Calendar Poodle SAL

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fair Fun

Hi friends! We had a good time at the Wisconsin State Fair despite light rain. We went straight to the Craft Exhibit and GUESS WHAT?!? Woo hoo! I got a First Place Blue Ribbon in the Counted Cross article, other than a picture class for my Quaker Ball and a Second Place in Home Furnishings, Linens And Accessories-Needlework, any item, cross stitched class for my Gnome Home.
This, THIS is what I have had plans to make for the State Fair for THREE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep! I finally got it stitched up and made up.
This would be the most complicated finishing I have ever completed my friends. Tricky and tedious. Tedious finishing. Yep.
I used 32ct Wichelt Black Chocolate linen and stitched with DMC 962 and 963 , two over two.
THIS BLOG inspired me to take on this whole project.
I saw quite a few color combinations, but I finally decided on my own. Chocolate and pink. :)
Six Octagons, eight hexagons, and twelve squares.
THIS is one of the blogs I used for the octagon freebies.
I knew I wanted a cross to be the motif for all 12 squares. I could not find one. Emerson designed it for me.♥
You can find the patterns for the hexagon freebies HERE.
I kinda changed the reindeer patch. I needed a poodle. :)
This poodle chart was shared with me from the creator of it, Carole Watkins. Thank you Carole!
What do you think?!? Do you have a favorite?
Not one of the blogs I used in making this were in English. The construction of the Quaker Ball was a challenge. I used THIS BLOG to help me put it together.

Here I am with my second place piece, my Gnome Home.
Do you remember this?
I made this with the pattern by Bent Creek. It is called "Dinner's Ready".
This was stitched on 32 ct lambswool two over two with DMC, except the bunny's tail. That is Wisper floss.

I go back to the fairgrounds on Tuesday, August 18th to reclaim my exhibits and get my ribbons. :) So neat! I was scared for years to try. I am so glad I gave the State Fair a go.

I do believe this was my longest post ever. Thanks for bearing with me my friends.  PLEASE, would you leave me a comment? I would love to hear from you! Yes, I would indeed!

Stitching and praying and smiling real big,


Margaret said...

Huge congratulations! Well deserved too! I LOVE that Quaker Ball! It's just wonderful! Of course, as soon as I saw it, I wondered if English Paper Piecing would have been a possible technique for putting it together. (Think hexagons in quilts. lol!) The gnome home I do remember, and I love it too! Beautiful work! So much fun to see you with your winning pieces!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations Vickie! So happy to hear that you've won. Both pieces are gorgeous!

Of course, my favorite panel is the poodle panel!!!

Angela Tucker said...

Congratulations and more congratulations!!! Your pieces are absolutely beautiful and I am so glad that you shared. The Quaker Ball is gorgeous and what? Pink and chocolate? And a poodle? Perfectly YOU! LOL

You do beautiful work and are an artist. I'm so happy that entered the fair. Your ribbons were were well deserved. Again, congratulations!

Tricia said...

Congratulations, Vickie! What a fun accomplishment! I haven't been to the State Fair since I was in 4-H and got to go to the state Style Review. That was back when the clothing project had entire buildings to itself. Now our local fair hardly has to allocate a corner. Sigh. The good old days.... LOL!!! :) Your pieces are just beautiful. I think my favorite part of the ball, though, is the poodle. :)



Barbara said...

Vickie, a well deserved first place ribbon and I'm happy I was able to cheer you on. You look so proud and happy as you should....a job very well done.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Vickie ! The ball is gorgeous , wow , what a great job ! You must have spent a lot of time on stitching and on finishing it . I love the colour combination , too. Precise and perfect job.
The Gnome Home is also very sweet . Your ribbons are very well deserved.

KimM said...

Oh, Vickie - how wonderful!! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE! CONGRATULATIONS - both pieces are so pretty. Well done, my friend!

Unknown said...

I am flabbergasted by your insanely beautiful work . And what have created a complex and challenging artwork you . I'm lost for words. Also your color and fabric choice is perfect and you may not get enough of all the fantastic designs. Then even the embroidered mushroom house , I love it. So much creativity and love in every detail , thank you for sharing these wonderful working with us , an inspiration same special .
God bless you
Greetings Sandra

Mother of Mayhem said...

