Calendar Poodle SAL

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Little Guessing Game

Hi friends! Last week a few of you friends had questioned whether I would be stitching the adorable kitties as they are charted in the Snowflower Diaries May SAL or stitching up poodles instead. hmm. Decisions, decisions. I am taking heavy doses of headache medications currently and I am NO designer.Which do you think I chose my friends?
Ha. I am so very naughty. I am not done with  this pattern yet. I am stitching slowly due to the medications. So.... this is the picture I am sharing with you thus far. I want you to guess and I will share with you next time upon completion.

I want to share with you the gifts I was given by our friend Anne.
She crocheted two pink coasters.♥ Isn't the variegated floss lovely. The peachy silk floss is lovely also.  I will gladly stitch up these two sweet Shepherd's Bush patterns and use this pink finishing fabric. Thank you Anne!

I suffered a setback in pain this weekend. Starting Friday the headaches got severe again. I had to take the full dose of medication again all weekend. I had a very bad day on Sunday. I had a break down of sorts. Just cried and cried in pain. Brian took me, no, he insisted on the emergency room. They did the ct scan, which my family doctor had said we would do as the next step. I have no problems there. I am glad to have gotten another doctor's opinion. He wrote out a referral to a neurologist for me. He wrote a prescription for yet another, different pain pill. He feels the neurologist would be the next step if the headaches don't start receding in one week. The neurologist can decide what tests need to be done. He doesn't feel I need to get that temporal artery biopsy that both my pain management doctor and family doctor suggested, just yet. That is something the neurologist can decide. Fine by me. I would be sedated for that. They slice open your temples and take samples of your arteries to see if they are inflamed. o_O

This is how I felt this weekend.
Friends, I know you come here for stitching. I hope you come here for friendship too. Can I just ask, no, beg you to please once again, please? pray for me? Thank you. I appreciate you.♥

Stitching and praying,


Lumiruusu said...

Oh poor Vickie You have really had a bad week and good that You DD took you in the Emergency Doctor.I promise to keep on praying that you will get esier days again... There is a one more poodle stitched I guess !?

Carolien said...

Of course, dear friend! Praying and praying the pain will GO AWAY and for a solution for this horrible situation!!!

Thinking of you and hugs, Carolien

Brigitte said...

Vickie, I'm with you in my thoughts and so hope that soon, very soon some doctor will be able to find out what is wrong with you. And will be able to help you.

butterfly said...

I always have you in my prayers sweet friend , I am sorry you had a bad week I know how bad a headache can be , I had 10 years of them , most weeks spent 3 days in bed with the pain .
One day it went away after not eating cheese and chocolate .
It stopped , and after many years I can eat them again with no pain why I don't know .
The body can be complex .
Try and rest if you can sending you a big HUG.

Maggie said...

Oh Vickie, i'm sorry you are still suffering. I agree with June, the body goes in cycles, in the past i've suffered from things quite badly and repeatedly and then nothing. I never had hay fever until i was 27 and had it so bad every year i ended up on steroids, then one year nothing and very mild ever since. Touch wood my migraines are very few and far between now, but still dread them if i feel one coming on, so i know how you feel. The Scream sums the pain up exactly!

As for your stitching, i'm guessing that you have stitched a poodle :-)

Hope you have a good week. xx

Manuela said...

Liebe Vickie,
ich hoffe, dass es dir bald wieder richtig gut geht. Kopfschmerzen sind etwas fürchterliches.
Your stitching start looks wonderful.
Have a nice week, Manuela

Marilyn said...

I think the Poodles will win. :)
I'm so sorry you are in so much pain.
Sending prayers your way.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I think you are stitching poodles Vickie:)
So very sorry that you are in so much pain.You are in my thoughts,unrelenting pain is totally debilitating.

Tricia said...

Oh, Vickie, I wish I could fix you!! I'll keep praying for strength and grace for you, and for some relief, too!!!

CalamityJr said...

