Calendar Poodle SAL

Friday, July 8, 2016


Hi friends! I hope all is well in your world. Thank you for leaving me such nice comments last time. :) I thought I would show you how tall that pink hollyhock has grown now. It is well over 8 feet tall. I am 5'11".
I have one other hollyhock that survived our cold Wisconsin winter. I planted the hollyhocks last year. This one opened up this week. It is a pale yellow. It is not nearly as tall, perhaps 5 feet tall.
These are bachelor's buttons. I buy a packet of  50¢ seeds from the Dollar Store. So pretty.
Madeleine had asked me to sew her a pair of shorts. I drafted a pattern from a pair that she already has and likes very much. I took several home ec classes in junior high school and high school. I figured I could do this. Now I am not necessarily dumb, I think these 4+ months of constant headaches cloud my thought sometimes. So, well, the shorts.... they did not work out. I forgot to account for the fact that the fabric she chose was a polyester blend. Not a knit material. No stretch. So the waist was teensy, tiny. oops.

She does have another fabric she wants shorts made out of. This is a linen blend. Most importantly, she has now decided she will go with the pattern I have for shorts. Yes, I have an actual pattern for shorts. AND I have sewn a pair successfully for myself a few years ago. She just does not want the folded up hem at the bottom. Fine. I can do that. I had offered this pattern in the beginning, but she wanted me to try to make the others.

I have been stitching also. And finishing. For my special friend. I am working on getting this second piece finished, then I will get them off to the post office. So no pictures yet.

Headaches? Yep. The doctor did increase the amount of Imitrex I can have per month to 20. Since I need 2 to knock out the nasty, I get 10 days of relief a month.

I hope and pray you have a good weekend my friends. I am always thankful and glad when you stop by.

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.  For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1-4

Stitching and praying,


KimM said...

What beautiful flowers....tall! Sorry about the shorts.....hope the second attempt is a success. Glad to hear the MD upped the Imitrex to give you some relief.

Annie said...

That's like a Jack and the Beanstalk Hollyhock! You could climb it!

Fun to learn these little tidbits about you. I never would have guessed your height. And I would have assumed that Home Ec classes had long since been abandoned by the time you were in school. I used to make a lot of my own clothes back in the day. Plenty of failures and I just tried again. I'm sure you'll create a pair of shorts your daughter will like.

Hope you won't need those meds much longer. Maybe your head will get the message!

Tricia said...

Such pretty flower, Vickie! I am glad you at least get 10 days of release a month. Sooo sorry it isn't more, though. Hugs and prayers for continued grace and strength.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I love hollyhocks,none of mine re appeared this year so I will be planting again next year.
Yours are lovely as are all your other flowers.
Hoping your pain is low this weekend ,Vickie.

CalamityJr said...

Your hollyhocks are beautiful, plus they remind me of my grandfather. He was the head groundskeeper of a college, and their gardens as well as his at home were gorgeous. Hope the increased medication will allow you some clearer days. Good luck with the sewing!

gracie said...

I love Hollyhocks...and oh so tall that plant! Hope the increase in the prescription works out for you. Dennis and I both have written prescriptions for Imitrex. Have a good weekend my friend.

Jenny said...

Good Morning Vickie,

Oh what beautiful hollyhocks! I love hollyhocks and have tried a few times to grow them in my garden but alas it is not to be...grins:) So I will just enjoy yours instead :) I love the picture of you standing next to them....I am 5 -10....beautiful!

I am glad that the Dr. increased your meds for a little more relief....still praying for relief EVERY day! Oh what a wonderful thought :)

I am so impressed with anyone who can sew clothes. I would never get it figured! Good luck with the shorts!

Hope your day is going great and that you will have a good weekend! Hugs my friend!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Oh your flowers are so pretty. Prayers sent your way for the headaches sweet friend. :)

Beth said...

Old fashioned flowers are the best! I hope you have far more than 10 days headache-free.

butterfly said...

What lovely flowers , love them all
Sorrt to hear about the shorts , I bet the next pair will be beautiful .
Sending hugs.

Robin in Virginia said...

Vickie, your Hollyhocks are gorgeous as are your other flowers. Good luck on the shorts making! I am glad your meds were upped so you can get relief. Have a wonderful weekend!

Linda said...

Your flowers are gorgeous Vickie. Glad you can get a few days of relief from the headaches.


Margaret said...

Beautiful flowers! Just amazing! Good luck with the second pair of shorts. I admire you for trying to draft your own pattern -- that sounds hard! Continued prayers for your headaches to go away.

marly said...

Wow. The daylily color and those succulents are fabulous!

Bea said...

Love your flowers! Goodness, you are tall, says this 5'2" person.

Good luck with the next pair of shorts.

