Calendar Poodle SAL

Monday, July 10, 2017


Hi friends! I would like to show you my July displays. Not the best close ups, I know. Sorry.
I am close to done with AotH Happy Birthday. I did not take a picture. I will share the finish next time.

We took Mabel to the vet first thing this morning. She has diabetes, pancreatitis, and liver problems. This all came on suddenly. As in within the last half week she began vomiting, diarrhea, laying around listlessly. She has been losing weight. That is why we took her in to see the vet last week. Then all of this happened. We did not know what was happening inside of her.  She is in the vet clinic all day today and tomorrow, on IV fluids and she is getting insulin now. She is on antibiotics and pain pills too. Our poor, sweet girl. My pretty princess.
She has lost so much weight so very rapidly. At her chubbiest this year from the steroids, she was 15 lbs. She is now 10.8 lbs. The veterinarian was honest with us and said she has a 50/50 chance of living. Oh Mabel.
Friends, I know she is just a dog. But she is my poodle. I love her very, very much. If you pray for pets, would you pray for Mabel? We thank you.

Stitching and praying,


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I am sorry Mabel is so poorly,Vickie.Our canine companions are never just dogs to us,which of course applies to all the other animals us humans invest love and time in.I will keep you and Mabel in my thoughts.

Your display is lovely

marly said...

They are never just a dog, they are family. It is so heart wrenching when they are so ill and miserable and I am sorry this is happening. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

gracie said...

Oh I am so sorry my friend. I know what it is like to love a pooch who is a member of the family...they are special people in our lives. My thoughts are with all of you and especial Mabel.

Robin in Virginia said...

Vickie, I am sorry to hear about Mabel. Lifting her up in my prayers and I agree with Marly; they own a piece of your heart and are part of the family.

I love your displays. Where did you find the beautiful display case in the top picture?

Thinking of you, Vickie!

Linda said...

Sending hugs and happy thoughts for you and Mabel Vickie.


Christina said...

Hugs and prayers to you. My poor Fred had cancer, renal failure and pancreatitis and lived for almost 3 years. Sorry your babe is sick.

Jenny said...

Oh Vickie...
Prayers are going up right now! Our pets are never just our pets, they are members of our family and loved so very much! I love you my friend and am hoping and praying that she will be ok!
Sending lots of hugs your way!

Barbara said...

Oh Vickie my heart is breaking for you. I have added Mabel to my prayer list and will say some extra ones also. We must think positive and keep our hopes up that she'll be okay.

rosey175 said...

Poor Mabel! It's amazing how much they wriggle their way into our hearts. And you feel so badly with how much you want to help them! I will keep y'all in my thoughts.

CalamityJr said...

Oh, Vickie, never say Mabel is just a dog. She's your baby and a special family member. We're praying for all of you. We just went through a very scary medical emergency with Woody and I know just how concerned you are.

Dirty Martini Queen said...

Of course I'll pray for Sweet Mabel and I hope the treatments work out for her. Hubert went to live with my folks in 2012 when we went to Germany and he has to have 2 insulin shots a day but they've all adjusted to it. I never thought my folks would love a cat much less devote so much time into tending to him but all three of them are very happy. Well very happy might be a stretch for Hubert since my folks keep my great niece(19 months) every day and Zeva just loves to pet him and love on him.

Barb said...

I do come from a family of dog lovers so I will be happy to say a prayer for Mabel.

Beth said...

Oh dear Mabel! I hope things progress well for her. I can well imagine just how worried and upset you are Vickie.

MartinaM said...

Dear Vicky, I´m so sorry about mabel. We have a little rabbit, she was also very sick and I was worried about her life. I can understand very well what is going on in you. I pray for you both.

butterfly said...

Poor little Mabel , hope she gets better soon.
The sunshine months are not good for their little tummies .
I am hoping thats what it might be.

Lovely displays looking lovely .

Maggie said...

Oh Vickie, i'm so sorry to read about Mabel.
They are not just dogs (or cats) they are part of our life and our family so of course we get upset when they are not well.
I hope that she responds well to treatment.
Hugs x

Marilyn said...

Keeping Mabel and all of you in my thoughts.

Manuela said...

Hello Vickie,
Ich bin so traurig zu hören, dass es Mabel nicht so gut geht. Ich hoffe, dass es ihr bald wieder besser geht.
Hugs, Manuela

Willy said...

Dear Vickie, I am sorry to read about Mabel. I hope that she'll be okay.

Stitching Noni said...

Mabel is your baby and I am so very sorry to hear that she is so unwell... I so hope that she is on the right side of the 50/50. Sending you and Mabel lots of hugs and prayers for Mabel's recovery, hugs x

Ann at Beadlework. said...

I hope you get some positive news today regarding Mabel, I thought about her yesterday and wondered how she was doing at the vet. It's tough to leave a beloved pet at the vet overnight but hopefully it will help her to turn a corner.

Maggee said...

Oh this is not good to hear! Mabel is one of the family. Our Granddog Thor is getting older and has several things happening too...It's never easy to watch one you love be sick. I will certainly keep you and the family in prayer about this troubling time. Big Hugs!

Starry-eyed stitcher said...

I had to give my Irish Setter injections twice a day and it bothered me more than her! I hope the vets are able to help your lovely Mabel, she Is a sweet baby. Now they know what they are dealing with, hopefully they can manage her condition. Irene xx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Oh my goodness, poor little Mabel, that's come on so suddenly! I do hope the vet can find a treatment that works for her.

Anonymous said...

Your display is very sweet!

So sorry for Mabel! Sending love!!

Carolien said...

It is so hard to loose a pet, I know what it is. Heartbreaking, part of the family!

Hugs Carolien

Terri said...

Of Course I'll pray for Mabel! Pets are family and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! :-)

Meari said...


MMO 2025 said...

I hope you get some positive news today regarding Mabel, I thought about her yesterday and wondered how she was doing at the vet.
