Calendar Poodle SAL

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Climb Ev'ry Mountain

Good Morning friends! Welcome new friends! Glad you all stopped by. I want to show you my latest stitch and finish.

My favorite movie is The Sound of Music. I can't help but sing some of the movie's songs once in a while. I have been known to burst into song in the home, in the car and gasp!, just for fun, in public. ;) It was fun when the kids were little and we would sing Do-Re-Mi together on car rides. =)  So when Tanya offered this freebie on her blog, The Sampler Girl, very recently, well I knew I had to stitch it up!
This pattern is called Climb Ev'ry Mountain. I stitched this on 28ct light blue evenweave, one over one with DMC. I know Tanya's chart shows bare legs and purple shoes for Maria, but, well, I just couldn't! I gave her very dark grey tights and shoes. ;)
The ornament is backed with the pale blue crepe the ornament is lying on. I have had this fabulous, light blue brocade ribbon for a few years. I finally found the perfect use for it!!
The edelweiss is a bit hard to see in these pictures. Oh well. You can see it in person just fine. This ornament just makes me so happy. Thank you Tanya! =)

Did you know that 'Edelweis' is not a true Austrian folk song or Austria's National Anthem?

Well, that is all I have to show you today friends. I will be baking gingerbread cookies this weekend. I baked the Mabel and Henry sugar cookies yesterday. ;)

We received ice pellets last night. Everything is covered in ice outside right now. Henry and I were going to make our Assisted Living Center visit this morning. We will see if we still go today. I do NOT want to slip and spike my pain. I already did that on the ice we received two nights ago. =( My pain is rather high. If you wouldn't mind praying for me? I would appreciate that. Thank you. ♥

Baking and stitching and praying,


Shirlee said...

A lovely design just perfect for you, & you did a great job stitching & finishing it! I do hope you get to take Henry to visit the ALC. You know I'm saying prayers : )

Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations on your finish! It's always fun when a project has special meaning to the stitcher. You finished it beautifully!

I hope that your visits this morning are successful and slip-free!

Margaret said...

Beautiful finish! Love that ribbon detail. So sorry to hear you are in pain again. :( Stay inside today -- don't risk slipping again on that ice. Prayers for you, friend.

Mii Stitch said...

Congratulations on your latest finish! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

gracie said...

Climb Every Mountain is lovely...great finishing.

Solstitches said...

My daughter adored that movie when she was young.
What a beautiful little finish.
The special ribbon trim is gorgeous.
Happy Christmas!

Andrea said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish. I love your edging.

Carol said...

Oh, how pretty is that, Vickie--the brocade is a lovely touch and your color changes on the legs and shoes are perfect! I'm another Sound of Music lover--Edelweis always makes me cry...

Annie said...

How beautiful! I'm glad you gave her tights and shoes. Wouldn't want her to get cold this winter. The trim is so unusual and perfect!

Michelle said...

Its beautiful - one of my favourite films xx

Giovanna said...

What an adorable ornament - lovely finish! I hope the pain gives you some relief, and stay safe on that ice.

Annette-California said...

Fantastic ornament you stitched. Love the trim you used - so pretty.
Praying for you for the pain to go away. Perhaps you should stay indoors and not aggravate the pain you already have from the cold let along fear of slipping again.
I think I need to bake some gingerbread cookies too this weekend. love Annette

Maggee said...

I will say a prayer for quick healing and reduction of your pain Vickie! Cute finish! Stay inside till the ice melts and the roads and driveways are safe! Hugs!

Trace4J said...

Praying here for you friend.
Beautiful stitches.
Happy ginger dude baking.
Merry Christmas

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

So lovely and you finished it so pretty, too.

Oh I will keep you in my prayers sweet friend that your pain will go away quickly.

Merry Christmas! :)

Sally said...

What a beautifil finish Vickie.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

Merry Christmas!

Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

Lovely Ornament, I especially liked the way you finished it with the ribbon - It does become so dangerous outside when there is ice on the ground and especially in your situation - poor Vickie sending my love and prayer - Amanda

Julie said...

A very beautiful ornament, finished so wonderfully.
I hope your pain is soon eased.

New York State Of Mind said...

You bet, I will pray for you !!! I love the Sound of Music and the beautiful work you did. Give Mabel and Henry a hug.

Marilyn and Pierre

Ann at Beadlework. said...

I hope your pain recedes very quickly and also that your weather improves. Lovely finish.

Tanya said...

Thanks again for sending me the pic of your finish - LOVE it!!!!!!!


Rachel said...

So sorry you're not feeling well.:( Sending prayers your way!

Your finish is just darling. I love The Sound of Music!

Brigitte said...

Vickie, this little ornament is a real treasure, so nicely stitched and finished. Love the blue lace on it. And I also love the saying on it.

Brigitte said...

... and I hope you'll soon feel better after your fall.

Lillie said...

What a wonderful design. I am saving this for later too.

Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas and a great year ahead.

Varla Lee said...

Lovely post!! Marbel is awesome!! Merry Xtsmas & Happy new year!! Hugs & kisses!!

♥ Nia said...

I hope your pain is gone sweetie!!
Lovely finish :) Merry Christmas!!! :)

Catherine said...

Your ribbon is simply perfect for this finish!! I do hope your pain is better ~ sending prayers and healing thoughts your way!