Calendar Poodle SAL

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Was The Pain Worth It? Yes, I Think So!

Hi friends! Are you ready?  Here is what you have been waiting for.
I have been wanting to stitch an antique floral pattern on a sweater for years. I saw this post by our friend Terri and told myself to stop putting it off. So I found myself a nice, black sweater on clearance for $9. Then I stitched up all my Christmas gifts. Once that was done, I searched Antique Pattern Library for the perfect floral pattern. This is the pattern I chose.
I used black broadcloth as a backing material. I basted on my broadcloth and waste canvas and away I went! Wow. Stitching on this sweater took a LOOOOONG time.
This was stitched with DMC.
I love it! I need to wear it to physical therapy, so my therapist Leigh can see what caused me all this pain. She told me I better wear this sweater A LOT! ;)
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement my friends! I am now working on healing the pressure in my neck. I am getting there. I must be good for a while. I did not stitch at all yesterday or today. Let's see how long I can make it. ;)

"Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!" -Psalm 103:1

Baking and praying,


Carolien said...

Hello Vickie,

WOW! Yes, wear this a LOT, Vickie! It´s so beautiful! Congratulations on this festive finish and just in time for Christmas ... Enjoy and happy baking, my friend.

Praying and stitching a little,

love Carolien

Carolien said...

P.S. Psalm 103 was the favourite psalm of my grandmother. I read it for her many, many times ... So thank you, you made me think of her again, which is so nice ... I think of her often. Imagine, she passed away on Dec. 24 (many years ago) and even on that day she still sang Christmas carols!

Take care & all the best for your neck.
Bye, Carolien

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

That is a lovely motif, congratulations Vickie
I hope your pain levels recede now you are resting.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Oh Vickie, it is lovely and totally worth it! Congratulations! Very nicely done.

Annie said...

What a beautiful sweater! You chose a perfect classic design. Did you stitch through both sweater and broad cloth? The stitches are so even. I can never get a t shirt to come out that good. You can rest those fingers now and have a lovely holiday,

Honeybee said...

Florals always look so beautiful on black!

marly said...

Beautifully done! Perfect colors on black. I've always wanted to do just a simple star on a sweater and you've given me the incentive.

Chris said...

How beautiful Vickie!!!

Shirley said...

Vicki, It is absolutely beautiful and is amazing what can be done when you set your mine to it. I have enjoyed catching up with you. Merry Christmas. Hugs and Prayers from your friend Shirley

Tricia said...

What a wonderful project! I haven't stitched on waste canvas in years, but I remember it being a lot of work. Enjoy and rest and heal, now!! :)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Oh it's beautiful! I love it. It looks awesome on you, too. Yeah, I'd say it's worth it.

Merry Christmas sweet friend. :)

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Absolutely a wonderful stitching job. Love the flowers on your new sweater. Have yourself a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hugs

Penny said...

It's beautiful, Vickie!!! And yes, I would say it was worth it! Such a pretty pattern and it really stands out on the black sweater. Looks great on you, too! Hopefully, you can rest your neck now so you can get back to stitching again. :)

Angela Tucker said...

Oh my, Vickie...that is absolutely beautiful!! That design looks stunning on black. And you look so pretty.

So keep on your pretty sweater, lounge on the couch, and enjoy the holidays!!

Christina said...

Beautiful!! Now be good and listen to your physical therapist. ;)

gominam said...

Fabulous! I hope your therapy goes so smoothly now that you have the sweater. The colors do
pop with the black background:)

Beth said...

Very pretty Vickie!

Jenny said...

Oh Vickie your sweater is absolutely worth it! It is just beautiful and a real treasure. Congratulations on a wonderful finish! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

CalamityJr said...

Gorgeous stitching, Vickie! Enjoy wearing your sweater with pride.

Justine said...

Beautiful sweater Vickie. Hope you rest now over Christmas like a good girl!

butterfly said...

Beautiful Vickie and you look so lovely wearing your top.
Wishing you a pain free Happy Christmas .

cucki said...

Wow you looking so sweet wearing the beautiful Jersy and the motif is so beautiful ..
Thinking of you so much
Sending you love and blessings x
Merry Christmas xx

Manuela said...

Hello Vickie.
Wow, this T-Shirt is amazing. Wonderful stitching.
Greetings, Manuela

Michelle said...

Wow Vickie its stunning well done xxx thank you for your treasured gift xx

Brigitte said...

Oh my Vickie, this is just gorgeous. What a great antique pattern you found. And these colors are so you. I can understand that you wanted to finish it in spite of your pain. This happens with a project that you have always wanted to make but always have delayed. And then, when you finally give it a go you can't stop until it's done. Great job, Vickie!

Melissa said...

What a beautiful sweater, Vickie! You've done a wonderful job!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Ah, this is the mystery project! Mystery solved! It looks great on you and I quite agree, you must wear it a lot to make it worth every stitch and twinge!

Carol said...

Wow! And on black yet! It really is lovely, Vickie and looks so nice on you... I hope your pain subsides now that you can take a little break from stitching this, but I understand how you had to keep at it until you finished... Congratulations :)

Julie said...

That looks so amazing, well done.

Bea said...

Wow, wow and WOW! That is gorgeous. Wear it in good health for the coming year.

Annette-California said...

WOW WOW WOW! It's so beautiful Vickie! I am so happy for you. All your hard work and time you put in for this gorgeous sweater is worth it.
Priceless! love Annette

♥ Nia said...

I'm sure it was worth the work :D Well done!!!
Merry Christmas sweetie :)

Andrea said...

A beautiful and unique sweater. Well worth all your hard work. You must have the patience of a saint to do that.

Happy Christmas.

Vicki said...

Your sweater is gorgeous! I love the floral design you chose. Merry Christmas!

Margaret said...

That is sooooo beautiful!!!!!!! Wow! I think it was worth the pain, although I do hope it goes away quickly now that you can rest. Well, I'm bowled over. it's just stunning. I can see how it would have taken a long time to stitch. I bet there were tons of color changes! Merry Christmas!

moreofhim said...

What a beautiful sweater! I made my mother-in-law a stitched sweater many years ago and it does take a long time to stitch! However, it was worth it, as I'm sure you feel your sweater is. :) Praying for complete healing!

Blessings - Julie

Maggee said...

Wow! You really expanded your horizons!! That is so beautiful! Congrats on creating such a work of art that is wearable!! You definitely should wear that a LOT!! It is too beautiful not to share! Big Hugs!

Lillie said...

Beautiful indeed. Yes, you should wear it a lot.

Annie said...

What a stunning sweater! I can see why you would put up with a lot of pain for it...

Meari said...

Nicely done!

Varla Lee said...

Beautiful sweater!! Congrats!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Aww, that's so lovely! A wonderful Christmas present for yourself :D

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I can't get over your sweater. What work and so pretty! I've done some duplicate stitching on sweaters but never a full cross stitch picture.