So sorry the pain has returned full force. I certainly will be praying for you. As for the stitching, since you've already stitched small poodles and have surely kept your patterns, I think we'll see your babies show up on this piece!

Jenny said...

Oh my dear, dear friend of course I will continue to pray! I am so sorry you are having such a horrible time. I am petitioning that these headaches go away! You have gone through so very much and have been so brave. Sending big hugs your way!

Vicki said...

Praying for a miraculous recovery from your headaches! My guess is that you stitched poodles because you're so good at designing/stitching them you could do it with your eyes closed. Can't wait to see the result...

Shirley said...

Vickie, You know you are in my heart and prayers all of the time. My list is long and I keep hoping for miracles. I know when you are hurting you may not feel like stitching, but then the medication can have a lot to do with that, Some of them are much to strong and I can't handle them. I do hope the neurologist can give you some answers. Many hugs and prayers coming your way from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Mii Stitch said...

I think the poodles will be a winner :)
Great goodies from your friend!

cucki said...

My dear you are in my thoughts and prayers..
I think the poodles will be a winner
My guess is you stitching a April stitch :)
Lovely goodies from your friend
Keep well x

Barb said...

I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad week-end. Of course, I will keep you in my prayers this week.

gominam said...

Praying for no-pain days for you. My guess of course is poodles, what else would it be, lol. Take care:)

Linda said...

I am so sorry your suffering Vickie. I hope the new doctor can help you. Lovely stitching.


Julie said...

Two lovely April finishes you added to the cubby box.
I'm guessing you add a poodle or two, or maybe three!
(Hugs) Vicke, I hope the neurologist can help you feel much better x

Penny said...

I'm glad you had the CT scan done - and I think it is a good thing to get a second and maybe even a third opinion. The artery biopsy sounds terrible. Hopefully you will be able to avoid it. I'm hoping the new medicine will help with your pain. I would guess that there will be some poodles in your design. : ) And what a lovely gift from Anne!

Carol said...

Oh, dear, I'm so sorry to read that the pain is so bad, Vickie. I was up visiting my mom last week and she is in horrible pain as well--I don't know how you two manage to get through your days. Hoping and praying for some relief for both of you...

How very sweet of Anne--she is the loveliest person. And I'm guessing you stitched the kitties after all. Or did you totally switch to a new animal like little mice--ha ha :)

KimM said...

Oh, sweet Vickie - I'm so sad to hear about your pain and ordeal. I truly hope the doctors can find a solution for you SOON.
P.S. I vote for poodles ;0) It wouldn't be "Vickie's" without poodles - HA!

Justine said...

So sorry to hear of your continued health issues Vickie. I hope and pray you are mended soon!
I think you stuck with the kitties, but I bet you will stitch poodles later in the year if they don't appear!

Annie said...

I feel so bad for you with those headaches. Just when you hoped they would be subsiding too. Sending more good thoughts your way for some solution to this.

I would have said poodles of course, but if you aren't feeling up to it, maybe you did decide to delay the poodles til later. It's all good.

De borduurvrouw said...

I am so sorry your headaches don't become better, I feel for you. Impressive that you can still stitch a little bit. Does it help you to stitch?
You're asking us what kind of animal you've stitched. I think it's a poodle, can't miss it.
What a lovely gift you got, very nice such aa treat. Hope you're doing better asap. Greets, Nienke

Terri said...

I hope you get some relief soon! I just found out from my uncle that he used to have migraines and it was because he was lactose intolerant! HE quit with dairy products and has had no problems since. He is now in his 80's!

I haven't read your blog for very long, so I don't know what you have tried and haven't tried. I just wish you luck!!

Robin in Virginia said...

Lifting you up in prayer for relief from your headache. I vote poodles. Thinking of you!

Maggee said...

Praying, of course. I sure hope you do NOT have to have that biopsy!! Not good! What a lovely gift from our Anne! You have a couple more small projects now! I'm thinking you stuck to the pattern as designed, only because you cannot think as clearly right now, to re-design it for poodles...Big hugs!

