Calendar Poodle SAL

Friday, April 29, 2016

Little Lilies

Hi friends! Here is the latest finish I have to share with you. It is an old freebie by Luli you can find right HERE.
Precious, isn't it? I used Olde Willow Stitchery Hand-Dyed Thread, 033, Floral Fantasy. This was recently gifted to me by our friend Anne.

Stitching this was a HUGE challenge, with me currently being on these heavy medications and having horrid headaches. So it took a long time. I also used a new method. I pulled my lap frame very close to me, pulled myself in close, so as not to hunch over, and took my glasses off. Yes, working one over one on this 36 ct this way, was the ONLY way. I had to use this small of a count to make this finish fit the spot I had in my cubby shelf. I am so happy with how it looks on the white linen.
I especially like these small lilies charted on the right end. I have checkered lilies(or fritillaria) now in bloom in the secret garden in our back yard. See the same shape?
Our friend Angela did the nicest thing. She sent me a surprise package to brighten my day. It brought a smile to my face Angela. That is not the easiest thing to do these days either.
Not one but TWO cards to cheer me up! Sweet, pink ribbons and small cuts of delicious colored linen she picked up at a recent retreat. Oh how thoughtful. Thank you my friend.♥

He was so thorough and smart and NICE. He said that in all honesty these headaches can start for no reason or possibly the kind of steroid she used in my neck injection(7 weeks ago) could have caused it. He gave me an oral steroid pack to take. You take, I forgot how many, starting the first day. Maybe 6.Then keep tapering down. It lasts 6 days. I will get off the Fioricet, the stuff making me the substance of mashed potatoes. I am going to increase the Topamax, the pill I am on, two nightly, to prevent headaches. I will, after the steroids are done next week, begin taking that in the morning as well. I may suffer these headaches again in my life. I may not. He did not think it was a good risk to have another facet injection for neck arthritis. If this is not working by next week I am to call and go see him again. He says there are other things I can do. This steroid is the drug the other two doctors of mine said I should go on AFTER I saw a surgeon to have my temple arteries biopsied!!! He asked if I had some kind of blood test first. I said I never heard of that blood test. He said, I don't see it listed on your blood work here. You have to have that blood test done first before you can have artery biopsies. He was not impressed with their order of doing things for me.

I am on day three of using the oral steroids and I am trying very, very, very hard to keep my hope up. The pain has NOT lessened for me. He said this could be possible if I had a bad reaction to the steroid injected in my neck. This means I would have to wait probably 4 months for the headaches to wear off. OH GOD PLEASE NO. He said there are other things available for me if this is the case.

Thank you for coming by today. I appreciate your friendship. I hope you have a good weekend. Today is our Orthodox Christian Great(Good) Friday. Sunday, our Pascha/Easter!

Stitching and praying,


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Hopeful news Vickie,I thought about you a lot on Tuesday.I very much hope these steroids work for you and your headaches recede sooner rather than later.I have not had continual headaches such as you are experiencing so I can only imagine(and not very well,I suspect)what it is like for you right now.I am keeping you in my thoughts

Your stitching is beautiful,I love the sweet little rabbit:) and your fritillaria are gorgeous

Mii Stitch said...

Sweet stitching finish and great pink goodies :)

Tricia said...

Oh, there is hope!! Yay! I pray the headaches will subside soon!! Happy Easter!!

Margaret said...

You are amazing to do that tiny over one on 36 ct, especially with all you are suffering through. The good thing that I get from this is that there are other solutions for you if the headaches persist. So that's a good thing. I pray they go away and you don't need to go back to the neurologist, but at least you know he has other solutions for you. Prayers continue.

Carol said...

It sounds like you finally got a doctor who knows what he is doing, Vickie--I hope and pray the steroid pack helps and the headaches will begin to recede. My mom is dealing with chronic pain as well and it's horrible to see what she is going through so I can imagine how hard these months have been for you.

Lovely little piece--that is how I stitch, too. I am very near-sighted (like I assume you are) and I just take out my contacts or take off my glasses and stitch without them. Thankfully, my near vision is wonderful! Makes tiny stitching so much easier :)

Take care now and know I'm thinking of you!

lynda said...

