Calendar Poodle SAL

Thursday, April 25, 2013

SURPRISE! Meet Henry!

Good Morning friends! Monday night we added another poodle to the household! Meet Henry.
He is a 3 year old apricot tiny toy poodle. I found him online on ebay classifeds. We took him to the vet for a check up before his neuter surgery, which will happen very soon. He had two ear infections and his teeth need cleaning also. Not real impressed with their care of him. They have a yellow lab and a golden retriever. These dogs like to rough house and don't care if Henry was in the way. He is very timid. He is used to being knocked around from them I guess. That is what we were told. He lays flat down each time you go to pick him up. He does not piddle, thank goodness! It is so different getting an adult dog. We have only ever bought puppies.
Henry is 4.4 lbs!! The poor little guy should gain 1 lb the vet says. The vet is impressed with his temperament. He is just so sweet and mild. Mabel is not thrilled. She just watches him. If he comes to her she leaves. It will take time and  adjustment. We hope they become buddies. =)
The first picture may show it best. He is all legs! He definitely has a different build to him than our Mabel. She is barrel chested. When we bought her she was a 7 week old ball of black fluff. As she grew, we asked the vet why is her chest getting so big? He explained that some poodles and schnauzers have what is called a barrel chest. Oh well. It sure is way more noticeable with Henry around!! And her weight gain from the steroids!  We've got pudgy and skinny! @_@

He is nothing but a little cuddle buddy.♥ The moment anyone sits on the floor he leaps into your lap and promptly falls asleep. This little guy has really, really bonded with me. Guess who sits on my lap every time I get on the computer now? That little bed I made in the first picture is where he lays, next to my chair when I stitch. =)

So I am still stitching my small, secret project. Just not as much, as you can imagine. He may be three, but he acts like he is one. Loves squeaky toys, just like Mabel. It is quite the challenge to squeak and throw two at a time in different directions.

Take care and have a wonderful day friends. I'm going to! I look forward to your comments.

Playing, Stitching and Praying,


Parsley said...

He is ADORABLE! I love his name too, since my boy was named Henry (RIP).


Shirley said...

Good Morning Vicki, Your new little poodle is so adorable. He probably did get roughed up with the other two dogs. Mabel just doesn't know yet and probably feels he is invading her space. I am catching up with friends this morning. I am glad that you have no UFO's and I hope you are feeling better. Our weather has not helped any of us. The snow didn't last long, but it is April and we are suppose to have sunshine and warmer temperature. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend.

Margaret said...

Oh, he is so adorable! I hope he and Mabel adjust to each other and become best friends. It does sound like his previous owners weren't exactly on top of his care. Poor little guy. Enjoy your new family member!

Vicki said...

He is one handsome guy! Congratulations, Vickie!

Varla Lee said...

Awwww!!! Oh Vickie, is adorable!! Seem Sissi, my mother little one ^_^
Nice to meet you cute thihg! hu huhu!

cucki said...

Awwww so sweet ❤❤❤

Shari said...

oh my goodness Vickie!!!! I would love to run across a little guy like that!!!! I miss my Spyro so thankful for Elmo, but love the little ones!!
Henry is a good looking little guy!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on the new addition to the family!

Jane said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you all, a new playmate for Mabel (she will accept him, just needs a little time to trust him!!), another cuddly buddy for you and best of all a caring and loving home for Henry ~ enjoy, have fun xxx

CalamityJr said...

What a sweetheart, and so blessed that his new home is with you. You (and Mabel eventually) are going to have so much fun together!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new addition.

Henry is adorable so glad to know he is in a home full of love!


KimM said...

He is absolutely ADORABLE!! As my Aunt Pud used to say "He landed in a tub of butter."

Lucky Henry - and lucky you.

Tricia said...

How sweet!!! Interesting what you said about Mabel being barrel chested and Henry being skinny. Our Schnoodle has always had a barrel chest and I wondered if he was quite ok, but that makes sense. Our 3 year old Mini Schnauzer is all legs and skinny like Henry. Enjoy him!!!!


butterfly said...

Oh Vickie how wonderful, he is so cute , I really miss not having a dog , they are such sweet friends, hope you have loads of happy times with your little friends, hugs.

Simply Victoria said...

Welcome Henry! He is so cute!

Cindy said...

He is absolutely adorable! My mother in law had 3 tea cup poodles, and Henry looks just like her "Peaches". I know he's found a good home now, surely Mabel will adjust to him soon.

Annette-California said...

Henry is adorable, Congrats on your new family member. Well now he has a new terrific mommy - You. He will become more confident as time goes by. I know he will trust you within time. Now Mabel has a brother:) love Annette

Annie said...

Such a cutie! Hope those two get used to each other quickly. They look like they could become good buddies if they give it a chance. Enjoy your new baby!

Deborah said...

Welcome to the new little boy! He is a sweetie.