Bea said...

I think you changed the pattern. I cannot image you giving up a chance to stitch poodles.

Hope the new pills have helped and you don't have to wait too long to see the neurologist.

Lillie said...

So sorry that you are not feeling well again. Hope the medication help ease the pain.

I am sure your choice would be poodles. Take care there.

moreofhim said...

Oh, sweet friend....I am SO sorry you're going through this! I have tears in my eyes thinking of you being in so much pain. Praying fervently for you!! I am really glad you got the CT scan done and that you'll be going to a Neurologist now. I think that is a great step.

Of course, I just know you're going to do the poodles. I would expect nothing less from you! LOL Can't wait to see the reveal.

Much love to you my friend - Julie

Irmeli said...

I'm so sorry that you have so much pain, I hope you will get help soon. You are in my thoughts!
I think you're going to stitch boodles:)

Sarah in Stitches said...

Oh my goodness, Vickie, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Really hoping your pain goes away soon. :(

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Poodles...I know you are stitching a pink poodle! Ok, maybe not pink, but theres gotta be a poodle somewhere under that sticky. I have you in my prayers sweet friend. I am so sorry you are going through so much pain. :) Blessings to you.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I am so sorry the pain is continuing, having your head opened up does NOT sound like a fun option. I really hope that it doesn't come to that.

I am sure you are stitching poodles too!

rosey175 said...

Given the choice I think you would stitch poodles on every month! But I am going to guess you left the kitties as they are really very sweet. Maybe a kitty and poodle duo. :)

Here's hoping the neurologist knows his stuff, buuu.

Angela Tucker said...

First of all, you are in my prayers, sweet Vickie. And of course we come here for you, silly girl. The stitching is just frosting on the cake.

And I agree with Vicki, definitely pink. Because we all know that poodles look best in pink. Smile. I hope you are feeling better soon. Pain will suck the life out of your days.

Von said...

Oh dear, Vickie, of course I'll join with all your friends in praying for relief from these headaches!

O Lord, hear our prayers.

Meari said...

Oh dear! I'm so sorry you've been experiencing such pain. :( Hopefully, the neurologist can help you.

As for your guessing game... I'm going to say that you stitched a poodle.

Nice gifties you received. Enjoy!

Stitching Noni said...

Oh my goodness.. I am so sorry to read that you have been in so much pain again (still...) It is interesting that a different doctor has a different opinion. Be interesting to see what the neurologist says when you get into see him. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and send you lots of virtual hugs..
One can only guess what is going to appear instead of kitties.... sweet little poodles would be my guess! :o0
Take care xx

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Vickie, I am so sorry your head is still giving you such problems. My mother has trigeminal neuralgia and has had those temple tests. Such pain is hard to describe. I know Mom would lose weight when she had one of her bouts; that's when we knew it was bad. So I am thinking of you and sending you thoughts of strength and endurance.
Oh and I will say poodle too, :)

Varla Lee said...

Dear Vickie, we are praying for your pain, but I also ask you to offer God your sofference, cause Usa will soffer something very hard, God will thanks so much for your sacrifice! A big warm hug.

Kaisievic said...

Oh, dear Vickie, of course we come for friendship and I am definitely praying for you. (I feel so bad, here was I whinging over a cold!). I hope that you find an answer and a cure for these headaches very soon. To answer your question, you are a strong person, so I think that you are stitching poodles.

♥ Nia said...

Oh sweetie... sorry to read about the hard time you're having once again.. I really hope things will change and better days will come!! Think positive my friend!!
hugs to you

diamondc said...

Vivkie: I will continue to pray for your healing and to soon find out what is causing your pain, I know we are all praying for you, I come here to visit more then to see stitching, I love reading about other peoples lives, I hope your Babies are keeping you calm.
I once broke down when I was post op surgery, it was awful.
I hope you are feeling better today.
Poodles of course, that is hat is behind the paper marker.

Dear Lord: Please heal Vickie.
