Calendar Poodle SAL

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Hi friends!  Christ is Risen!
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:1-4

We attended our first Orthodox Pascha Service. Not for the faint of heart. ;) Ha! The Reading of the Acts of the Apostles, the Resurrection of Our Lord began at 10 p.m. The procession(around the church, in the dark with our candles), Paschal Matins and Divine Liturgy then began at 12 midnight.This was followed by the blessing of the Easter/Pascha baskets. I went to bed at 4:00 a.m.

Our friend Barbara gifted me with pink fabric last week. I made her a bookmark. Barbara told me,
"Vickie, I received the very sweet bookmark today in the mail.  I opened it and saw the letter B and thought how nice that you had done that.  Then I happen to turn it over and saw my baby and just flipped out.  If I use it as a bookmark, it gets hidden so if you look on my blog you'll see I'm using it to hold my cross stitch needles and that way I get to look at it more often.Thank you for thinking of me and I'm glad you like the pinks."
Sweet Vallie. Stitched 2 over 2 on mystery teal 28ct linen. This is a freebie you can find HERE.  Do you like the gold collar I gave her? 
I found the perfect fabrics to coordinate with the linen, all from my stash. I matched Vallie's bow to the fabric also. All DMC used.
I used DMC 4210 for the "B". It matches the fabric colors very well. :)

Ham dinner tonight. tee hee! Real butter on my homemade Russian Kulich bread too. :)

I have finished reading Ruth and am reading 1Samuel.

Would you please join me in prayer for  our friend Jacquie? Click on her link to read about her current, serious medical condition. Jacquie is in much need of prayer. We love you very much dear Jacquie.♥

Stitching and praying,
Now there's an Easter hat for you!!


xs88fan said...

Very beautiful bookmark!

Lumiruusu said...

Christ is Risen ! halleluja! I have had a tradition to look the easter Service from TV ,it comes every pascha ant start at midnight at at ends a bit after 003.00 :) Re

butterfly said...

Lovely bookmark Vickie enjoy your day hugs.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You have really excelled yourself with this latest bookmark, the puppy is adorable.

I actually spoke to Jacquie on Thursday so it was a real shock to hear she was taken to hospital that evening.

Frances said...

Such a sweet bookmark!!
I know your Easter service was lovely! Easter and Christmas are my favorite times of year at church--the music is always so lovely--that's what I always notice!! So special! And everything is always late at special services!!
I'm so sorry about Jacquie--she is so sweet and has been through so much. I really hope she will be better soon. She is definitely remembered in prayers!

Carol said...

I'm sure your first Easter service in the Orthodox church was special in every way, Vickie! And I just love that sweet bookmark you made for Barbara--great choice of finishing fabrics, too!

Cindy's Stitching said...

I love the bookmark. The colors are so pretty.

moreofhim said...

Vickie, the service sounds so beautiful! Did you do okay with your hip and your pain levels? I do hope it stayed low the entire time. I love the bookmark you made...another gorgeous project!! I just love seeing your projects. I am off to visit Jacquie's blog now and will keep her in prayer, too.

Much love & many blessings - Julie

Annette-California said...

Your Easter service sounds so special. What a darling bookmark you made - and the gold collar is just lovely! You always add the most sweetest touches. So kind and thoughtful of you to mention sweet Jacquie - extra prayers for her!
love Annette

Julie said...

Another beautifully made gift for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Hello Vickie

The service sounds wonderful.
I love the book mark, so cute!
Happy Monday x

Анна Гончарова said...

Очень красиво!!!

Tricia said...

Happy Easter, Vickie! It sounds like you might need a little extra sleep today! : ) What a sweet bookmark you sent. I love the pink bow and pretty collar! Have a blessed day!


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh my goodness! In the Catholic church we do all the same liturgy but we spread it out over the Easter did you do that?! My goodness, 4 a.m. You kept watch with our Lord, that is for certain! Prayers for your friend!

KimM said...

What a lovely post - and what darling stitching!

gominam said...

What a feeling to know you made someone happy with your stitching! Praise God for the talent given you and sharing it:)

Beth said...

What darling poodle bookmark. FYI - I am SURE there are poodle buttons to be had, if only you looked - try eBay!

Margaret said...

Love the gift -- so so sweet! I'm sorry to hear about Jacquie. Prayers being said.

Angela said...

Love these bookmarks :)

Lillie said...

A sweet gift

Carolien said...

Hello Vickie,

I am catching up, since we had a daughter in the house who was quite ill (migraine etc.). Spent the afternoon in the hospital with her yesterday.
So, very late but meant well, as we say in Holland: HAPPY EASTER!!! I am glad it was a good experience, it must have been very special. Mmm, bread with real butter ;)

Your bookmark is lovely and the golden collar is really chic!

Bye, Carolien

Brigitte said...

Very beautiful, this bookmark for Barbara. And she is right - why not use it for your stitching needles and always see it beside you when you stitch. A neat idea.

Mii Stitch said...

Oooh this is such a darling poodle bookmark!! :)

rosey175 said...

How did you not keep this for yourself?! Also it's kinda neat that she is using it for needles where she can see it.