This is from Prairie Schooler, book #87 Christmas Trees II I stitched this as called for, except I changed the called for color of 18ct Aida to Dusty Green to match the picture color. The chart calls for Olive. I think they made a mistake, since mine matches perfectly? Now he has two Christmas trees!🎄( I started giving him stitched trees last year.)
Oh friends the 🎶Bluegrass Bibs🎶 are back!😔
This is Amy Nelson, daughter of THE WILLIE NELSON! 🤩 🤠 Amy is one half of Folkuke.
This is Cathy Guthrie, granddaughter of WOODY GUTHRIE!🎸
Cathy is the other half of Folkuke. Am I done? NOPE! FOUR more autographs to embroider on these 🎶Bluegrass Bibs🎶 of my brother Jon's. Then I am hoping to be done forever. How's that? Brian has offered to talk to Jon for me. Since my wrist pain has only worsened with this stitching on denim, Brian is going to tell Jon I just can't do it any more. I will offer to show him how to do it. I do not think he will ever do it himself. I don't think this will be well received honestly, but I do not want to stitch these endlessly. And Jon keeps getting the signatures and assuming I will do them.

I do not know about you, but I knew virtually nothing about English/Native American conflicts in New England before reading this novel. This book was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1676. Even before Mary Rowlandson was captured by Indians on a winter day of violence and terror, she sometimes found herself in conflict with her rigid Puritan community. Now, her home destroyed, her children lost to her, she has been sold into the service of a powerful woman tribal leader, made a pawn in the ongoing bloody struggle between English settlers and native people. Battling cold, hunger, and exhaustion, Mary witnesses harrowing brutality but also unexpected kindness. To her confused surprise, she is drawn to her captors’ open and straightforward way of life, a feeling further complicated by her attraction to a generous, protective English-speaking native known as James Printer. All her life, Mary has been taught to fear God, submit to her husband, and abhor Indians. Now, having lived on the other side of the forest, she begins to question the edicts that have guided her, torn between the life she knew and the wisdom the natives have shown her. Based on the compelling true narrative of Mary Rowlandson, Flight of the Sparrow is an evocative tale that transports the reader to a little-known time in early America and explores the real meanings of freedom, faith, and acceptance.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:17
Thank you for stopping by today my friends! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! We are getting plenty of snow this weekend! We are supposed to get about 12 inches! I guess it is about time for that to happen!
Stitching and praying,
Oh, it's so beautiful, it looks so adorable. A great finsih. You also got the autographs, but it's good if you finish it, you shouldn't have any pain from it. Maybe your brother will find someone else who can make the last one for him.
Have a nice Day, Martina
Piękne dekoracje świąteczne. Wszystkiego dobrego w nowym roku. Pozdrawiam.
Nice stitchery.
Wish I could have an autograph on my jeans. I am a big fan of Willie Nelson and treasure his autographs from every appearance here in Germany.
I love your Christmas trees, what a great idea. I think you should be honest about your wrist pain, do what you can without causing yourself more pain
A lovely finish and the snowman is cute. A lovely gift for Brian.
Nice you have stitched the autographs for your brother. I hope your brother find someone who stitch the other autographs.
Enjoy the Weekend my friend.
Hugs, Manuela
Gotta love those PS trees, it's so pretty.
The Autographs are awesome, but yes, hard on hands.
I hope we don't get too much snow, I am on crutches, so can't help hubby shovel. :(
Have a great weekend!
Lucky girl...snow!!!! The bib signatures is a cool idea .....hopefully your brother will take on the task it means that much to him. Good luck!
Love the tree you stitched and gifted Brian, Vickie! Well done! Good job on the embroidering of the signatures. Good luck on the transfer back to Jon. Stay safe and warm if the snow arrives!
You did a very nice gift for Brian. I would hope you don't get too much snow. hugs
You did a really awesome job. :)
I've always loved these PS trees! This one is so cute, Vickie and the color of your Aida is perfect. I'll have to remember that if I ever get around to stitching them. It's been so long since I've used Aida--do you use one strand on 18 ct. or two?
Yes, you have done more than your share in helping your brother to keep his signatures forever :) I'm sure he could find another person to help out--stitching through denim must be awful.
And snow??? Oh, my--it is going to be 66 here tomorrow. Our snowless winter continues! Enjoy a cozy indoor weekend with your stitching ♥
The new tree is beautiful. They make a lovely collection too.
I think enough is enough with the autographs and your brother should understand that. Can't he get an handkerchief autographed instead? Or a nice piece of evenweave?
Such a beautiful gift for Brian you created, he'll soon have his very own stitched forest.
I hope your brother is understanding
The PS trees are great and I think that you just have to be honest that you just cannot stitch on denim anymore! Thanks for the book review, too.
I'm sure your brother will understand and I hope you'll be able to complete this last request.
LOVE that tree!! The color looks exactly as shown and that white thread shows so nicely.
I'm glad Brian is going to talk to Jon about the signatures. He needs to understand that the work is injuring you. I hope he accepts this! you do beautiful work for him. Love Brian's gift from you too. It'll be fun adding to this collection every year! The book sounds really interesting. I'll have to look it up.
I absolutely loved that book!! You are an inspiration. I have that PS book and after seeing your cute design, I am going to find it and plan some stitching!
Love the little tree, perfect choice of backing fabric too!
Stitching on denim sounds difficult, especially with wrist pain. I think everyone will understand if you give up on the autographs.
Interesting book, thank you for suggesting it
Have a great weekend
Vickie: That is one adorable finish, I love this booklet, I need to get it out soon.
The bibs look like so much fun, I hope it is not too difficult to stitch.
I hope you are warm and stitching loads.
Hello Vickie! It is so good to be back in blogland again. I have missed all of my blogging friends so much.
Your tree turned out perfectly. I know Brian must love it. Will you be making all of them? I have always admired these trees and have wanted to make one too.
The autographs are coming along perfectly. Hope you are staying warm this winter of 2020' my sweet friend. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
What a great idea for those autographs.....and those trees...amazing.. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and sharing yours.
Your Christmas'tree are very nice!!
Monique 🐾🐾
The tree is fabulous! What a lovely tradition you have started gifting him the trees.
More signatures, they look great. But I'm sorry they've given you so much pain. I certainly hope he understands how it's gotten harder for you to do it and maybe if he tries it, he'll appreciate all the ones you have done.
Did you ever get all that snow?!
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