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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Jesus ♥ Me

Hi friends! This is one heck of a week so far!! Yesterday I had the surgery to remove the possible remaining cancer and all the surrounding tissue from the melanoma. The surgeon told me he would go deep and and wide. I have to say that after the surgery was done I was quite relieved. He came to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said "Congratulations. You are cancer free." Whew. That feels very good. The nurse told me, after he had left that she truly believes just what he said. She said he took very wide margins and the pathology report will most likely show he got it all. Unfortunately we have to wait most likely a week for that pathology report, but I am not even thinking about it. I trust God.

Today I went to have the second round of cortisone shots in both my hip bursa. Yep. I may be crazy. This appointment was already scheduled before I even knew I had cancer, so I figured I was already in pain, let's just get this done. Not sure if that was the best decision, but what is done, is done. The cortisone shots I received two weeks ago helped reduce the pain. Now my hip and back pain has been high for the last 24 hours because I have to walk and rest and sleep in odd positions, due to limited knee movement. The melanoma was just barely above my left knee.

I stitched up Jesus Loves Me from My Big Toe Designs last month. This is a sweet freebie I wanted to stitch for a troubled young lady. She went to school with our Jacob from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade, at our church grade school. I worked with her mother at my first job. Her mom died from cancer ( a long struggle) when this young lady was in the fourth grade. She has never been the same since. At all. She became pregnant this year, and is going to have a baby girl next  month.
I decided to made a flat fold. I stitched this on white 28ct linen, two over two. I used DMC 3687,340, 727, 799, and 341. I had the perfect match in pink, solid fabric to the 3687, so that is the fabric I used.
I had a recent Bent Creek finish (no pictures). I have what I hope is a fantastic finishing idea. I will work on that soon, but first I am making up Mandolin Santa by Mill Hill. It is a Christmas Ornament for my brother Jonathan. He plays the mandolin. I want to have it done for his birthday on the 21st. I think I can do it.

I see that I have 299 followers! That is super! :) When I reach 300 I am going to celebrate you all and my cancer removal with a giveaway. It is a large chart. Stay tuned. ;)

That is about it for now my friends. I am off to check out your wonderful, inspiring blogs before the crazy, bad pain from the  hip injections kicks in tonight. It lasts for about 3 days, if it goes like last time. Then the pain decreases. I hope it stays decreased. I do believe it will!

Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Thank you for your friendship.♥

Stitching and praying,


Beth said...

Relieved surgery went well - sounds as though you had a very compassionate surgeon.

Lumiruusu said...

I have been praying for and know you are in Gods hands.The flatfold s very pretty and the verse is really touching..No matter what happens in ourlives Jesus Loves us...

Barb said...

Glad the surgery went so well. Love your CS piece.

Anonymous said...

Hello Vicki

Glad your surgery went well and fingers crossed that you are cancer free.
Sorry to hear of your hip pain and I hope it decreases quickly.
What a lovely gift for the young lady.
Happy stitching (:

Justine said...

You're in my prayers and I will add your young friend to the list.

Hazel said...

Gorgeous flat fold! Praise Him for that fantastic report. xxx

ricketyjo said...

Hello there, glad to hear that your surgery went as expected and hope that your recovery from it is fast. Lovely piece of stitching, the colours are so nice :)

Tricia said...

Bless your heart, Vickie! I love that you are still thinking of others even in the midst of your own round of trials. Praying that your injections will keep your pain down and that your leg will heal well!

Ranae said...

Vickie that is great news, I'll keep you in my prayers for the results,
Take care and the best to you

marly said...

Sounds good! I hope the injection works better than expected.

Margaret said...

Lots of prayers that you are truly cancer free -- I believe that you are too! Prayers for your pain too -- hope those corisone shots work! Lovely flatfold. So sad about the young lady. She's had a hard life at such a young age.

Catherine said...

So glad all went well with your surgery and hopefully the shots will help with your pain. Such a sweet thoughtful gift for your young friend ~ she sure has experienced a lot!

cucki said...

My dear it's a great brews..I will keep you in my prayers for the results
Sweet hugs x

Brigitte said...

So good to read that everything went perfectly well with your surgery. And I hope that the pain from your injections will soon go away, too.
Nice little gift for your young friend.

Annette-California said...

That's great news that your surgery went well and prayers that you get great news with the results from the tests. Hope the pain from the shots and surgery are gone soon and that the shots work for you too.
Geezz Vickie you have been though so much and yet you find it in your heart to make a gift for the young lady. Beautiful! Love the gift you made her. love Annette

Sally said...

