So anyways, I made this cute little mug mat a week ago.
This is for myself. =) Brian makes me about 5 hot Tea Chai Lattes a week. My favorite flavor is pumpkin spice. mmm! I used this freebie I have had in my stash for 2 years!! I just knew it was time to make it! I gave up chai lattes for Lent. ;) This is the back.

You know what I think is cute? He won't let me place a mug on it! He has it propped up in the tea cabinet. He said it is too great to use. He thinks all my stitching is perfect! Isn't that great?!! I think so. ;)
I have been stitching on a small sampler. I have had limited time to stitch since it is on wild raspberry colored linen. These aging eyes cannot stitch on a looser weaved linen in a dark color. A dark evenweave is not as bad. The squares get wonky shaped, or as Marly has referred to them, "honeycomb shaped". More to tell on this sampler, I will wait til it is done. Almost. ;)
We took Miss Mabel to the vet yesterday for her distemper combo and rabies shots. Well, a few hours after returning, I noticed this.
And this.
Do you see the pink skin and swelling of her face? The poor thing had a reaction to one of the shots. Don't know for sure which one. Took her back right away for a shot of benedryl and a steroid injection. Gave more benedryl before bed too. She is all better today. She will need benedryl before all shots in the future now.
I read the book Guardian by Beverly Lewis last week. I highly recommend it. I love her books. I also read books 2 and 3 in the Eyes Wide Open series by Ted Dekker this weekend. I am on number 4 right now. LOVE these books! I have loved every single book I have ever read by him. And it is almost 40 now. =)
Thank you, Lord, for ears that hear, for a heart that receives your mystery.
That's it for today friends. I am glad to be back with all of you! I missed you.♥
Take care and have a wonderful evening in the Lord.
Stitching and praying,
Poor little sweet Mabel, I hope she's feeling much better now.
I feel your pain with the internet crisis because we've gone thru that same thing. I've been trying to straighten out a phone company error since August and at this point have a $300 credit with them on a $20 per month bill! Augh...imagine my Charlie Brown face with tonsils flapping. Hope everything is straightened out for you atleast for now.
Oh poor Mabel! Good that you noticed it and got her help so quickly!!
Your mat is adorable ~ I too am a fan of Chai Tea Lattes!! Yummy!!
As for technology, sometimes it can be a big pain, can't it!?!
Darling little mug mat! You should make another and spray it with scotch guard so you can use it. ;) You have a warm and cozy evening out of all the rain we are getting.
Oh dear Poor little sweet Mabel...i hope she is feeling much better now.
Big hugs for you u x
What a lovely mat! Poor Mabel - I hope she recovers real soon. And I'm sorry you had so many problems with your new provider.
I'm so glad you finally have your internet back! What an ordeal! We actually just switched to Verizon FIOS for faster internet and cable and phone. And cheaper service. Now we're getting offers to switch back. lol! Poor Mabel! I'm glad you caught her reaction to the shot and got her treated. Love the mat you made -- so cute!
Cute mug rug! My DH thinks all my stitching and sewing is perfect too - they are great sometimes, aren't they? :o) Poor Mabel - so sorry she had a reaction to her vaccines, though it is fairly common, I hate it happened to her.
Thank goodness you saw waht was wrong with Mabel. Poor sweet Mabel and YOU! Yep I know too well being on the phone with the phone service. After 15 visits they finally redid some wiring. That was last year. But they really were kind - all of them. Love your new mug rug:) I love that pumpkin and pink backing:) great stitching my friend. love Annette
Yes, i saw the difference in her little poor face! Oh, hunny, i hope she is fine now. I love that pumpk´ design, is cute! Hope everything is going better now for you. Hugs!
So glad Mabel is alright now, that was nasty shock!
I love your mug mat,what a great idea and I like your hubby reaction to you trying to use it:)
We had a similar experience with our internet a few years is soooo frustrating at the time. Glad you are all connected now.
Missed you this week Vickie. So glad that things are sorted out.
The mug mat is fabulous, it sounds like Brian is too.
Poor Mabel.
Glad you're back online! Great stitching and your hubby is right, we wouldn't want to stain this little beauty by placing a mug on it!!! Hope Mabel is feeling better now x
Welcome back : )
So good to have you back Vickie.
Poor little Mabel , she has such a cute face bless her I hope she is much better now.
Lovely mug mat, hugs.
Thank goodness you have the Internet mess all fixed!
I love Ted Dekker too. He is a must have for me to get as the church librarian :)
Poor, poor Mabel and her shot reaction. I had that problem with Rickie, too. I don't seem to have it with Pierre. Love all the items you make. Of course, I love the poodle the best.
As you can see I made it through from the post, so we must have finally fotten it worked out.
Hope you have a great evening. Give Mabel a hug from Pierre and me.
Good to see you back Vickie.
Poor Mabel. She's been having a real tough time of ti, bless her.
Oh no!! The poor poor thing!! :(
So frustrating to try and do the RIGHT thing for your animal and have it go the opposite way. Just went through that and you feel so helpless. *sigh*
Welcome back to the Internet.
You did a wonderful stitching and finishing job on your latte mat!
Oh Vickie! What a nightmare you went through! Glad the internet is fixed up and that Mabel had some benadryl shots. Poor little gal she really has had a tough time as of late :( That tea mat is adorable and your husband is so sweet to make you all those lattes!! Many prayers for you my friend!
Poor Miss Mabel! So glad you discovered the reaction before it possibly got worse! Hope the internet issue is worked out still. I will look into Guardian, as I have enjoyed many of her books. Never tried Dekker ones... Hugs!
That is so sweet that your husband takes such interest in your stitching, Vickie!! I, too, think that mug mat is too pretty to risk spilling tea on :) So glad your internet is finally fixed, but at least you got to spend a lot of time in the library :)
Hope Mabel is no longer pink!!
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