanna said...

Very pretty gifts! Glad to read that you are having some pain relief. Stay safe in that cold weather. We're safely above freezing point here, but the weather is very overcast. And the schools will be still closed anyway on Monday because the Epiphany is a public holiday in Italy :-)

Simply Victoria said...

Beautiful pillow!
Freezing indeed! Monday will be bitter.
Stay warm and be well.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

What a lovely gift! Perfect for you and perfectly stitched and finished :)
We are cold, cold, cold here too!

Rowyn said...

What an impressive ORT jar, and lovely gifts from Anne.

Boy, it sure does get cold where you live. I think our Winters in my part of New Zealand would be considered very mild in comparison.

Happy new year Vickie.

Margaret said...

Our internet went out on Thursday and just got it back. Finally catching up! I heard about your cold temps to come -- just crazy! Hope you all stay inside and keep warm. Lovely gift from Anne. Love seeing your ORTs too! Lots of prayers for you -- hope that pain gets under control very soon.

Penny said...

What a wonderful package from Anne. I love the pillow - so pretty! I just can't get over some of the temperatures and wind chills I've been hearing about. I guess it's another good reason to stay inside and stitch. :) Continued prayers for your pain control.

Varla Lee said...

I have tu put my ORT pic in my blog...gossh i forgot it!! HEHEHE!!
We are not freezing, we are drowning
because the full rain!! Hugs, thousand for this 2014!

Brigitte said...
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Brigitte said...

Oh my, it's really cold where you live. Just reading about it makes me shiver.
Good to know that the gel is helping a bit with your pain.
Enjoy your little gift from Anne. So sweet.

Trace4J said...

How blessed we are with our friends.
So cold..keep warm.
Hugs love and prayers

Lumiruusu said...

What the lovely surprises Anne gave YOu -the pillow is especially pretty and I love the verse.

Carol said...

I'm just shocked at some of these low temperatures parts of the country are dealing with, Vickie! Here it is cold, but nothing at all like -45!! I can't imagine!!

Such a beautiful gift from Anne--the little pillow is perfect! She is such a sweetie, isn't she?

I missed your last post (now dealing with my mom's health problems) and I'm so sorry to read that your pain level is back up. Does it have anything to do with this cold weather? I sure hope the PA can help out when you see him... Take care now, Vickie--and stay warm and cozy inside with your stitching and tea :)

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

What a lovely gift! I hope you're able to get some relief at your next appointment. Looking forward to seeing your stitching!

Anonymous said...

Anne's gift is so wonderful. And I love how your 2013 orts look when displayed like that!! I fear our kitties would soon have them scattered all over the house if I tried something similar but it is a beautiful effect.

Julie said...

Pretty gift from Ann. Brrrr chilly where you are, stay warm and cosy.

Miss Pants said...

Such a sweet idea to save your orts for the birds. Love it! Stay warm!

Michelle said...

Such a beautiful, thoughtful gift received! I'm sure the birds will love your orts for your nests :) Stay warm!

Michelle said...

What a lovely gift to receive - please keep warm my friend thinking of you x

Jeanne said...

I pity you the bitter cold. After spending 3 weeks in Minneapolis recently for work I'm glad to be back home in the southwest and warm again! Take care and stay in as much as you can. I hope your pain management continues to improve. I'm impressed with your 2013 ort collection...maybe I should save mine this year. Have a good year ahead!

Annette-California said...

Lovely gifts from Anne. The pillow she stitched for is beautiful and the pretty crocheted red star is amazing. WOW you are having some serious cold weather - stay safe and warm my friend. Praying for you.
love Annette

Andrea said...

A lovely gift from Anne. Hope your weather picks up.

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

The pillow looks really good stitched up! Is that my design??? It looks familiar. I hope you have a great day and stay plenty warm.
Feathers in the Nest

Melanie said...

What a lovely gift from Anne! Very pretty.

Stay warm, chicky!!! :)

Meari said...

What a nice gift!

I think we both are looking forward to some warmer temps! Brrr, is it COLD out.

Meari said...

What a nice gift!

I think we both are looking forward to some warmer temps! Brrr, is it COLD out.

Catherine said...

Wasn't that cold snap horrible! Now we are having torrential rains ~ what a crazy winter! Fabulous gifts from Anne!

Anne said...

I'm so glad you love the gift my dear. It just had to be stitched for you!! I'm really hoping the polar vortex will go away for everyone. We have had lots of rain but I can't complain!! Hugs!