Hi friends! I have a surprise for you!!! hmm. Where do I start? Remember how Henry and I visit the elderly at a nursing home monthly? And perhaps you have noticed I have a
HUGE HEART for poodles? Well over the last several months I have been pondering a problem out there in the world of the elderly. Many older people own a pet and then they have to go live in a nursing home, or perhaps they die. Then the care of that pet falls on the adult children. Many times these adult children do not want the pet. Sometimes these adult children lie to their remaining parent and tell them the pet died, and then actually give it to the humane society.
I looked somewhere I should never look.
Petfinder.com Um. Yep. You are figuring out where I am going with this. Remember how I LOVE toy poodles. I KNEW I would never own anything but a toy poodle. Yessiree. Only toy poodles for me. Well, want to say hi to Murphy?
Murphy is a miniature poodle. He is built in the same way as our little Henry. Henry is 6 pounds and all legs. Murphy is almost 10 pounds and all legs. He needs to gain a little weight. He had a rough time. His elderly owner went to a nursing home. This woman's adult daughter did not want to keep Murphy, so she took him to a shelter, who transferred him to our local humane society. Murphy began straining to urinate there. The veterinarian determined he had bladder stones and needed surgery to remove them. He had his staples removed last month, and just finished up his antibiotics. He was so confused. He is 12 years old my friends.

Brian and I discussed Murphy multiple times.Once we met the dear, sweet, little, old man, it was over. Our hearts just melted for him. :) He gave us both kisses. We have had Murphy for over four weeks already. Yes! I was not allowed to show him on the internet until we officially adopted him, which we finally did yesterday! Our humane society has a program called fostering-to-adopt, for animals that have special needs. Since he was recovering from surgery(we got him 3 days post-operation) and he needed medicine daily, and we brought him back for the vet to take his staples out, we cared for, or fostered him until his lab report came back on his bladder stones. We now know what kind of food Murphy needs to eat the rest of his life to prevent bladder stones from forming again.

All three poodles got along from the start. Murphy truly prefers people to dogs, but that is because he was an only dog of one elderly woman. Henry has figured out that Murphy allows cuddling. :) Murphy loves to sleep on your lap. When I read in the recliner, Henry and Murphy are both with me. We take turns letting one on my lap and one next to me in the recliner. We switch the next time I sit to read. ;) It is a good thing Mabel does not prefer lap sitting!
When I stitch at the kitchen table using my table stand, he sleeps at my feet in his bed. He watches JEOPARDY with Brian and Madeleine nightly. ;) He probably knows the answers. tee hee. He sleeps on Emerson's lap as well when he knits in a recliner.
I did make him a bed before he even arrived home with us. He promptly adopted Mabel's pink flower bed instead. ha! She gladly took over his grey and white plaid bed.
Are we crazy? Well,
I am!

Just one look into this precious poodle's gentle eyes, and well.... we can say we love him. ♥ I am so glad he is in a loving home for the rest of his days.
Reading, and stitching, and praying,