So happy the surgery went well. I woll continue to pray for you dear Vickie. It sounds like you have a wonderful surgeon.

Love your sweet finish.

Trace4J said...

I believe it too.
Jesus love us..we are blessed.
What a sweet thing to do.
Praying for you and your young friend.
God is always with us all.
Woolie Hugs

Annie said...

So glad all went well! Best wishes for continued good health from here on.

Mii Stitch said...

Glad it all went well! Nice to know you had a fantastic surgeon that took great care of you :)

Jacqueline Morris said...

Oh my goodness.. its times like this I really dont know what to say. But I often think of you and what you are going through. All I can do from my end is send you happy smiles in the hope that they brighten your day in some way... Take care of yourself.
I love your colorful Jesus stitch.. its very pretty :)
Smiles :)

Julie said...

A very sweet finish for the young lady, I hope it gives her comfort.

Here's to pain free days sooner rather than later and good news from the results after your surgery ..i'll be praying that happens.

Maggee said...

So glad to hear the news, as no doubt you are too! I made that Jesus loves me piece for my oldest granddaughter about 5 years ago! I see she still has it on her windowsill. I will keep you in prayer for pain relief! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your blog today and am thankful to read that your surgery is behind you and that your surgeon gave you a good report. This time 19 years ago I had surgery on my right thigh for melanoma. The dr. also went wide and deep. I have not had a recurrence but have had 21 skin "lesions" taken off through the years. All that time God has never let me down. I have learned that His presence is the most vital thing in my life. In the good or the bad or even the unknown, He is there with His love. I pray you have many good days ahead, praising Him and blessing others. Lorraine

Pam in IL said...

Jesus Loves Me is so cute and what a nice gift for the young lady.

Glad your surgery went well and is over. My mom had that procedure in May. My mom's doctor does the surgery in a location with the lab right there so it's determined that all the cancer is gone before the area is sutured up.

Keeping you in my prayers!

butterfly said...

Good news on the surgery , hope you can relax now and have some fun.
Always in my thoughts dear friend.
Big Hugs & xxx

Angela said...

Hope you will be pain free soon, so glad the Dr. is sure he got all the cancer :)

Lovely flatfold finish :)

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

I am so glad you have had your surgery Vickie and the outcome is all positive. I hope you do not have to wait too long gor the official results.
Your flatfold is a lovely gift and I am sure it will be much appreciated.

Barbara said...

Vickie, you've been in my prayers and let's trust the doctor to be right. God guided his hands so we must believe that what he said was true.
I love the little design you stitched for that troubled young lady. I know she'll appreciate it.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Glad the surgery went well. I have a lot of moles and have had a few removed where they caught on clothing. Luckily all of mine have been fine but I do keep an eye on them to note any changes.

I loved the French Knot Henry you posted recently. I cannot imagine making all those knots but he does look superb!

Michelle said...

So pleased all went well for you. Thinking of you dear friend xx

Carol said...

I've been thinking about you all week, Vickie, and I am so relieved to read your news! I just feel, in my heart, that it was caught early enough and you'll be fine from now on... Just have to remain vigilant and get those periodic check-ups. I'm so glad you've had such a good doctor throughout your ordeal...

Lovely little piece that you stitched for the young woman. I'm sure she will be very touched by your kindness and thoughtful gift.

Hope you can relax a bit now and enjoy the rest of "summer" (it is going down to 49 tonight so it really feels more like late fall :)

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Glad you've got that behind you, I'm sure the result will be just what the surgeon said to you. What a lovely stitch and finish with such thought and care for a young person.

Andrea said...

I'm so pleased the surgery went well and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the results will be what everyone hopes for. Lovely stitching and finishing.

Von said...

So relieved to hear the good news about your surgery, and praying for continued good reports on all fronts!

KimM said...

What great news!! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations on 299 (soon to be 300) followers.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend.

Cindy's Stitching said...

Wow Vickie, I am glad the results are positive. You have been through a lot. All my friends up north are saying it is like fall weather already.

Anne said...

Thank God my dear Vickie you are okay. I knew you would be :D I'm doing a little dance for joy in my heart for you!! The flatfold finish is darling and I'm sure the girl will cherish it. Sending you prayers and hugs!

Sheryl said...

Pleased to hear that your surgery has gone so well. Very pretty design stitched.