I checked out two good books from the library. I had been on a waiting list for both of them. They are new. Excellent timing that they came in for me now, when I need to take a break from stitching. I finished the first book last night. A.D. 33 by Ted Dekker is awesome! I highly recommend this book. Then again, I recommend ALL of Ted's books. ;) I will now begin reading The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker. Yep! His young adult daughter wrote her first book! So cool. Can't wait to begin it!
So since I have no current stitching to share with you, how about an oldie? I stitched this Gloria & Pat Design back in 1989. It is simply called "July", it is from pattern book 22, God's In His Heaven. Aida and DMC.This piece hung in Jacob and Emerson's bedroom when they were young.
I have shown you once before the piece that hung in Madeleine's room for many years. I stitched this one in 1988. It is called "May".

Many years after I stitched these up, I got to thinking it was so very neat that we eventually had two boys and a girl. I was 18 and 19 years old when I stitched these two pieces.
Thank you for stopping in with me today. I appreciate your friendship! I prayed for YOU today!
Reading and praying,

Hi Vickie: I do hope your wrist heals very very soon.
Reading is such a great pastime, I am a big reader, I sure hope the wrist band helps.
Love your post with the pictures so cute.
Praying for your wrist to heal.
I wasn't stitching yet at that age, and you did a beautiful job on those darling designs. Hoping the wrist feels better soon.
Hope your wrist will be better, soon.
Wonderful stitching.
Have a nice weekend, Manuela
These "oldies" are just cuties! Nice to visit your blog.
Dearest Vickie ,
I very much hope that your wrist is better soon , I shut yourself in my evening prayer . Your Oldies are so great and sweet . I really like her.
Sending you over the ocean a big hug
Greetings Sandra
I do hope that your wrist heals quickly! I have a brace for my wrist and it helps tremendously. Yes, wearing it at night is a good idea as it protects you when you sleep.
Your stitched pieces are so beautiful. I love them! I have been stitching since 1986 and it's always been such a comfort.
I'm reading A.D. 33, too! In fact, I'll have a review coming up on t he blog in the next few days. I absolutely love his writing and am so excited to be reading this one, too!
Take care and lots of prayers for you!!
Love the oldies but goodies. They are so great! I hope the wrist brace helps you and you are feeling like you can stitch again soon.
Vickie, your stitching is always so delicate. I hope the brace helps. And yes, wearing it at night really, really helps. Have a great weekend.
How sweet your old designs are I love them and still have a few charts of them some where maybe one day I may stitch for GGC hugs.
Both your oldies are wonderful. How amazing that you did have 2 boys and 1 girl! I am so sorry to hear about your wrist. I've been praying for you every night anyway but still. Hope it heals soon. Nice to read in the mean time. love and prayers Annette
Lovely stitching,it shows you were already a neat stitcher:)
I hope your wrist improves enough for you to do some stitching soon.
How special that you did end up having two boys and a girl (sure wish I would have had at least one girl, too, but it wasn't meant to be!). Darling little finishes, Vickie...
I think the brace will help--my sister had similar issues and it definitely helped her! Take care now and don't push yourself :)
Hi Vickie,
So happy to have met you here on the NET. I love your stitchings and your pups. I'm struck by how alike the scenery is in your neck of the woods and ours here in southern Ontario, Canada. We also share a lot of interests. Have a great weekend.
Очень милые дизайны! Прекрасно!
Hope you wrist is feeling better soon!
Oh, they're so sweet! I hope your wrist feels better soon :D
Hope your wrist gets better. Love these sweet pieces :)
Wow, just look at how neat those pieces are, they are very cute and lovely:)
I hope you wrist improves soon.
The wrist pain is familiar to me too so I really know what you are going throu-for me almost as bad as pain is that I get frustrated without my stitching... I promise to pray you strnth and that our Lord jesus would show you thnings that bring you Joy in him.
I really love to see oldies and often hope that we could show them each other more often :)
I remember when Gloria and Pat designs were all the rage. It is a cutie Vickie and stands the test of time.
Oh Vickie I am sorry to hear about your wrist and i hope it heals well soon xx
So good for you that you love reading, so you can spend some time with some lovely books now that you can't stitch a lot. I hope your will soon be able to stitch again.
SO lovely, the two older projects.
I hope the new brace is helpful is reducing your pain xx
Perhaps your wrist is better now--I haven't jumped ahead yet! But I shall pray for you, anyway! You were stitching long before I started! Tho I did have a brief time of stitching in the 80's, it did not stick. I remember all those Gloria & Pat charts. I only used aida then, so never tried to stitch them because of fractional stitches. I still avoid fractional stitching, even tho I use linen now! Ha! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
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