What a sweet freebie! I hope your pain improves soon.

KimM said...

First - sweet stitching - second - GOR-GE-OUS lilies!! But - most importantly, it sounds like you've found a gem in that new MD. I hope he can help you.

New York State Of Mind said...

Hope the medicine works. You are in my prayers.

Robin in Virginia said...

What a sweet finish you created with needle and thread; it looks great in its cubby! What a lovely assortment of gifts your friend sent your way! Vickie, you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like this doctor actually read your medical notes/history and listened. Have a restful weekend!

Vicki said...

I'm so glad you got good information and treatment from the neurologist. I will be praying specifically that your headaches do not last four months. Sounds like you're in good hands!

Minnie said...

I pray that this doctor fines the correct combination of meds to get rid of all your pain and you can continue doing your beautiful stitching. Have a very happy Easter.

Linda said...

Congrats on the adorable finish Vickie. Toes crossed and hoping this medication helps.


Manuela said...

Wonderful little finish.
The stitches are so tiny.
Have a nice weekend, Manuela

CalamityJr said...

Thanks to God that you found what sounds to be the right doctor and that he has plans if this first course of treatment (under his care) isn't the answer. Such great news!
Your new stitch is beautiful. I can't imagine over one on that count even when feeling well!

gracie said...

My sweet friend, I do hope you will have some relief from the headaches. I love the finished project and those lilies in your garden are so unusual!

Beth said...

What a beautiful stitch. I live the Old Willow color you chose. I hope your health allows you to enjoy and celebrate your Easter holiday.

Justine said...

Gorgeous sweet stitch Vickie. I hope you feel better soon. Happy Easter.

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and sending Strength and Prayers.

I love your Cubby - and thank you for sharing the link to the Freebie

butterfly said...

Such sweet stitching Vickie.
Hope you will soon feel better sweet friend.

Annie said...

Love the piece by Luli. Such pretty thread too. I stop at 28 ct for over-one and prefer to do it only on Monaco. You are one determined stitcher!

It feels good to find a Dr. that seems to know what he's doing at least, I'm sure. But that pain.. just continuing .. it's too much. I tend to anthropomorphize mine.. I talk to the headache like it's a separate thing. Do you find yourself doing that? I sure hope these start to subside with some combination of meds.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What an adorable little design in such lovely colours. That method of stitching is exactly how I stitch all the time. Which is why high counts and dark fabric hold no power over me! It's all the same if you get close enough.

I'm glad you've found a doctor who seems to have more of an idea, hope things work out now.

De borduurvrouw said...

Hi Vicky,
Just read your posts of last week and yes I was right about the poodle in the Snowflower D. Sal. The custom made pattern came out very nice. Your daughter had a lovely prom dress, I bet she was the beauty of the evening.
Your doctor sounds as a man with common sense. Such a relief to know that the injection caused this pain and that there is hope for your headaches. Hope that the new medication will do it's work for you.
And you were able to stitch this tiny lovely pattern, it's adorable. I stitched the ducks of the pattern for little easter ornaments. In my garden the fritellaria are blooming too! They are one of my favorite spring flowers; I love the color and the squares on their leaves. Have a good Easter weekend and hope you feel better soon. Love and greets, Nienke

marly said...

Love that flower. Sorry you didn't get quick relief, hoping this wears off sooner than four months! Was this a different steroid than used in your epidurals? If all else fails, maybe the new Botox treatment for migraines would be a possibility. Glad you have faith in this doc.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your flowers are amazing! I love that they are represented in your cross stitch piece - makes it all the more special!

So sorry to hear that the headaches have not lessened. I hope your neuro can find something that provides some relief very quickly. Tell him there is a whole bunch of people - besides yourself and your family - will think he's a rock star if he does! xoxo

Angela Tucker said...

You are very welcome, sweet Vickie. I'm afraid that I can't pass anything pink without thinking of you! LOL I am so sorry that the pain is still hanging on, but at least this doctor is listening to you...

gominam said...

