Hi friends! I finished stitching up Mabel. I just need to find two frames that match and fit! You knew I was going to stitch up Henry also, didn't you?!
This is stitched two over two with DMC on 28ct Bo Peep Pink Cashel Zweigart linen.
I took a few different pictures in different lighting, hoping you could see the pale pink of the linen. I have a pale blue linen picked out to stitch Henry on. It is Dresden Blue Meran linen.
I did change a few things on this pattern besides the DMC colors. I gave her a smaller muzzle and filled her ears out just a tiny bit more, as I am not adding in the bows the pattern shows. I also am not stitching up the border or name underneath.

Did you ever take on a needlework project someone else asked you to do? And you KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT you would not like doing it?! And because it was your baby brother asking you to do it, and he thinks you can do anything needlework related, you said yes?! AAAHHH! That is where I am at. Jonathan asked me to embroider over all the signatures he has collected from various bluegrass artists over several years. These signatures are in black sharpie ON HIS DENIM OVERALLS! Help! I knew this would be a time suck, but not this bad. I had put the overalls aside for a month and a half. Never touching them. I have begun. No way I can work on this straight without cross stitch relief in between. It took me one hour to embroider "Leigh"! I didn't even start the last name yet. I need to change the subject before I have a melt down here.
This is the sweet freebie I stitched up two weeks ago. I stitched her one over one one 27ct mystery natural linen. I call it the pink pots girl. BECAUSE, Madeleine waters my pink windowsill pots for me. And I know Madeleine is 17 years old, but it just makes me think of her and I love it! You can find this freebie
Precious, isn't it? I have not finished her off yet, as I am still undecided. I have this wooden display shelf. One of those knick knack things with lots of cubicles, or tiny square and rectangular openings. I had thought to make many smalls up and display them within. Like I am sure you have seen done with printer's trays. I do not know if I still desire to do this. I have one large, open wall in the kitchen. It is to be my sampler wall. That has been the plan since we moved into this home over seven years ago. It is still blank. Well my stitched Mabel and Henry are going there. I have all the patterns for BBD Anniversaries of the Heart and the linen. And no, I have never even begun them! That is real big when stitched together and framed as one big sampler. That is to go on that wall too. The wooden shelf thing won't work there then. And I don't think I have anywhere else in the house for it. Until kids move out. HA! Nothing like thinking way ahead, huh?
I hope you have a beautiful weekend my friends! Oh, by the way, Mabel continues to do well. She uses three legs mainly, but seems to be recovering very well. ♥
Stitching and praying,
Mabel aka Toots, Babes and Pretty |