Calendar Poodle SAL

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Daisy Times Two

Hi friends!  My Uncle Ken's birthday was earlier this week. He turned 70. He is a very simple man. He loves God with a childlike faith. He and my Aunt Kathy have a  tiger striped cat named Daisy. I made him this little magnet.
See? She is holding a daisy? ;) This was a  freebie. I stitched this one over one, using DMC, on mystery 32ct linen. I used Fray Check on the edges. I forgot how it dries darker. So I went back and covered the entire thing in Fray Check. Once it dried, I glued it with Aleene's Tacky Glue to white felt. I put it under a stack of library books to dry flat. I took it out one hour later and I almost fainted! There were horrible neon orange blobs in the linen now. This was last night before bed. I did try to stain it in tea. This only made the white daisy look dirty. I tried to rub a brown marker over the orange spots. Nope! I picked new linen and, yup!, started again before bed. I worked like a maniac today. I got it done and made into the magnet. We were only 35 minutes late to my mom' house today for our family get together. I wanted it done. I gave it to my Uncle, and he and my Aunt like it a lot. =)

I did have the scope done on Wednesday friends. Guess what?! There are no ulcers! It is gastritis(my stomach is red) and I have acid reflux. The doctor said it will takes weeks still to get over this and heal. The Nexium and Gavascon I am still taking will heal the gastritis he says.

I am actually disappointed. I did not get to have a discussion with the specialist. I figured I could talk with him after the scope. I did apparently. Cannot remember a thing! Brian said the doctor kept repeating himself answering me over and over. So Brian heard it all and asked questions too. It just doesn't feel the same. I suppose it is that control thing of mine.

I read the information they sent home. Diet is my number one problem. I love to pig out on fresh fruit all summer. I must limit acidic foods forever. Lemonade too. I rarely drink soda. I do not drink coffee or tea.The only thing that has me worried is the chocolate!! I am serious. I love dark chocolate and ate it most every day. In small quantities, but still. I need to eat way less of it now. And it is my favorite food on the planet! Perhaps brownies and cookies that are chocolate don't have the same effect as eating a bar of chocolate? I wonder. Maybe it is all the same. sigh! 

Well, it is a lifestyle change. With God's help only, can I try to reduce the stress in my life, which also aggravates the stomach.

I have been waiting to tell you what a blessing this gastritis/acid reflux has been for me. Yes, you read that right! Two weeks ago the pain in my stomach was very, very bad. I laid around most of every day. I had to call the doctor-on-call because it was a Saturday morning. After filling him in on this loooong ordeal, he suggested stopping the Neurontin. I told him how hesitant I was to do that. I have been in a LOT of pain for over 9 years now. I just got the Neurontin back! I can't go without pain medication. He told me to take the percocet I had at home instead. Well the nausea came. Terrible nausea! I have never been on percocet without another prescription at the same time. I cannot handle percocet alone apparently. That was a very loooooooong weekend. I actually went to the emergency room for help that Saturday night. That doctor gave me a pill to take away the nausea. The last time I have taken percocet was that Sunday night, two weeks ago.

I was at the worst that weekend. I cried out to God many, many times. Brian, the kids, my family, my in-laws and many of you were praying for me. Friends, I woke up that Monday morning and felt that I may be in the Twilight Zone. My hip pain was minimal! I took my one Savella. That is all I have been taking now for weeks. One Savella a day, is like telling someone with a migraine to take one Tylenol to get better, it just never would have worked. EXCEPT that God did it for me! God has heard my cries and delivered me from this pain. Now do I know if this will be so greatly diminished forever?!? No, I do not know this. I do know I told my physician this. I told him I have no other explanation but God. How can my pain go almost completely away during this awful time of heightened health issues and stress? After constantly plaguing me daily for over 9 years? And after removing my pain prescriptions?And you know what?! He agrees with me 100%

This last month of suffering has brought me closer to God. THAT is the blessing. 

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! 
“For who has known the mind of the Lord? 
Or who has become His counselor?” 
“Or who has first given to Him
And it shall be repaid to him?”
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:33-36

Stitching and praying,


Vicki said...

Wow, what a great testimony. So glad you don't have ulcers, hope the reflux and gastritis clear up soon!

Mary said...

Oh Vickie, I'm glad to hear that you don't have ulcers. You have suffered so much!
We are a medical family and always believe that the Lord is the divine physician and the "third"(and very necessary) person in the exam room with the doctor and patient.

Your magnet is adorable,such a treasured treat for your uncle. I have had a few close calls trying to finish gifts in time, too. I think our fingers DO fly!

I hope your week ahead is blessed with you feeling so much better!
Your faith is strong and God is good.

Tricia said...

