Calendar Poodle SAL

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Hi friends! Today is my birthday. I am blessed to have so many caring, wonderful friends in my life. Thank you dear friends! I would like to share with you gifts that I have received from friends in our community.

From June:

Thank you June! Such sweet charts. And I can always use another bookmark for my many, many books I read. Thank you June!

From Martina this beautiful handmade card. Thank you Martina!

From Manuela this lovely hand stitched card I will make into a small pillow. Thank you Manuela!
From Robin, a gorgeous chart that Madeleine and I both love and think will look perfect on the corner shelf. The pink pom pom trim will be used in future finishing. I love the perfectly stitched and finished Wisconsin ornament. Thank you Robin!
From Carol I received this perfectly stitched Spring card. I made it into a display for my cubby shelf. I will use the trims for future finishing. Thank you Carol!
Brian came home with this variegated turtle vine for me the other day. It is so pretty. We went shopping for the pretty pot and I planted it up right away. It sits in the center of our kitchen table now.
He knows I love pink. Don't you all? Ha! He gave me these for my birthday. He always, always gives presents early. 
I have to say, those placemats look really good with that plant on the table.😊
I admittedly have an Anna Lee problem. I told everyone NO MORE! I told them, I will NOT buy any more. We went to HomeGoods recently  and I saw these. Are they not adorable?! We left without them. I was strong. Brian went back and bought them for me.

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.  1Thessalonians 5:11

We are going to Bible study this morning. Then Brian says he has something planned for me. 😃 After that, I am stitching on something pink today!

Thanks for stopping by and supporting me all these years. I am so very glad to have you as my friends!

Stitching and praying,



Ele said...

Happy birthday Vickie! so many lovely cards and gifts - enjoy them all!!

Carol said...

Looks like your birthday is off to a great start with all those lovely gifts and cards, Vickie! Wishing you much love and laughter in your next year! ♥

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend. Those were some really lovely gifts. I hope today is full of much joy and many blessings sweet friend. ((hugs))

MartinaM said...

Happy birthday my friend, I wish you a wonderful day with your loved ones.
Big Hugs Martina

butterfly said...

Happy Birthday , my sweet friend .
Have fun , hugs June.

Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday Vickie!
What great goodies you received.
The Mice are adorable.
Have fun with whatever Brian is planning!

Manuela said...

Happy belated Birthday Vickie.
I hope you had a wonderful day with your family.
Have a nice weekend and a big hugs, Manuela

Robin in Virginia said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday, dear Vickie. You received a wonderful assortment of goodies.

marly said...

What lovely and special gifts! Happy belated Miss Vickie!

Astrids dragon said...

It looks like you had a wonderful birthday with lots of goodies! And I'm glad you enjoyed some pink! 🥰