Calendar Poodle SAL

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy, Blessed New Year!

Hi friends! I hope this New Year is a true blessing to you! I am hoping for excellent health.

I did it! I read the entire Holy Bible in 2015. I am so very glad I did it. I will do it again, just not this year. Brian and I do read from the Bible together daily as well. I WILL go back and read entire books from it again this year though. If you have never read the Holy Bible, I encourage you to do so. It is God's gift to us!

I would like to share with you a splendid gift I received from our friend Annette. Here is the beautiful card she sent me.
Here is the ornament she gave me all wrapped up still in splendid Annette-style. :)
The pattern  is called A Stitcher's Christmas, from the Purple Thread. I just adore it! Thank you Annette.

I received a surprise! Our friend Maria  sent me and the poodles gifts!
What a lovely Christmas card with European/English Robins! And a sweet ornament made for me by Maria. A few yummy poodles treats and candy canes. Last but not least, 4 sweet angels made by Maria's Little Miss. She made these guardian angels for the poodles, to protect them from harmful coyotes. Aww. THANK YOU SO MUCH LITTLE MISS! We hung one on Winky's cage (Madeleine's parakeet). The other three are hung up as well. I know our little poodles will be safe now! Thank you Maria. What a blessed, happy package I received. You and your daughter warmed our hearts.♥

Thank you my friends for stopping in today. I am so glad you did. I am so blessed to have made so many wonderful, special connections with many, many friends around the world!

Reading and praying,


Cindy's Stitching said...

happy new year vickie. with God all things are possible. beautiful gifts.

Tricia said...

Happy New Year, Vickie!

marly said...

Happy new year Vickie!

gominam said...

Happy New Year:)

Justine said...

Happy New Year! Beautiful gifts.

Carolien said...

Happy New Yer, dear Vickie!

I hope you and your family will be happy, healthy and greeted with much love in the year to come.
Yes, I read the bible from front cover till back cover when I was a theology student. I read it in fragments now ... but it's good to have 'the overvieuw', to see the large pilgrimage of mankind and God.

Have a great New Year's Day together!

Bye, Carolien

Carolien said...

Yes, I forgot an A ;)

cucki said...

Happy happy new year to you sweet sister .
Great gifts :)
Hugs x

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Wishing you a Happy New Year Vickie.

Cath said...

Happy New Year !

Mii Stitch said...

All the very best for the New Year!

♥ Nia said...

Happy new year!!! :D

CathieJ said...

Happy New Year.

Manuela said...

Happy New Year, Vickie!

Jacqueline Morris said...

Happy new year :)
Smiles :)

Carolien said...

The same here, Vickie, just relaxing a little bit ...
Yes, I hope with all my heart that Jenny will be clean when we start 2017!

Hugs & have a nice day, Carolien

gracie said...

Lovely gifts....sending wishes for a wonderful healthy new year for you and your family.

Angela Tucker said...

Good morning, Sweet Vickie!! Happy, happy New Year to you and your family! What beautiful gifts!

Have a wonderful day!

Varla Lee said...

Dear Vickie, thanks so much for all this years of blog-friendship, God bless you!! You are always so sweet! ^_^

Vicki said...

Happy New Year, Vickie! Wishing you and your family a blessed 2016.

Maggee said...

Happy New Year to you, my ever faithful praying friend! May 2016 surely be a better year for you, with less pain and lots of healing! Hugs!

Julie said...

Happy New Year to you and your family Vickie.
Lovely gifts that arrived for you.

Penny said...

Beautiful gifts! I'm looking forward to visiting your blog this year. Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy new year, Vickie!

Christina said...

Wishing you a Blessed and Happy New Year. Congrats on reading the bible in a year, that is a great accomplishment. I have yet to read the whole bible. My focus is to study the bible I have yet to complete a whole bible study session. :( Lovely gifts, the angels are too sweet.

Bea said...

Happy New Year Vickie! You're off to a great start.

Astrids dragon said...

Lovely gifts and good for you reading the entire bible, that really is a wonderful thing!

Carol said...

Happy New Year, Vickie! I hope 2016 brings you better health, more time to stitch, and lots of love, laughter, and contentment!

Brigitte said...

Such lovely and thoughtful gifts from your friends.
Happy New Year, Vickie, full of health and stitching and poodles time :))

Chris said...

Happy New Year Vickie!
Lovely gifts from friends.

Lumiruusu said...

Happy and Blessed New year to dear Vickie !
Enkoy all the pretty gifts !

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on completing the Bible reading.
The gifts are lovely, I'm sure the dogs enjoyed their snacks too,

Chris said...

Happy and blessed New Year to you and all your family and I will pray for your neck pain every day.
Every Blessing Chris xx

Lillian said...

Stumbled upon your blog! It is so sweet! :) Happy New Year!

Margaret said...

Happy New Year! Love your gifts from your friends. DH and I read the Bible to each other years ago. Need to do that again, now that the kids are grown.

Annette-California said...

I am glad you like your ornament I made you. Maria's gifts are lovely. I did read the bible and I think its the greatest book I've ever read.
Happy New Year! love Annette

stitchersanon said...

Happy New Year Vickie xxxx

Beth said...

Happy New Year Vickie - I hope it is as pain-free as possible!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Vickie. I read the entire Bible once in my life as a project when I was a junior Sunday School teacher when I was 16. Isaiah was and is my favourite book.
I have several exercises I have to do to help my neck else I get some pain. Part of my problem is I clench my jaw when I'm anxious.
Here's to happy, pain-free stitching in 2016!

moreofhim said...

Praying our new year is full of blessings and good health and NO pain! What beautiful gifts you received!

Many blessings as always - Julie

butterfly said...

Happy New Year to my sweet friend .
Hope the new year brings you lots of happiness and a painful free year hugs.

Unknown said...

Dearest Vickie , I just noticed that I can not comment on your latest post because the text of your post on the left is . I therefore soft now from here and there to me , this contribution has been lost anyway . Excuse me, that makes so synonymous nothing . First of happy new year my love . I look forward to this year with you and am glad to be able to know you. I hope your pain will get better soon , and you can to your heart again embroider .
God bless you
Your Sandra