Hi, I don't comment but I read your blog regularly. I am so excited that you have achieved so many goals recently...your health is better with physical therapy, you're getting there with the pink charms for your quilt, and you entered the State Fair and won! Congratulations! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on the quilt and other stitching accomplishments!

Karen in Maryland

Vicki said...

Congratulations! Your entries are gorgeous and deserving of ribbons. Can't wait to see what you enter next year ☺

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Congrats I knew you could do it and win big. Love the colours of your ball and the mushroom house. Congrats again and big hugs from Lynda Ruth in New Brunswick.

Teresa S. said...

Hearty congratulations, Vickie! The quaker ball is adorable-pink is my favorite color, too. And the Gnome Home was clearly a winner even before the ribbon.

Now to start planning for next year's fair!

C Reeder PhxAz said...

That ball is absolutely incredible. Everything about it screams you! Congrats!

gracie said...

Hip hip hooray! Congratulations on your beautiful work and recognition.

Julie said...

HUGE congratulations to you Vickie on your entries and their prizes, what a stunning piece of stitching and making up your octagon is. It's fabulous.
Love the gnome home, that is so sweet.
Well done to the children on their knitting in the post below too.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Congratulations Vickie. *Cheers*

Your quaker ball is just lovely,so much detail and beautiful colour choices..the only ones for you:)

Manuela said...

Congratulation, Vickie.
The quaker ball looks so fantastic. Thanks for sharing all the details. I like your colour choice.
Your second place is wonderful.
Greetings, Manuela

Anna van Schurman said...

Congratulations! That ball is amazing and the colors are great.

Karen said...

Woo Hoo is right...what a beautiful finish! Love the color combo on your Quaker Ball and is such a fantastic treasure to have. Congrats on both ribbons.

Annette-California said...

Congratulations beautiful Vickie!!! OMGoodness!!!! Your Quaker ball is absolutely stunning, gorgeous, LOOOOVE the Chocolate and PINK!!!
What an incredible project! WOW!!! I love many panels, the one below the darling poodle, bird and year, my fav is the one Emerson designed for you:) Congrats on your two lovely ribbons. love Annette

Weronika said...

Congratulations Vickie! Your work is amazing! Your quaker ball is just breathtaking! Thanks forvisiting my blog. I will be your constant reader :)

Jacqueline Morris said...

My goodness!!
HUGE congratulations!!
You are such a talented lady!!
I love both your entries... GO YOU!!!
Wonderful :)
Happy smiles :)

marly said...

Congratulations Vickie! That's wonderful! I can't choose a favorite because every time I scrolled to another, I changed my mind. They're all great. get ready for next year!

gominam said...

Congratulations! Clap, clap, clap! Truly deserved! Your finishes are so beautiful and intricate. Now you should consider entering the next fair...til u get to the Hall of Fame!

Robin in Virginia said...

Congratulations to you on both your ribbons! That Quaker Ball is simply incredible. I love how you personalized your ball.

Robin in Virginia

Marilyn said...

Congrats on your wins!
I was at the fair on Friday, and saw your projects in the cases.
Quaker Ball is so pretty, you did a great job finishing it.
And the Gnome Home is too darn cute.
Marilyn (from Waukesha, WI)

Katrina said...

Congrats on your ribbons, your projects are gorgeous! Well done x

Ellen said...

Congratulations on your well desired awards!!!

Marie said...

You deserve to win with those beauties…CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, your Quaker Ball is beyond gorgeous. Your work is beautiful, truly beautiful. The Gnome home is adorable.
Where in WI do they hold that Fair? My son got married on 7/11 at Pier Wisconsin in Milwaukee, WI. Wish I could have stayed long enough to attend the fair!

Ele said...

Congratulations! Your stitching looks fablulous, well done!

butterfly said...

Congratulations Vickie , I knew you would get first and you did a fantastic job .
No stopping you now . Your Quaker ball is just so beautiful , and the mushroom is so cute.
Can't wait to see what you are going to make next year , hugs & Kisses.

Brigitte said...

Yeah, you did it! Congratulations, Vickie, on winning first and second place with your entries. Your Quaker Ball is so very special - you used great colours and it even shows some designs that you son made. And that mushroom is really cool. You must be over the moon :)

Sweet Sue said...

oh vickie, sooooooooo happy and excited for you. savor every moment, you deserve it and know that we love ya {{{{{hugs}}}}} beyond well done my friend. xo

Angela said...

Both are well deserved ribbons, congrats on your beautiful finishes!

