Calendar Poodle SAL

Friday, April 15, 2016


Hi friends! I am still plugging along on my prescription headache medications, waiting for these headaches to be GONE!

I did get the April Sampler done from Kooler Design. This pattern is found in the book I checked out from our library, called 365 Tiny Cross Stitch Designs.
This was stitched one over one using DMC(some of my own choosing) on 25ct white evenweave. And here is the whole set I have made for the month of April.
I am now working on the May Snowflower Diaries SAL. So sweet! It is slow going due to this medicine.

This last Tuesday evening was Fine Arts Night at Madeleine's high school. The art students are all dressed up and are there presenting their art pieces they have worked on all year. They are for sale to the public. Madeleine sold 4 of her paintings and made $715 dollars! We are just so very proud of her.

When we arrived and viewed her display, I noticed she had Not For Sale on my favorite painting of hers. I asked her, "What?!" My dear girl said, "That is because I am giving it to you Mom." I can't quite express the feelings I had just then. ♥ 

You may recall me showing you  this painting before, months ago, when I, ahem, complained that she was so very close to finishing it and she just would not!!! Well she finished it. Here it is.
 I call it "Artie". As in Artie Garfunkel, because this is him in his earlier years.
I do not tire of looking at this. I find it amazing that someone, MOST ESPECIALLY MY DAUGHTER, can create this! Just look at all those colors used to make this. It is so, I don't know. I guess I call it wonderful.

I have not told you yet. Madeleine did not desire to go away to college. She is going to Mount Mary University, in Milwaukee. It is about a 20 minute drive from our home. They have a fine art program there. She is still unsure of her career choice, but she was told by an artist that night that she could just sell her paintings now. And one of the purchasers of her paintings was an artist himself. However, Madeleine does not want to commit to a career in art quite yet. So she chose not to go to an exclusively art college. Isn't this a gorgeous campus?

That is it for me today friends. I hope you have a stitchtastic weekend! I'm gonna. I plan on ditching this headache for good. Well, a girl can hope right?

Stitching and praying,
Mr. Henry and the non-stop wagging tail


Brigitte said...

Vickie, I'm so glad that you can do some stitching in spite of the strong medications. It will keep your mind off that headache for a bit. And you finished such a lovely little piece for April display.
Congratulations to Madeleine on her huge success at Fine Arts Night. You can be so proud of her.

Justine said...

Congratulations Madeleine! That looks like a lovely university and it's good to keep your options open.
What a generous gift Vickie, you must be so proud of your daughter.
Cute stitching too!

gracie said...

Sorry for the nagging headache. What wonderful news for Madeline...and good choice to not limit her options at this time. Keeping you in my thoughts...

Mii Stitch said...

Another very cute stitching finish Vickie :)

butterfly said...

Lovely April stitching you have been busy again.

Congrats to Madeline , beautiful panting.

Irmeli said...

All your April stitching is so nice and they look pretty in the cubby box.
Congratulations to Madeleine too.

Tricia said...

So sorry that you are still not pain free. : ( {Hugs!} How exciting for your daughter - both the art show and the school choice. I honestly didn't realize that there still were women's colleges. It looks like a fantastic place!!

Unknown said...

I so hope you are able to lose your headache. thank you for taking the time to update your blog, it is always a great read. I love your April finishes. The colors are great and so bright and cheerful. Your display is wonderful.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Good for Madeline,even if she does not go into Art as a career,she has a wonderful craft to pursue.
It is indeed a beautiful campus,a lovely place at which to study:)
Here's hoping you get on top of the headaches.
Lovely April finish:)

Jenny said...

Congratulations Madeleine! How exciting for her! I love all of your April looks wonderful in your cubby :) Keeping you in my prayers so those headaches are GONE! I hope you enjoy your weekend my friend!

CalamityJr said...

Your April display is lovely, and what a nice way to rotate your finishes. Congratulations to Madeleine; she truly is gifted. How nice that she wants to stay close to home - I know you'll one happy as well as proud momma!