Giovanna said...

Congrats on the arrival of Henry - it's so wonderful of you to give him a home, and I hope he'll soon be friends with Mabel.

marly said...

He is so sweet! What a cutie. I'll bet he is so happy to be with your family.

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Henry is absolutely adorable and has found a loving home.I hope he and Mabel become friends very soon:-)

Maggee said...

Wow! Deja Vu! You know how I liken Mabel to my granddog Thor, right? Well, your Henry is the same as my 2nd granddog, Rusty! He was a rescue, very young, very disturbed feral APRICOT toy poodle. But I have allergic reactions around him, so I swear he is mixed. He is also much bigger than Thor, with LONG legs, and a rounded face, unlike Thor and Mabel... He is around 3 years old now. Interesting, eh?? Hugs!

Myra said...

What a cutie! I am sure with your love he is just going to thrive at your house. Congratulations!

Beth said...

Welcome Henry! Congrats on the newest member of your family.

moreofhim said...

Oh, he's absolutely adorable!!! I'm so happy for him that he will be in such a loving home! We have a poodle that we rescued from a not so loving home and she has some issues, too. It's totally worth it, though, as poodles are the BEST! :) I'm so happy for all of you!

Blessings - Julie

Dirty Martini Queen said...

Hello Henry and don't worry soon your sister, Miss Mabel will be romping with you,snuggling up for naps and sharing her toys. You are a sweet boy and will love your new home where you'll be spoiled rotten, loved before your wildest puppy dreams and finally have a safe home. Be a good boy for your momma!


Shirlee said...

Henry is adorable! I'm so glad you are giving him a good home : )

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

oh what a good news! it is too good! this is a nice gesture to save an animal!! it would love you and happy!! you will be blessed by God for this love ... kiss my sweet friend

New York State Of Mind said...

Oh my gosh, Vickie, he is precious. When I got Pierre he was shy to for a while. I guess he was just afraid of all the new people, but the more he was with them, the more forward he came. Now he loves everyone, well there are a couple exceptions. If Pierre doesn't like them most people here don't. Mabel and Henry will get use to each other. IT just takes a little time. She has been top cheese and she has to get use to someone else. It will work out. Give them both a hug from me and Pierre.


Trace4J said...

What a lucky boy that you found him.
He is soo cute.
I had a ole beagle boy named Henry.
I'm sure Mabel and Henry will be friends soon.
So happy for you.
Woolie hugs

Countryside Reflections said...

Hi Vickie, I came over from New York State of Mind. What a wonderful surprise and I'm so happy for you and Henry. Mabel might not know it yet, but she'll be happy too when she's used to him.

What a nice blog. I'll add it to my list of blogs to follow.


Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

adorable - i love dogs, maybe time to get a small one?

Solstitches said...

Henry is adorable and I'm so glad you found him. He couldn't have gone to a better home.
Happy weekend :)

Chris said...

He is absolutely gorgeous. My last toy poodle was 4 when I had him, his previous owner died and my son took him, but asked me to look after him while he was on holiday and that was that... he was deemed mine. He piddled everywhere, his favourite place was my bed! I had him 'done' and then took him outside on the hour every hour! He got better but was quite a fierce little thing if anyone came near me! But then a few years ago my DH was walking him when a car mounted the pavement and knocked down my hubby and killed the dog. We were so grateful that my hubby wasn't hurt too badly but sad that we lost Boysie.. now we have Nell a Cockerpoo, and she is delightful. Pretty and a bit sassy but so lovable. Such love they give us..
Hope you have many happy times with him.
Love and Blessings
Chris x
The bit of my gardening you can't see is me walking slowly today as I have back and leg ache!!

Melody said...

What a cutie! So glad he has found a good home with your family. It's so sad when they don't have a good home.

Welcome, Henry!

Melanie said...

Oooooooooo, he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cuddles*

Anne said...

Awwwww! Hellloooo there Henry!! Give him a wee little squeeze from me! I'm so glad that he is in your home now. I'm sure Mabel will come around and accept him, although she has been the queen of the house for awhile now.


Ele said...

Dear Vickie,

thanks for visiting me, I love "Forget-me-not" too. ;-)

Henry is a lovley poodle, an adorable little guy, hope you will have a long time full of love and fun with him!

Have a nice sunday

Michelle said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! He is so adorable and sweet and will be so happy in your loving home! Poor Miss Mabel - I am sure she will adjust soon :)

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

Slurps for the dogs !

bisous bisous

Carol said...

Awww.. welcome to Henry!! I'm sure things are very lively around your house these days, Vickie!

Анна Гончарова said...

Чудесный пудель!

Anne said...


Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I am following you too!
Henry is gorgeous, such a lovely colour.
The stitching on your blog is beautiful.

Meari said...

Congrats on your new member!

Catherine said...

Yay! What a sweetie! I know he will be well taken care of and loved in your home!