Hilda said...

Oh Vicky, I am so happy for you! Congratualtions for both your successes! You really deserved it. The Quaker ball is such an ambitionous work and you finished it perfectly. I love your color combination - it looks really "yummy".

And the Gnome Home is such a lovely and sweet idea!

You really can be proud if this works and of the ribbons you got for them!


Carolien said...

Hello Vickie,

Such a challenge indeed but you did such a great job! Congratulations!!!
Your gnome house is sooooo cute too! (On my to-make-one-day-list ;)

I hope your feet is better now.

Take care & waves from your Dutch friend Carolien

Lumiruusu said...

Well done Vickie! The Octagon stitching is just georgeous and Ilike you poodle in a lot 1 :)

Annie said...

Yea for you! Both of those pieces are so fabulous, they just had to be winners. I can't imagine stitching that ball. That was so much effort. I had forgotten the giant mushroom, but it was perfect for a show.

You can take a bow any time now!

Beth said...

Congrats on your ribbons - a State Fair is Big Time competition too! Both are amazing - I really like the pink, white, chocolate color combo.

Cindy's Stitching said...

AWESOME. Love both pieces. how nice Vickie. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Woooow! Congratulations, this ball very beautiful and geat idea.... Poodle panel❤️
Have a nice day!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Woohoo! Congratulations! That Quaker Ball is incredibly gorgeous - I've always wanted to try one but was too intimidated. You've done a beautiful job! :D

Paisley said...

Congratulations!! Your Quaker Ball is A-mazing!! and the Gnome Home is super adorable!!

Michelle said...

Oh - wow - well done my friend xx

Bea said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful, intricate piece. The Gnome Home is adorable.

rosey175 said...

Super Big Congratulations on the blue ribbon!! I like the acorny motif to the right of Poodle Extraordinaire.

I love the gnome home finish, it's so cute beyond belief! Glad you worked up the courage to enter the fair. :D It's nice to know they keep all the work behind glass cases too.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!! You go girl! It deserved more than a blue ribbon, I believe, but heck you'll take it, right?! Its stunning and perfect and gorgeous! I'm proud of you! And that toad stool. I loved it when you first showed it and I love it now. For ingenuity and cuteness you are the Grand Champ!

Carol said...

How wonderful, Vickie!! I am not at all surprised that you won ribbons--your work is always so meticulous and beautifully stitched. The Quaker ball is amazing and the gnome home is just so very creative. I'll bet you're already planning your entries for next year's fair, aren't you?! Congratulations!

Lillie said...

Congratulations Vickie!! Both the Quaker Ball and Gnome home are fabulous.

Irmeli said...

Wow, congratulations Vickie! You have done awesome job! The Quaker Ball is wonderful and you chose beautiful color combination for it. The mushroom is very pretty and creative too.

Trace4J said...

You go friend.
You truly deserve too.
Woolie Hugs

Melody said...

Congratulations, Vickie!! Well done.

DJH said...

Congratulations! That quaker ball is amazing and the colors are so great together.

Maggee said...

Wow!! Congratulations Vickie! The Quaker Ball is so absolutely gorgeous!! Pink and chocolate is such a wonderful combination... Love it!! I do know how hard it is to put one together!! Yours looks wonderful!! And the Toad Stool is just too cute!! Congratulations again my friend!! Big Hugs!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Congratulations! Certainly well deserved....blessings, marlene

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Woohoo! Go Vickie! The Quaker Ball is stunning. The stitching is lovely but your finishing really is superb. It must have been an easy choice for the judges. Of course, who could resist a poodle as well?

CJ said...

That is wonderful. I am really happy for you.


Varla Lee said...

Just a big: Wow!!

Daria said...

Your stitching is so nice! I like it! Awesome!

moreofhim said...

Your work is exquisite! I am so happy for you and all your ribbons! Very exciting! Such beautiful pictures of you, too. I hope that you're feeling good!

Blessings - Julie

Meari said...

Kudos on your fair exhibits! I found the Quaker ball sites last year and have been wanting to do one, too. Other projects keep getting in the way, lol.

Astrids dragon said...

No wonder you won, it looks fantastic! You did an excellent job, well done!

Paula said...

Beautiful!!!!! I can't believe all of the work in the ball and the gnome home is the sweetest!

Melanie said...

Congrats on your wins! VERY well deserved. They are both exquisite. :)