Calendar Poodle SAL

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stitched with prayer

Hello to everyone.  Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. They mean a lot to me. :)

I stitched this cute little poodle I found here, and made it into a bottle cap magnet.

I found the bottle caps at JoAnn's.  I stitched her on white 28ct evenweave.  I played around with the colors, as they were even louder than this!  I stitched in a piece of pink velvet ribbon you see surrounding her.  I just cut a free fridge magnet to size and glued it onto the back.  I think it is cute. :)

When stitching I pray.  Do you?  I also sometimes try to do memory work.  Last year I memorized the 23rd Psalm that way.

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell[a] in the house of the Lord

I have done other Bible memory verses while stitching.  I am not very good at memory work.  It takes a lot of work for me.  But it is very worth it. :) 

Stitching with prayer,


Solstitches said...

What a sweet little finish. It is adorable.
I don't pray while stitching but I do find it a good time for reflection. Stitching is very therapeautic and calms the mind.

Tricia said...

What a wonderful idea to use your stitching time as memory work time! Since my children all drive now, I don't have as much down time which is when I used to do all my memorizing, and I'd been praying about finding more time to concentrate on it. I need to try this idea. Thank you!!!


Shirlee said...

Your little poodle finish is so cute! I used to be really good a memorizing things. I almost had a photographic memory as a matter of fact. It's a bit more difficult now. I did memorize Psalm 23 & also Psalm 91, among others, but those two are especially comforting. I sometimes pray when I am stitching ... especially when I'm stitching a gift for someone. I pray for the person who is going to receive it the whole time I'm stitching it. Blessings, Shirlee

Unknown said...

Another beautiful piece Vickie and so unusual, I've not seen this done with pieces so I espeically like the uniqueness of it.

butterfly said...

How lovely , so very cute just love it.

My stitching is good for my soul it does me good and I go off into another world, but most times Ron has the TV on, and he is a little deaf , so then I can't help but hear and watch TV.

Krista said...

Hi Vickie, What a cute pink poodle! When I stitch I usually have music or tv on. I just love how it calms me and I can go at it for hours and be surprised how many hours have passed! Have a great day. :)

Nancy said...

Very cute finish! Love the pink color!

I sometimes pray when I stitch but most times it's a time for reflection.

Littlebit said...

What a cute little poodle finish..and such tiny work! Yes, any quiet time is a good time to pray for loved ones and just to give thanks.

Trace4J said...

So adorable. I am not good with memorizing. BUT I love to stitch ,pray and sing!
Joy & HUGS

Sally said...

Your poodle is so sweet.

I don't pray while I'm stitching but it is my therapy. I find it relaxes me and I can drift off and forget everything that is worrying me :)

Daffycat said...

LOL love that pink poodle!

Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Carol said...

I bought some of those bottle caps a while ago at Hobby Lobby with the intent of using them for my Christmas ornaments... Love your pretty pink poodle, Vickie--she'll really brighten your kitchen up! And the pink velvet ribbon gives it a perfectly "Parisian" touch :)

Anonymous said...


I love your bottle top finish it is so cute.

I don't pray while I stitch but usually just let my thoughts drift their own way.

Well dobne on memorising the 23 Psalm.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Depending on what sort of day I've had, I write imaginary letter of complaint to the newspapers or compose my next blog post in my head or think of activities for my school club or my blog. Which reminds me I must get my Easter activity planned!
Memorizing verses is a great way to keep your brain active.