Calendar Poodle SAL

Sunday, March 2, 2025

I'm Just Saying

 Hi friends! How is your March weather? Ours is still cold. We have some warmer weather heading our way though. Almost all of the snow is melted around here.

☘️March Cubby Shelf ☘️Almost all of these are stitched over one.

"I'm Just Saying" by Lori Holt is the new addition to the cubby shelf. 

I hope you can see the pinks, not sure, it was overcast when I took the picture.

🧵I stitched this one over one on 30 ct pale pink evenweave with WDW Begonia.


I finished Tetelestai. I took it to Divine Liturgy last week to be blessed. Father took it to the altar. I got it back today.  I now have to get a frame before Pascha/Easter and give it to Emerson to cut it down to the correct size. I am hoping he can get it done before Easter.

🧵 I stitched it one over one on 32 count sand linen with DMC 301, 501, 3781, 3802, WDW Celadon & GA Maple Syrup

I am now stitching a St. Patrick's Day piece.

Are there any Market pieces coming out that you are super excited about? The one and only one that I am SUPER excited about is by Blackbird Designs.

I will tell you something else that I am super excited about! My friend Deb, our friend Francesca, and myself have started a new cross stitch group locally. I am still part of my group of 12 cross stitch ladies. However, that group has decided they do not want to expand the group. 🙁 It has been this way for several years now. Even though we have had quite a few ladies ask to join our group, the answer back to them is always no. So I told Deb and Francesca I would find a meeting place, since neither one of them was keen to do that. We are now meeting at a local library. We had our first meet up yesterday. We plan to meet the first Saturday of every month. We had 8 ladies the first time, and they are all lovely. 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

I thank you for stopping by today my friends. I hope you have a wonderful week. 

Stitching and praying,


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!💗

Hi friends! Here is my Valentine finish I have to share. 💗Pledge of Affection🕊️ from Blackbird Designs.

This pattern was a gift from my best friend for Christmas. I left off the date and added a few motifs.

I stitched this on mystery 40ct linen over 2 with my own choice of colors and the called for 779.


I am still stitching Tetelestai by Quaint Rose Needlearts. It is taking a while since it is over one on 32ct. I really love it though. I am getting close to a finish.

O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;

You maintain my lot.  Psalm 16:5

Thank you for stopping by today. Have a wonderful LOVE-filled weekend. In case no one else tells you, you ARE loved!

Stitching and praying,


Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Hi friends! I am still here! Just forgetful when it comes to posting on the blog.

This is a little birthday gift I made and gave to our friend Carol last month. 

I took this motif from Joy & Good Cheer by Brenda Gervais.❄️⛄⛄❄️Carol loves blue and snowmen. I stitched it with most of the called for DMC, two over two, on 35ct lambswool linen and finished in a two inch hoop.

💘February Cubby Shelf Display💘 Almost all of these are stitched over one.

💌💕February Corner Shelf💕💌

This is a heart I made many years ago. It shows our Mabel🐩 and Henry🐩 My friend Kirsten designed this pattern to look just like Mabel and Henry. 😍 This is very special to me.

This is the back of the red heart you see hanging above the little stuffed Henry. I made up several of these hearts and gave them to the senior friends that Henry and I visited in the local nursing home years ago. Henry is not able to visit people any more. He is too nervous now, and shakes terribly. That is okay. He made many, many people happy for years. They loved him. This heart was Jim's. When we went to visit Jim the last time, we found out he had passed. I asked if I could have his heart back. It was right there, hanging on his doorknob. That was the very, very hard part of visiting the old folks. The passing. You grow to love them and they love you. 😢

Even though you can see I have a VERY FULL Valentine's display, I have stitched another one. I can't help myself. I stitched Blackbird Design's Pledge of Affection. I just need to finish it into a pillow. That will wait a bit though. I am currently stitching Tetelestai by Quaint Rose Needlearts. I am not stitching it all in red though. I am stitching it over one on 32ct sand linen. 

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God  Philippians 4:6

I gave Flossie a haircut ✂️ almost two weeks ago. Madeleine is in Hawaii, so it was just Flossie and me. Flossie has a "thing" about her front legs. So she tucked and hid them for quite a while, but I got them done in the end.🙃

You may have noticed over the almost two years that we have had Flossie her dramatic color change. For my non-poodle-owning friends, when a poodle puppy is a solid, many variables can affect what will become the adult coat. When a pup keeps the same color coat, this is known as "holding". However, many poodles 'clear'. To clear means when the coat fades or lightens to another color. A lightening of the coat does not necessarily occur evenly all over the coat, rather poodle color will often hold more on the dog's ears and the thicker guard hairs.

You can definitely see from Flossie's puppy picture the day she came home she was a red, little puppy! Her head is so pale now. Almost as apricot/blonde as Henry's! And her beautiful red ears are lightening. She has a different shade/tone than Henry. This is why I have not stitched her portrait yet. Her true colors have not yet developed!

A week ago I gave Little Henry his haircut.✂️🐩 I took this photo so you could see Flossie and Henry together for size reference. Flossie is a big girl. Henry is a frail, little, old man, at 15 years old and 5 pounds.

Madeleine is doing well in Hawaii. Her job is not hard and she is enjoying it. She has a lot of reading for school, as you would kind of think so for a Library Science Masters. She has three feral cats that hang out in her tiny, little yard. The island has a feral cat problem. I guess all of Hawaii's islands do. And there are feral roosters running around the island also. Not around her neighborhood, but she can hear them in the predawn hours. She had to get used to that! She has lizards in her backyard trees. 

I am so glad you stopped by today my friend. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for taking time to say hi. 

Stitching and praying,
Henry only has one tooth, but he still will grab a bone sometimes and gum it for a while.