- Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide;
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me. - Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see—
O Thou who changest not, abide with me. - I need Thy presence every passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow’r?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me. - I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness;
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. - Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.
So , onto what I have been stitching. This precious little sampler pattern given to me by Maggee.
Now I showed you the picture here on the pattern itself. They used a mink colored linen and dark threads. I knew what I wanted this finished as, and I knew I wanted to use this lovely Wild Raspberry linen. I wanted to use variegated threads as the pattern calls for. So I went over to JoAnn to get myself some. I had seen this ad in the quilting magazine from the library quite a while back. I thought that might be a great idea.
Have you seen this? Have you tried it? Well, let me tell you, I was on percocet while shopping. INTERESTlNG! I bought RAYON thread, not COTTON. Kind of a difference. I came home and excitedly started to stitch. Well, I got to thinking this seems very different. (Thinking gets a little clouded while on narcotics friends. ;) When it finally dawned on me what the problem was, I said forget it. I am just going for it. Well, I will use the threads again..... FOR SEWING, NOT STITCHING!
I like the way it turned out, yes. But the process wasn't all that fun. The linen is dark to stitch on. I really couldn't at night. The linen is loosely woven, another trouble for me at night time. The holes looked wonky to me in the evening. And rayon thread is not fun to use with rougher linen. I got a lot of reading done during the last week in the evenings. =)
The fabric in front is what I lined the sampler with. The little basket is a gift from Peggy. Nothing is in it YET!
Did you notice I changed the cat to a POODLE?! ;) This is stitched two over one on 28ct Wild Raspberry linen.
This chart will be making it's way to Cucki. ♥
I just received a gift in the mail today from Nicola. She recently had a giveaway and I was the winner!
Thank you so much Nicola. This is a beautiful chart. A few sweet extras for me too. You are so kind.♥
That is all for today friends. I am stitching another small from my stash. We are waiting for warm weather like quite a few of you have already.
Stitching and praying,
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Mabel waiting for the kids to come home from school. |
Aww cute finish..I love it so much ❤❤❤❤ and the poodle is looking cute in it :)
Such sweet gift from Nicola ..congrats for your win ..,
Love for you and Mabel xxx
Very beautiful Vickie. Love the wild raspberry linen and the threads you used are look beautiful stitched. Well it was well worth all your efforts stitching with the new threads:) So I take it the threads come in cotton as well? I haven't seen them before...hmm Joann's may get a visit from me. Congrats on your gifts from Nicola - wonderful chart and fabric. Still praying for you. I hope you are feeling better. love Annette
Oh, Vickie! How well I know that hymn. It was one of my brother's favorites when he was dying of cancer. My grandmother read it out loud when he was breathing his last and we sang it at this funeral. That was over 30 years ago and it still brings tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing it...
Your stitching looks nice even it you picked the wrong threads.
"if" :)
That is a really sweet finish and looks perfect on the woven box.
A very pretty finish - well done!
I am sorry you are in pain - tough to live with that full-time. What a sweet little sampler you've stitched and a great give away from Nicola.
This morning here in Italy, i have that sad news about what happened in Boston, we are praying. Today i will pray in my church and in my heart for those families. Thanks for share that beautiful prayer and thanks for the link you let in my blog. Hugs ❤-❤
So beautiful, love the design and the colours and how you finished it .
Wonderful gift from Nicola.
Hope your pain is better this week sweetie, hugs.
Very pretty finish & lovely win!
Hey Vickie!
I hope that your pain level is decreasing and you are feeling better soon.
Your finish is very wonderful.Funny about the thread. Live and learn :) Fabulous giveaway win!
Beautiful stitching & perfect finish on the box!!! I prefer your choice of colours, I think it stand out more :D Congrats on winning these lovely goodies! x
I think it looks fantastic, and just LOVE the way you finished it! I worked on a project many years ago with a horrible fabric, to lose and UGH it gave me such a headache LOL In the end I finished it.
Your pup is a doll :) Have a beautiful day!!
I also just came across your blog today and have become a follower. You have a great blog :)
Such a beautiful finish! I love it!
Your box it's very beautiful ..... I love the little dog ...
bisous from FRANCE
I had to laugh about you being on Percocet and making decisions. lol Yes, I know exactly how that goes!! Our thinking gets quite muddled, for sure.
Your piece is gorgeous and I LOVE the way you finished it on the basket. So cute! Of course, I love that you changed the cat to a poodle. :) You always make everything your own and it really inspires me to do the same.
Praying you feel better soon, my friend. Pain is so hard to deal with. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Blessings - Julie
P.S. I forgot to tell you that I'm having a giveaway on my blog for a great Christian book you may enjoy. Come by and leave a comment for a chance to win. Here's the link to the post:
Blessings - Julie
Dear Vickie,
thanks so lot for your nice comment and showing us your beautiful stitchery, I like this linen and the colours you used.
Have a nice spring day
What a beautiful finish Vickie. You know I am so cross with myself as we threw a sewing basket out like this while clearing out at my Dad's. Never thought about stitching something and covering it :(
What a wonderful prize package from Nicola. Congratulations!
Hope your pain eases my friend.
You have stitched nice sampler on lovely linen with beautiful threads and excellent finish. It's so adorable.
It's such a lovely hymn, it's one of my mum's favourites. Mabel is a cute girl, she's got such a sweet face.
What a lovely hymn and a gorgeous finish too. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Good Morning Vickie,
I love all your work, it's beautiful. I wanted to make sure that people can get to you from New York State of Mind and they can. Gee, I did soemthing right. LOL.
Hope you, your family and Mabel have a great weekend,
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