I'm glad you're getting some extra relief, but what you need is 30 out of 30, not 10. Still praying for answers.

Manuela said...

Wonderful flowers.
Enjoy the weekend.

Maggee said...

What lovely flowers! I put in some seeds and bulbs and they started to grow, but then they were gone! Snails! Besides being so shady, I have a pretty wet yard, thanks to poor drainage from my neighbors, who keep a pool and a bounce house/pool going most of the year! :( Glad they moved up you number of Imitrex... It sounds like you manage to keep busy, stitching and finishing and sewing, despite the headache pains... Hugs!

Lumiruusu said...

Lovely flowers in your garden -both Hollyhocks were pretty .I like your patriotic T-shirt.My son is in army now it will take one year..almost every yuong man joins the army for a year.. We are so small country...

Thoeria said...

Such pretty flowers!
Glad that the doc has upped the mess and you're getting some relief :)

laceystitcher said...

I have just found your blog and I can tell that I am going to love reading your posts and the beautiful pics of flowers, stitching, etc. I have not been reading the blogs as much lately since I am on FB, but I have become dis-illusioned with FB and the many, many negative comments, not to mention the bad language used by many. I so enjoy seeing pics and posts in the stitching groups that I belong to but FB in general is no longer enjoyable. I find much kindness and joy via the blogs, so I plan to spend more time catching up on them, as well as adding some new ones like yours. I will be adding you to my prayers as you go through this valley with your headaches. I have experienced headaches at times in my life, but not to the extent that you describe. I pray for God's Grace and that you will know the presence of the Holy Spirit every day. Know that there are people out here who care and will be praying. Blessings to you and happy stitching when you can.......

Christina said...

Wow, that hollyhock is tall. My neighbors weeds are that tall. Sorry the shorts didn't turn out. I use a pattern for my shorts and my pajama bottoms. Nothing wrong with that. Glad you are able to get a little more relief from your headaches.

Carolien said...

Hello dear friend,

Great to see a picture of you next to the hollyhocks :) My hollyhocks are not as big as last year, but I like them anyway.
Hats off for your sewing activities, I don't know if I could manage that with those headaches of yours. Madeleine is a lucky girl wth such a sweet mom!

Have a good Sunday, Vickie.
Thinking of you and praying of course!
Hugs, Carolien

Angela Tucker said...

Good morning, Vickie. Your flowers are so beautiful!! I love hollyhocks. And I think that you look tiny next to the tallest one! LOL Your succulents are so pretty, I like the arrangement.

I have had those sewing moments...LOL It LOOKED right when I started. LOL Have a wonderful Sunday.

Pam said...

I just ran across your blog as I was browsing. Love your flowers. I'm writing because I'm concerned about the 20 Imitrex your doctor ok'd. I have suffered from migraines for about 25 years. I had a period of time when I had them every day that went on for 4 months. I finally went to a migraine specialist and she diagnosed me with MOH, medication overuse headache. She said that you are only supposed to take 10 pain relievers OF ANY KIND in a month. Any more than that and you are in medication overuse territory and you get rebound headaches. And that's why people usually end up with daily headaches. I had to go "cold turkey" with no medication until it was all out of my system. I still get migraines but I'm careful not to go over the 10 pill limit a month. I'm concerned that you are taking too much Imitrex. You don't know me so there is no reason why you should listen to me so I suggest you google it. Please. I know what you are going through. Believe me. It's miserable. But I hate to see you make it worse by using too much medication. These migraine meds change our brain chemistry and we have to be very careful. At the same time, it's advised to take the pill as soon as the migraine starts because if it get a hold of you it will take several more pills to knock it out. Such a conundrum! I hope you take this in the spirit that it is meant!

rosey175 said...

Lovely hollyhocks! I'm a shorty; they would dwarf me LOL. I like cornflowers too but I was puzzled by the name! I know them as bachelor's buttons, and buy the blue/pink/white cheapie pack from the Dollar store too. :)

Funny about the sewing mishap. I hope to get my Singer up and running soon and see just how much I forgot. :D

moreofhim said...

Beautiful picture of you, Vickie! That hollyhock certainly is tall! I always love seeing all your beautiful flowers. Praying for headache relief!!

Blessings - Julie

Lillie said...

Your garden look wonderful. You too. Hope you are feeling better now.

Brigitte said...

I love your hollyhocks, they are really tall. Our neighbor also planted some last year or so, and they also survived, although our climate is not ideal for them. They are such gorgeous flowers.

gominam said...

Wow, that is tall. Beautiful garden blooms. Glad to hear you're feeling better:)

Chris said...

Great picture of you Vicki! Your garden is so lovely.
Sorry to hear that the headaches are still an issue.

Meari said...

Your flowers are so beautiful. It's nice to see you, too. Hope you get relief from your headaches.