Lovely stitching. It's a lot going into such a small space, so cute. The flowers are lovely as well. I hope those headaches lessen faster than 4 months. Your doctor is indeed thorough, I hope the bloodtest resuts are ok. Take care.

moreofhim said...

Hi Vickie: I'm so glad you got in to see a good Neurologist. He sounds like he does know what he's talking about and hope that you get the relief you so need. I love your stitched project. I also love the poodles you did on the last post. I think they are adorable and I just knew you would do them. Take care and God bless.

Blessings - Julie

Isabelle said...

Oh Vickie, I hope your health will be better soon !!!
Your little stitching is just addorable :)

Cindy's Stitching said...

Pretty finish vickie. I hope your health is improving. I hope you can get off the medicines, they have so many side effects.

Cathy said...

What a beautiful project you've stitched! Thank you so much for the link. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Brigitte said...

Your new stitching is just awesome. Such tiny stitches, I'm in awe. I really wonder how you can stitch over one on 36ct fabric, but you obviously did it :) And the result is just beautiful.
Your checkered lilies are also so very beautiful. I love their colour.
Vickie, you seem to be in good hands now. This neurologist seems to have solutions for you. I hope that by today the new medication has shown an effect on your headache. I'll be thinking of you.

Lili said...

Lovely frebbie, the colour thread is very beautiful.
Lovely garden :)

Hilda said...

Dear Vicky,
it seams at if you have found a competent doctor at least. I really hope and pray the the new steroid will help soon and the pain will subside.

Your stitching is so sweet. I love the colors.
And I also love the pohotographs of the lilies (in German they are called "Schachbrettblumen" - free translated it means: chess board-flowers)

Have a wonderful new week!


Penny said...

This is such a sweet stitch! I think it is amazing all that you have been able to accomplish while feeling the way you do, Vickie. And I am very hopeful that this doctor can help you. You continue to be in my prayers!

Bea said...

What a beautiful finish!

The neurologist sounds excellent, but I pray he is wrong about the timelines.

Julie said...

Sweet tiny finish.
{{hugs}} to you xx

Von said...

What an unusual flower! I've never seen the like!

This neuro sounds like he's listening to you and might be able to actually help you. Praying the pain responds quickly to the changes in the meds.

Hope you were able to attend Pascha services at church Sunday!

Lillie said...

Hoped the meds worked for you. Lovely stitching and a cute Luli design. The color of the Lilies flower is so unusual. Sweet gift from Angela.

Stitching Noni said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! It sounds like you have found a great specialist at last... I am so sorry that you had to go through so much though before you found him! Stay positive!
I love you finish... and those lilies are so pretty!
You received a love pink gift from Angela!
Hugs xx

Weronika said...

Lovely stitching. These pale colors are lovely. I've never seen this kind of lillies befor. They are amazing!
I wish you a lot of strenth and patience in fighting your ilness. Everything will be all rght very soon You will see.
I hope You've had a very Happy Easter

Frances said...

Such a sweet little finish!
And those checked lilies are just wonderful! I've seen photos of those before but not in person!
I hope you'll be feeling better very soon!

Lumiruusu said...

The over one finish is so very pretty -I really love your tiny sttches on the high count fabrics..its really your own style.I promise pray for you as allways :)

Angela said...

Love your stitched finish. I am glad the Neuro is looking into everything possible for you and I am hopeful the steroids will help soon.

Kaisievic said...

Hi Vickie, gorgeous, sweet finish and thank you for the link to the freebie. I won't comment on your headaches as I will do that in my comment on your next post.

Kaisievic said...

P.S. I did mean to say, I have never seen lilies like that before - so pretty.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Lovely stitching! But oh my goodness, I really hope it doesn't take four months for your headaches to go away! That would be awful. Hoping they can do something to ease your pain right now...

Maggee said...

Sounds like all good stuff! Really cute finish, really nice gifts from Angela and neurologist with a brain!! I hope that you get relief via him, and soon! Jessee is in the ER right now with Kenzie for a migraine that has lasted over two weeks!! And Tori's has already come back. I was hoping getting out of that house into a new one would change things. Praying for relief for all of you!!! Hugs!