Calendar Poodle SAL

Friday, August 19, 2016


Hi friends! My latest finish is a French freebie titled 'Mini coer Merci á loiseau'. You can find this chart HERE.
I stitched this one over one on 28ct Ivory linen with VMSS 1840 Heirloom Rose Petals.

This pattern is little, it is sweet, and it makes me think of a daily devotional that I read a month ago. The devotional is about God's Hedge. Restricting circumstances placed by God. As you know, I have been struggling with daily headaches for over 5 months now. There is a poem in this devotional, penned by Madame Guyon, a French noblewoman who was confined to a dungeon for ten years. It really touched me. When I found this freebie with this little bird, I remembered this poem.

A little bird I am,
Shut from the fields of air;
And in my cage I sit and sing
To Him who placed me there;
Well pleased a prisoner to be
Because, my God, it pleases Thee.

Naught have I else to do;
I sing the whole day long;
And He whom most I love to please,
Doth listen to my song:
He caught and he bound my wandering wing,
But still He bends to hear me sing.

My cage confines me round;
Abroad I cannot fly;
But though my wing is closely bound,
My heart’s at liberty;
My prison walls cannot control
The flight, the freedom of the soul.

Since Madame Guyon was French, a little French pattern was a perfect piece for me in remembering this whole lesson. The 'merci' or thank you, reminds me to be trusting and thankful that God places hedges and walls to protect as well as to confine.

You can go HERE to read the devotional page yourself.

Good news! We tried another groomer here in town for our Murphy, since the last time was a bad experience. Mary was recommended by our veterinary clinic. He did very well! This woman is very nice, calm and did a great job. She knows the groomer who volunteers to groom dogs for the humane society we got Murphy from. Both ladies agree Murphy has the "Mom Syndrome"(won't allow Mom to groom him without biting me A LOT!) Here is what he looks like now. This is the last time you will see him as a 12 year old. His birthday is coming right up!
Jenny would like to thank you for your prayers! She is back home recovering. Her white blood cells are back to normal. She will remain on strong antibiotics for the bacterial infection for several weeks yet. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! THANK YOU!!

I have an appointment for Botox injections for my headaches in September. We must wait for the insurance preapproval first.

Have a super weekend my friends! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement.

Stitching and praying,


Mii Stitch said...

What a tiny little heart you've stitched!!
Adorable :)

gracie said...

Love the new stitched piece and so glad Harry is pleased with his new groomer. Thank you for sharing such a lovely poem.

Tricia said...

I love that poem, Vickie. Thanks for sharing. I pray your insurance Approval for the injections will come theough soon!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Good to hear your friend is back home.
What a pretty design and a very handsome Murphy:)

Maggee said...

Such a sweet piece you have finished! Very apropos for the devotional you read. Glad to hear Jenny is back home, but will continue to keep her in prayer for the healing road ahead. And hoping and praying the approval will come soon for the injections. Hugs!

Robin in Virginia said...

Thinking of you, Vickie and was happy to see your post this morning. Murphy is one handsome boy; glad you found another groomer for him. Thank you for the update on Jenny and on you. Your heart piece is sweet. Have a peaceful weekend!

CalamityJr said...

What an uplifting post! The encouragement you find in the lovely devotional and stitching, Jenny's improving health, hope for the Botox to help your headaches, and Murphy's handsome haircut... So happy for you!

laceystitcher said...

Such a pretty heart stitchery! Love it. The devotional poem was so beautiful; it really spoke to me and gave me a different train of thought for walled protection by God! I plan to Goggle Madame Guyon to see if there is more information on her as I have never heard of her before. Prayers continue for you and Jenny. Rejoice.................

Manuela said...

What a pretty little heart and the stitches are so tiny.
Happy Weekend.

rosey175 said...

Are you putting Merci in the cubby shelf? It looks like you finished it to put in there!

Hooray for finding a groomer that works for Murphy! Now you will both survive the experience. :)

Linda said...

Cute finish and Murphy looks great Vickie.


Ann at Beadlework. said...

I really enjoyed reading this poem Vickie, very touching. The grooming issue made me smile as a poodle owner. Brandy will growl or bite if we try to do anything he doesn't approve of - he's always been this way.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Thank you for sharing the poem. I think it's an awesome reminder that even though we are in places that we do not understand in life, He has a reason, perhaps we will never know until we are in Heaven exactly what those reasons are, but they are His reasons and He see's the whole picture, we see through a glass darkly.

I am so happy that Jenny is back at home and recovering. I will keep her and you in my prayers sweet friend. :)

Little Murphy looks so cute. Glad he found a groomer who he feels comfortable with.

Blessings always. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Another lovely freebie and the perfect match for your devotional. It's so nice when things work out like that.
I am pleased that Murphy has found a barber he approves of too!
Hopefully your medical bills will be approved and your friend will see an end to her problems also.

gominam said...

Adorable heart finish and poem to go with it. Glad to hear about the favorable news.

Von said...

A beautiful design and devotional to remind us to praise and thank God at all times, through all circumstances.

Annie said...

Cute little heart!

So maybe no headaches and no wrinkles -- a BOGO, huh?

Carol said...

Such a cute little finish, Vickie--and I loved the poem you shared with us...

Had to laugh at Annie's comment! I wish you much luck with the Botox injections--I'm sure at this point you are willing to try most anything...

marly said...

What a beautiful heart design. You should get approval, hope it comes soon!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Sweet heart and the poem is lovely. Hoping the Botox works wonders.

Bea said...

Beautiful little piece and it goes perfectly with the poem. Murphy looks very natty!

butterfly said...

Love the heart and your reading .
Happy you found a new groomer .
Happy Birthday Murphy.

Jenny said...

Good Morning Vickie,

What a handsome boy Murphy is! I am so happy that you found a groomer that works well with him! That is a blessing!

I love your little stitched piece! What a beautiful piece with such a special meaning! The poem was very touching as well. I really loved it! It reminded me of " whatsoever state I'm in, therefore I will be content "

I hope you and your family have a good weekend! Fall is just around the corner my friend and that brings cooler temps! Anxiously awaiting your approval for Botox!

Sending hugs your way!

Barb said...

I will keep both you and Jenny in my prayers. I'm glad to hear she is doing better. Thank you for sharing the pretty poem and the lovely cross stitch.

Barbara said...

Beautiful Vickie...and I loved the poem.

Brigitte said...

Such a lovely and sweet heart finish.
Murphy looks so great now. Good that you have found the perfect groomer for him.

Frances said...

Such a lovely poem. I certainly understand the meaning.
Your little heart stitch is so cute!
I hope the Botox will help your headaches.

Lillie said...

That's a lovely finish Vickie. Murphy is looking good now.
Wish you all the best and hope the treatment is able to give you comfort. Take care!

Christina said...

Another cute stitch. Glad your friend Jenny is doing better. I hope and pray that the botox treatment helps with your headaches.

Kaisievic said...

Such a sweet pattern, Vickie, thanks for sharing all your thoughts on it with us.