Calendar Poodle SAL

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hello friends! I have been having extra pain this week. So this surprise could not have come at a better time! Looky, looky!!
Isn't it gorgeous?!? I MAY have an ebay problem. ;) I check for poodle thimbles. They certainly do not come up often. This Kirks Folly beauty was just for bid. I knew it would be more than our budget. I am a penny pincher. Brian, not so much. ;) So I showed him it and said "Oh well!", and I truly, honestly meant it. None of this hint, hint stuff. I love to get deals on ebay.
So I was completely and utterly stunned and speechless(this is hard to do to me my friends) when Brian presented me with this. He said he was so happy it brightened up my day. I was feeling rather blue from the pain.
He had just gotten me this beautiful pink rose before the thimble came. I was so happy with just the rose. =)
Brian takes very good care of me, and I love him.
I baked this challah bread yesterday. I use the bread machine for the dough and then braid it up, let is rise and bake it. num, num, num. It is a Jewish recipe for Sabbath bread. I have been making it for almost a dozen years now.
Hey Trace! This picture is for you. =) This was my maternal grandmother's rooster. This pretty violet, which matches the rooster, blooms in the spring for me every year.

I wish I had my Easter stitch to show you. I used up a whole, new skein of DMC 746. Thanks to percocet, I had to unstitch a bit. Now, I need just a tiny bit more and I will be done. I went to our JoAnn, which is liquidating.It is closing. A new and bigger one is opening soon. ALL of the DMC 746 was gone. It was there last week!!  Off to Michael's today then.

I will be back soon with the finish and maybe more. Have a happy day friends! So glad you came by.♥

Stitching and praying,


Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

sorry to hear you are feeling pain again Vickie - get better soon! the poodle thimble is fabulous and what a wonderful husband you have to gift that to you - big hugs, Amanda

Giovanna said...

What a gorgeous thimble... and rose - Brian is a keeper :-) And that bread looks wonderful too.
I hope the pain eases up for you.

Margaret said...

I hope the pain leaves you alone, Vickie. Not fun! What a sweet husband you have! My gosh, what a gorgeous thimble!! And so totally perfect for you! I'm glad your DH got it for you -- it's so you! I love challah bread. My favorite!

cucki said...

Sorry to hear that you are feeling pain again...
Get well soon dear..
Sweet thimble...and yummy bread...
Love for you x

Topcho said...

I hope the pain goes away soon... the thimble is so cute, and whit the rosem what a lovely surprise to brighten your day :)

Barbara said...

Vickie, such a beautiful thimble and so unique. I love the rooster with the violet in it. It's like your Grandmother is saying Happy Spring to you every year. Here's hoping that nasty pain leaves soon.

Vicki said...

What a beautiful thimble!

Peggy Lee said...

I think that husband of yours is a keeper but I think you knew that!
Sorry the pain is being a monster recently. Hope it eases up for you soon.
Gosh that's a pretty rose. I can almost smell it here!
Looking forward to seeing your Easter stitch.

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet of him to do that for you.

Annette-California said...

Sorry to hear your pain is back, I will pray for you. What lovely gestures from your Brain. I love Kirks Folly - Your thimble is beautiful and pink:) and pink rose is perfect. Your grandmothers rooster is beautiful, I'm impressed you got the violet in there to bloom - beautiful. Your bread is also pretty and looks so good. Hope you feel better soon.
love Annette

Tricia said...

What a precious gift from your husband! I'll bet the thought behind is even sweeter than the darling thimble!! Your Sabbath bread looks scrumptious. What a wonderful reminder to rest in God - like the Israelites did on the Sabbath - even in the midst of your pain. I do hope that it eases up for you soon!



Simply Victoria said...

What a thoughtful husband you have to bless you so when you are hurting! Hope you feel better with the weather warming up.

Lumiruusu said...

The Poodle Thimble really had You name on it !!
It just belongs to be on your collection.
And the pin rose is lovely too!

I think we both are spoiled by our DH.s ?!
:) :)

Trace4J said...

Oh so sweet I love that rooster and violet.
What a treasure.
And my what a sweet husband you have too friend.
Love the thimble..too cute.
Praying for you friend.
Sending you a big hug too

moreofhim said...

I'm so sorry you're having so much pain! I totally understand and it can definitely give you blue days. I'm praying for you!

You know I love your thimble!! How incredibly beautiful and, even more beautiful, is that your husband surprised you with it. That is so sweet and loving! Your husband sounds like he's a keeper. ;)

Take care and I pray that you are feeling much better quickly!

Blessings - Julie

Carolyn @ The Baseball Stitcher said...

Oh, I LOVE the thimble! How incredibly sweet of your hubby!

Praying for you and the pain... I know how it can just take over everything.


butterfly said...

Oh Vickie, I hope you are feeling a little better today .
I love your thimble it is beautiful, you have a wonderful man to look after you and buy you a lovely rose , you are blessed , Happy Easter , hugs.

Chris said...

What lovely treats. That is one amazing poodle thimble!
I hope that your pain level gets better.
I love your rooster planter too.
Hugs and Happy Easter!

Mii Stitch said...

I hope you're feeling a bit better. That thimble is just adorable & so you! What a lovely little present x

Catherine said...

So sorry the pain is well, being a pain! Hope you are feeling better. You are truly blessed with a good man!! What a beautiful rose and thimble!!

Carol said...

What a sweet and loving husband you have, Vickie! I'm sure the sight of that lovely poodle thimble helped ease your pain immensely... I do hope it eases soon--can't imagine life with chronic pain.

Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter!

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

oh c'est vraiment de toute beauté ! tout est magnifique et le pain miam miam .... bisous bisous de la FRANCE

gracie said...

Sorry you are not feeling too well. As I work at a Jo Ann's, if you need the floss and cannot find it, let me know. I would be happy to send it to you.

Cathy said...

I just became a follower. I saw a link to your blog on another blog and loved everything I saw. I'll be back to visit often!

Meari said...

What a beautiful thimble! Your DH certainly does take good care of you. :)

That bread sounds good.

Maggee said...

Hope the pain has lessened for you by now... I am a bit behind in reading blogs, due to 'stuff' going on... Your hubby is one terrific guy for getting you that thimble! He paid attention... not all do! Have a wonderful Resurrection Day! Hugs!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

What a beautiful thimble and rose from your hubby.This is my first visit to your blog, I hope the pain you have gets better. Your challah bread looks very tasty. I will have to read more of your posts:)

Melanie said...

That is a seriously pretty and perfect thimble. What a great little surprise from the hubby. Definitely a keeper! ;^)

Solstitches said...

The thimble is gorgeous and just perfect for you. Beautiful rose too.
Your bread looks amazing.
I hope you are feeling better.