I followed a pattern all weekend long. Do hand and wrist exercises, stitch 15 minutes. Do hand and wrist exercises, take a break doing something else. Do hand and wrist exercises, stitch 15 minutes. Do hand and wrist exercises, read. REPEAT. I realize it would be best to not stitch at all, but..... At least the pain did not elevate to horrid levels this weekend, as it did mid-week. I believe the true key for me is going to be no more long periods of stitching nonstop. I do notice a small improvement in my wrist and hand.
Well, I was met with success despite the limited stitching, and unstitching I had to do last night. I finished Henry!
I reversed the pattern so that Mabel and Henry will face each other on the wall once hung. :)
I stitched this two over two on 32ct Blue linen, using Anchor, DMC and GA Simply Shaker Lambswool.
Forgiveness accepts the fact that our actions have consequences on the lives of those around us. The refusal to forgive is a radical separation of ourselves from others. Forgive. Forgive everyone for everything.
Stitching and praying,

Congratulations on your Henry finish,he looks great Vickie.Glad you have found a way to do some stitching without extra discomfort in your wrist.
Henry is adorable! Glad the exercises are helping your wrists.
What you need is a small boy who interrupts you every ten minutes. That stops any prolonged stitching sessions!
Henry looks quite handsome! And you are one determined stitcher! Where there's a will, there's a way, huh?
Stitched Henry is adorable and it looks as though your Henry gives it Two Paws Up and a Tail Wag!
Henry's finish is so cute!!! I'm sorry you're still having pain and can't stitch as much. Did the doctor say anything about a brace or a wrap?
Congrats on the doggie finish! :)
Henry is adorable. Rest those wrists, I went through that last year and ended up in therapy. It didn't work, but staying off the computer and staying away from stitching about a week or two made a huge difference. It is hard, but I haven't had an issue since. Also, try sleeping with a brace at night. It turns out I was unconsciously keeping my wrists bent all night and that contributed to the strain. I don't need to do anything special any more.
Vickie, Henry looks quite dapper! Congratulations on your finish. I am so sorry you are still having pain. I had the same success with a night brace as CathieJ. I really have a tendency to sleep with my hands all bent up. I've had surgery on both hands, but when I have a bad time, I still get out my braces for a few nights.
Henry looks wonderful. Really did a nice bit of stitching. Try not to over do it with the stitching. I find that I need to take breaks but my hand is better.
Hello Vickie!
What a beautiful work You did with stitched Henry ..it is very neat and will look awesome at the wall with the Mabel's picture !
Greetings from our Stitching Retreat and thank You for again visiting my little blog!
Allways remembering You in my prayers !
Tadaah! You finished Henry! He looks very cute and I bet they will be a great couple on your wall ...
Have a nice day!
Bye, Carolien
Since I'm glad it your wrist a little better , at least , I hope the exercises help continue well . Henry looks great and he is also well taken . Wish you all the best as always
Greetings Sandra
Congrats on your finish Henry looks great.
Have a good week hugs.
Congratulation on your lovely finish.
Henry looks great.
Greetings, Manuela
Lovely finish...Henry is lovely. I know what you mean re your hands I suffer RSI and the only way to do things is in short periods. When mine were bad (in both hands ) I used to put splints on to make sure I didn't overwork my hands and rest them. Xxx
Hej Vicky, your Henry is lovely.
That seems a good way of stitching with the exercises in between.
Have a nice day.
Love your Henry! The two pieces will look wonderful hanging next to each other. Hope those exercises continue to help.
So sweet! Henry looks adorable :)
Your Henry is such a wonderful work despite the fact you stitched it under pain!
I really hope your wrist and hand issues will heal soon and you can do your beloved hobby without any pain!
Have a wonderful rest of October!
Henry looks adorable.
Vickie: Henry is so sweet looking, I look forward to seeing Mabel done and they hang together.
Good for you on the continuing exercises, most people just give up and go with the pain.
Oh my, Vickie, Henry is just adorable. Now you have both your sweeties stitched up. Will you frame them?
Hopefully the exercises continue to help.
Congrats on your finish. Sorry you are still in pain. Do you think some type of support for your wrist would help?
Dear Vickie, your Henry is so so adorable :)
wishing you a sweet evening ,
Yay! Congrats on the finish! He looks adorable :D
Congratulations on another pretty finish! Glad to know your wrist is getting better, take care;)
Vickie your Henry is adorable. I'm having to stitch in small bits too but my pain isn't just in my hand and wrist - arthritis has flared again and won't seem to let go. I know it will pass and I sure hope it's soon! blessings, marlene
Wonderful design and beautiful stitching! Congrats, Henry is adorable.
I'm sorry you are still having your pain issues, Vickie. I'm dealing with my foot pain, too, but at least it doesn't affect my ability to stitch! Little Henry looks so cute--congratulations on finishing him :)
Take care now and I hope your wrist/hand feel better very soon...
What a beautiful piece! You did such a superb job on this!!
Yes, forgive and forgive again. I'm learning this and it's such good advice. :)
Blessings - Julie
So cute! :D
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