Maggee said...

Congrats to Madeleine on selling some of her artwork! And on not going to an exclusive art school, but expanding her horizons at the nearby University... Sound decisions! She's young, and has lots of time to decide what her path in life will be! Hugs!

Linda said...

Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way Vickie for that headache to be gone. Congrats on the cute finish and your display is awesome. That painting is gorgeous. Madeleine really should continue with her painting.


Manuela said...

Hello Vickie,
it is a wonderful gift from your daughter. You can be very poud of your daughter.
Your little stitching is so cute and the display are beautiful.
I'm looking forward to your May from Snowflower diaries.
Happy Weekend, Manuela

Varla Lee said...

Yes!! It's awesome, fantastic, wonderful picture! So beautiful lines in the face, I like the colors, seems antique. Your cross stitch il lovely too, dear Vickie, i wish you "idem" stitchtastich weekend, hahahaha! A big hug.

Unknown said...

Dearest Vickie , your April compilation is beautiful . In the small chest of the individual bits of embroidery so wonderfully effective . Your daughter is really very talented , I wish her that she finds her way and no matter how she chooses for the future God guarded them .
I greet you cordially
Your Sandra

Von said...

Your daughter is greatly talented, Vickie! My middle daughter is now a full-time artist after getting a graphic arts type degree, which has been useful in her setting up her website, etc., but as a career it wasn't for her. So for several years she had another job that she mostly enjoyed until the time came for her to concentrate fully on her art and promoting it. And she's very happy, that's the main thing. I wish the same for your daughter in whatever she decides to do!

Barb said...

Hopefully this will be a good week-end for you! Your daughter is a wonderful artist. How proud you must be!

Bea said...

Congratulations to your daughter. Definitely talented and a wise decision for university. Well done Mom!

Love the April stitching and pray the headaches are gone soon.

Margaret said...

Love all your April stitching. Congratulations again to Madeleine on doing so well at the event! She is a smart girl to keep her options open just in case at college. Good choice of college indeed! It's so exciting, isn't it? Mom and dad must be so proud! Continued prayers on your pain. Those headaches had better be gone soon!

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching. Your daughter has made a wise choice, keeping her options open. Also congratulations to her for her art work sales.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great seasonal stitching so far this month.
Congratulations to Madelaine too, on all her sales and her choice of college.
I am so pleased that she saved the picture you liked the most. Make sure she's signed it LOL

gominam said...

Congrats to your talented daughter, greater things are in store for her. Keep us posted on her creative pursuits:) Lovely stitching for you too, I hope you'll feel better soon with the meds.

Penny said...

I love your April stitches, Vickie. I can imagine you must be so very proud of Madeleine! Such talent and a sweet heart too to save that special painting for you. : ) I think it is great that she has chosen to stay close to home for school. Hope your headaches are improving every day! And Henry's wagging tail is possibly the cutest thing I've seen all day. : )

rosey175 said...

Your seasonal knicknack shelf is looking so cute! Is it your goal to fill more of the spaces with stitching or poodle figures? :D

Congrats to Madeleine on her sales and her smart choice of college! Pretty campuses are always a plus especially when one has to walk all over the place haha.

Angela said...

Love all of your April finishes! I hope those headaches go away soon, I know what you're going through. Hugs.

Iwona said...

Wow !!! You have a very talented doughter ! You maust be very proud !

Sarah in Stitches said...

Your daughter is so incredibly talented! That painting is gorgeous. Lovely stitching by you, too! :D

Carol said...

I'm so excited for Madeleine, Vickie!! What a talent she has... Even if she chooses to not go into art as a career, it is something she can work on and enjoy throughout her entire life... Very cute spring finishes, too!

♥ Nia said...

Kooler designs! Now you made me remember of those big book of patterns I used to love :) I haven't remembered those in years!!! :p That design is very pretty, great choice!!
All set for April looks so pretty :D