Praise the Lord that your pain is so diminished! God is so merciful to us!!! Your little magnet is sweet. I'm sure it will be treasured. Have a blessed weekend!


EvalinaMaria said...

I hope you feel better soon and thank goodness for not having ulcers! Magnet looks lovely, so sorry you had to stitch it twice.

moreofhim said...

Oh, Vickie - What a beautiful post about how the Lord has healed you during this time and brought you closer to Him! God is so good and I will pray that you will continue to have no pain!

How horrifying that your magnet turned orange! I wonder why? The fray-check and glue? I've never seen that before...I give you so much credit for getting another one made so quickly! It's beautiful and I'm sure it blessed your Uncle greatly.

Take care, my friend, and I pray you will feel better very soon!

Blessings - Julie

Brigitte said...

Such a nice little magnet for your uncle. Good to know that it wasn't a very complicated chart with many colour changes that you wouldn't have been able to stitch a second time.
Your gastritis will soon be healed and the diet, well, you will get used to it and then feel absolutely fine.

Krista said...

Vickie, glad to hear you do not have an ulcer! I hope the gastritis clears up soon. The magnet is so sweet, what a shame to have to do the work twice!

Margaret said...

Such a cute piece for your aunt and uncle! I wonder what the orange blob is on the first one. Glad it worked out. So happy to hear about the pain too. So wonderful!!

butterfly said...

Thank goodness no ulcer , take care my friend you are always in my prayers, hugs.

Giovanna said...

So glad to read that you're feeling better! And it's good that there are no ulcers. What a shame about the first version of Daisy, it was very good of you to get another one done on time.

Michelle said...

Lovely to read you are feeling better - thinking of you xx

cucki said...

So glad to read that you're feeling better...
and it's good that there are no ulcers....
Sending you big hugs xxx

Penny said...

So happy to hear your good news, Vickie! That's really strange about the orange blobs. Glad you could get it stitched again - it's a cute design! :)

Janet P said...

Glad to hear things are better on the health front, but how annoying the specialist talking to you when you were obviously not fully 'with it', what's the point of explaining things to you then. But hey ho I guess we just have to get on with it. Take care. x

Dani - tkdchick said...

Vickie how frustrating to have to stitch the kitty twice but she turned out great!

Annette-California said...

You did great Vickie stitching the Kittie twice and had it done in time for your Uncle. Beautiful job!!!
So glad to hear your not in pain - yes Thank God!!! Loved your post.
love Annette

Chris said...

So glad that things are improving and now you are just taking one Savella a day. So mush easier that juggling the other meds and have to worry about taking them. I know that the diet will be hard but hopefully will be an easy transition.
The magnets are so sweet. So glad that they liked them.
Have a great week!!

Mii Stitch said...

A life without chocolate??? Are they crazy!!! This is impossible! :D Glad you're feeling better though xxx

Carol said...

How wonderful that the one Savella a day if offering you relief, Vickie. I hope and pray it continues to help you...

The orange blobs are a new one on me! So glad you had time to stitch another magnet as it is really cute--I'm sure your uncle was tickled :)

Good to hear that no ulcers were found--I have faith that your new diet will help immensely and that once you are used to doing without those particular foods you will do just fine. Things are looking up for you and I'm so glad :)

Pumpkin said...

How sweet is that kitty! I can definitely see why you wanted to do it over again. What a difference!

I'm glad that no ulcers were found my friend. I suppose now it's just time and diet that will make things better for you?

There is nothing worse than pain medication but when we need it, at least it's there. I'm so hesitant to use it myself because I know what you're talking about. I hope you're feeling much better now. I've been thinking of you :)

Julie said...

A lovely gift.
I'm so pleased there were no ulcers down there.

Kaisievic said...

Vickie, so glad that God has heard your prayers and that you are on the mend.

Meari said...

How disheartening about your first project, but at least you were able to stitch another one relatively quickly.

Hope your stomach heals quickly.

Lillie said...

The kitty is so adorable.

So glad you don't have ulcers, hope the reflux and gastritis clear up soon and with proper control of your diet, you'll be on your way to a speedy recovery.

Angela said...

Sweet kitty finish :) I'm happy to hear no ulcers were found and that with diet/medicene combination should help control the gastritis with time. Take care :)

Simply Victoria said...

What a great God story!

Catherine said...

Glad you don't have ulcers and that you are feeling relief from the pain. Faith and prayers are powerful...sending continued hugs and prayers.....

Anne said...

God works in mysterious ways. I'm so glad you don't have an ulcer and that changing your diet could help. Too bad about the dark chocolate. I sympathize with you as it's my favourite thing to nibble on in the evenings too. Very happy to hear that your pain has gone away. Hugs and prayers!