Calendar Poodle SAL

Monday, January 15, 2018

A Little Help From My Friends

Hi friends! Might any of you have a Margaret Sherry kit or pattern of a CAT that you will not be stitching or do not want? I have been searching for these, and cannot find them. I would like to make one for my mom. She has her cat Cutie, that is almost all black. That is easy to stitch. You have seen me make her black cat gifts here on the blog over the last few years. She just took in another feral kitten. This one they named "Tootsie"!😊I wish I had a picture to share, but she has a lot of white, with tiger stripes on her head and back. She is sweet. Thank goodness, because Cutie is NOT. She is a brat. She is only somewhat nice to my mom and that is it.😒

So anyhow, I was thinking if you have a pattern like this maybe: 
Image result for margaret sherry cat kit
Image result for margaret sherry cat kit
You get the idea. Please leave me a comment or email me. I will pay postage. 

Thank you my friends!

The first book I finished reading in 2018 is an audio book:  The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe. This is a true story. Wow. A sad story. I would not expect a Holocaust story to be happy. What an amazing story of this young lady, named Dita AND the lives of her friends and family.
Based on the experience of real-life Auschwitz prisoner Dita Kraus, The Librarian of Auschwitz is the incredible story of a girl who risked her life to keep the magic of books alive during the Holocaust. 

Written with touching sensitivity by Antonio Iturbe, and translated by Lilit Thwaites, this audiobook provokes every emotional response and will not be forgotten.
Fourteen-year-old Dita is one of the many imprisoned by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Taken, along with her mother and father, from the Terezín ghetto in Prague, Dita is adjusting to the constant terror that is life in the camp. When Jewish leader Freddy Hirsch asks Dita to take charge of the eight precious volumes the prisoners have managed to sneak past the guards, she agrees. And so Dita becomes the librarian of Auschwitz.
Out of one of the darkest chapters of human history comes this extraordinary story of courage and hope.

I am almost done stitching up the January wreath from Trésors de boîtes à couture 
What a beauty! This is going to make such a lovely piece for my cubby shelf.

Take care my friends. I hope you are well. We have been having the flu virus going through our family. Even once you are over it, there is endless coughing! I have it right now.🤒

Stitching and praying,


StitchyDragon Creates said...

Hi Vickie! I might be able to help with a chart, I have been stitching & collecting the magazines for years and there’s no way I’m going to be able to stitch all of what I have! If you can send me your email address I will send you some photos of charts I have. Have a great day!

montse v said...

Good morning! I have chat very similar to the first. Please, send me an email to and I send you a copy.

Kisses from Barcelona

Mary said...

Vickie, How nice the first commenter has charts! Stitchers are such helpful people. I bet that Cutie will turn around and live up to her name. The cat I now have was feral and is the most loving, affectionate cat I ever had...and I have had many wonderful cats over the years. I hope you escape the flu, it's bad this year...Mary

marly said...

Sorry I can't help with the charts for you. So good of your mom to take in another cat in need. Love "Tootsie"! Hope Cutie warms up to them both.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I hope you are able to stitch one of these lovely designs.Margaret Sherry was so popular in the uk a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Vickie, but I don't have any design from Margaret Sherry.
So happy that Helen can help you! :)
Have a lovely week!

Mii Stitch said...

Sorry, I have MS designs but not of cats... I hope one of your reader can come to the rescue.

Robin in Virginia said...

Vickie, I hope you are feeling better quickly. I understand the cough lingers. Hope Helen is able to help you out on your cat request. Stay warm!

diamondc said...

Hi Vickie: I hope you are staying warm and the snow is not too bad we had 5 inch's yesterday.
I do not have any of the cats designs, they are so cute.
I am reading Murder On The Orient Express, I like it so far.
I will be thinking of you for your appointment this week.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I have definitely got some MS cats so if Helen can't help, let me know.
She was a regular in the UK cross stitch magazines and still appears although less frequently now. Crazy has some circus mice this month!

Cindy's Stitching said...

You can find them on ebay

RJ said...

I do not have any cat patterns Vickie but sure do like the ones you posted. They are just adorable. I hope someone can help you out as if will make a perfect gift for your Mom. RJ

Barb said...

Sounds like another great book! I, too, have had the very nasty bug. Went to urgent care today! UG! At least no flu. they tested me for it!

butterfly said...

I have seen them now and again in my mags I will keep my eyes open and send you any that I find .
Have a lovely day.

Margaret said...

Wish I could help with the margaret Sherry chart, but I don't have any. I hope your spinal surgeon appointment goes well -- is it today? Hope everyone feels better quickly. The flu is no fun.

Penny said...

That is so kind of your mom to give Tootsie a home. : ) Hopefully, someone will have those charts. I'm very sorry to hear that the flu has made a visit to your home. It definitely seems to be out there and bad. Hope everyone is feeling better soon, and I hope that your appointment today goes well (hope you are well enough to make it).

Meg said...

Hi, Vickie!

I hope you feel better soon. I also hope someone has the chart(s) you are looking for - they are adorable! I want to check out your book recommendation. I recently finished "Beneath a Scarlet Sky" by Mark Sullivan, and I would rate it among my top five favorite books of all time.

Happy stitching. Looking forward to your future posts. :-)

Your friend,

Halland House Gifts said...

Bless your heart, Vickie. I hope you feel better soon and can find a good pattern for Tootsie.

Julie said...

I hope you feel better soon Vickie, such a lot of people have these germs.
I think I have some MS cat charts if you would like them.

Jenny said...

Hi Vickie...Aren’t these patterns just precious? I don’t have any of her charts but the cats are soo! I have found that the feral cats I have adopted over the years have been the sweetest most loving cats.

I am praying that you are feeling better very soon. The flu here is awful too! Hugs my friend.

Stasi said...

Hope you can fight this flu bug and stay healthy!

Isabelle said...

I'm so sorry Vckie but I don't any patterns of this designer :(
I hope you'll find one very soon :)
Have a lovely day,

Carolien said...

Hi Vickie,

I wish you a speedy and good recovery from that nasty flu! Valérie had it too and it was bad ...
Did you succeed with the MS patterns? If not I can dig into mines, I have quite a few patterns so please let me know.

Hugs and all the best, Carolien

♥ Nia said...

Ohhh talk to me! LOL I'm a very bif MSherry fan ;)
Have you found something already? But don't be mistaken.. if you want something really easy to stitch, Margaret Sherry cats are not as simples as they look :p hehehehe She puts like 3 different shades of grey, 2 shades of almost white but not white hehehehhe but worth the work! The result is always a cutie :D

Carol said...

Unfortunately, I have neither pattern, Vickie...

Sounds like a book I would enjoy. I am such a reader of WWII novels and non-fiction alike. Sad books, but with a message that needs to never be forgotten.

Hope everyone in your family is feeling much better soon!

rosey175 said...

You'd think I have millions, huh! I do have a few but no MS. I always wanted the Britty Kitty designs but have yet to find some. I could check the magazine pile (gosh an excuse to play with stash??) for cats. And the few freebie ones I'm sure you have (though I could still send them over). Maybe you could adapt the May Joyful World to the appropriate colors?