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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pretty Pink Gifts For Me!!

Good Morning my friends! It has cooled here a bit. So nice. I received this wonderful, beautiful gift from Chris a few days ago. This was what she sent me for her 200th follower giveaway.
Isn't it wonderful! Look at all this great pinkness!!  A lovely patchwork pincushion, a quilted needlecase front and center,  berry pins, a quilted fan zip up purse in back and sweet pink Angel scissors.
Here is a close up of the very sharp scissors. I have parked "her" in a spool of pink thread that was my Auntie Ethel's. She is in front of my big wooden bowl of smalls on Auntie Ethel's antique sewing machine.Thank you so very, very much Chris. What a wonderfully made,perfectly colored, generous gift!!

Emerson's birthday weekend was great. So was the cake! ;) He already treasures the bookmark, I can tell. I found him reading his Bible that night, with the bookmark. =)

Yesterday I had a follow up appointment for the ablation I had. Basically, it did NOT work. The PA now says to do those "test injections" and the the radio frequency for my SI joint. I told her I didn't understand why we didn't do the SI joint first, since this has been diagnosed as my pain point for years. She said based on the exam and the good test injection results for my medial branch (my lower spine, I guess) the doctor felt he had it pinpointed. So more trial and error junk. sigh. This should get started in two weeks, I think. I will now hope and pray this spot works. In the mean time she is going to try and get authorization for the brand name Neurontin for me. This drug kept me at a 2 pain level daily, years ago. I had to go off it eventually because of insurance changes. It was no longer covered. Only the generic. I tried 4 different manufacturers of this generic. None worked well. Not at all close to keeping me at a 2. So she said we should go for both the meds and the procedure, to really knock my pain down. Well, we will see won't we? sigh again!

I finished A Place Of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada. This book was recommended to me by my friend Julie. Thank you Julie. I am very glad I read it. It was inspirational. It helped me understand some of the things that bother me in dealing with my constant pain.

Do not forget I am having a giveaway right now. It is for Plum Street Samplers  Love Notes. See  this post to still enter.

I am almost done stitching Snappy Sampler by Bent Creek. It is a small, quick little thing. Fun too. I changed one of the colors and I like it. Pictures soon. And I will be offering the chart up next time to you,if you like.

Have a fun day! Hope it includes some stitchy time.

Stitching and praying,


Dawn said...

I hope these apts find you relief. Its so distracting to have a constant pain.

Your gifts are wonderful!

The Henry is so cute.

Mii Stitch said...

Great gifts from Chris! Hope they'll sort you out with the new medicine :)

Tricia said...

What a beautiful gift you received, Vickie! The little scissors is so cute in the spool. : ) I'm sorry to hear that the procedure didn't work. It's interesting that you mentioned Joni's book, though. That's twice it has been brought to my attention this week. I think I need to read it. Praying for you!


Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I will pray in agreement with you that the new things they want to do to help ease your pain will work. Don't loose hope, just keep the faith. He will see you through.

Awww love that last picture. So adorable.

Looking forward to seeing your updated stitchy picture.

blessings always dear friend.

Margaret said...

Lovely gifts! So sorry you have to go through all this again. Sigh. I hope the doctor gets approval for that medicine that helped you in the past. And that the procedures work this time! Lots of prayers being sent! (Glad Emerson liked his bookmark!)

Carol said...

Oh, I so hoped it would be successful, Vickie--I do hope these new treatments work and that you get approval for the medication that kept your pain level at a "2." It must be exhausting being in chronic pain--I really can't imagine...

I'm sure the pink gifts thrilled you--enjoy!!

Vicki said...

I am so bummed that the treatment did not bring you significant pain relief. I'm praying with you that the next round of treatments is successful.

Simply Victoria said...

Nice pink goodies for you! Sorry to hear that the ablation didn't work and that you have to endure more. God will continue to give you the strength to bear it all.

Anne said...

What a lovely giveaway you won Vickie! It was made for you! Pink!! I hope that everything will work out for you with the new drug and treatment. Praying for you! Give a little hug to sweet Henry and Mabel for me!

cucki said...

Aww sweet goodies for you :)
So sorry to hear all this..I am praying for you so much.
Sending you big hugs
Love cucki x

Mary said...

Congrats on your beautiful "pink giveaway" win from Chris. The colors and treats are lovely.
I'm sorry to hear about the ablation, Vickie and will pray for an answer to your pain soon.

Henry sure is "livin' the life!"
I look forward to your cute pics of your little buddies.

HUGS and PRAYERS to you

Beth said...

Your medical issues are so troubling.. I don't know how you manage.

Nicky said...

Beautiful pink gifts for you Vickie...
I hope that the next round of meds is more successful for you.
Take care, Nicky

Maggee said...

I will pray that you are able to get back on Neurontin and also get rolling on that pain relief real soon! Look forward to your finish! Fantastic PINK gifties!! Hugs!

Varla Lee said...

Ooohooou!! Beautiful gifts, enjoy each one!! And Henry is so funny!! What a boy!!! :D

butterfly said...

Lovely gifts for you my friend the pink is just wonderful for you.
Hope these meds make you better soon, big hugs.

Catherine said...

Sending prayers that they help you get your pain to a manageable point. I believe it is crazy that insurance would deny anyone medication that helps ~ and there have been many studies of generics not always working as well.
Wonderful gifts from Chris! And Henry, what a cutie!

moreofhim said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the book, Vickie! It has been my constant companion at my side since my pain started. If I'm having an especially hard time, I pick up the book and read passages I've underlined. Like you, it helps me to understand why I have my pain.

Oh, my goodness!! What a wonderful bundle of gifts! They are all so beautiful and pink (one of my favorite colors, too) and those scissors are adorable! All of that is so perfect for you!

I'm continuing to pray you'll have pain relief! I went through the same thing of them finding the right spot. They finally did and I'm so grateful, but it is a long process.

Henry is so cute! love those pictures of that little guy!

Many blessings - Julie

Michelle said...

Lovely photos Vickie - I do hope you will soon be pain free my friend xx

Brigitte said...

Such great gifts from Chris.
I'm really sorry to hear that the nerve ablation treatment didn't lead to more positive results. But I hope that your doctors will find something else to control your pain a lot better.

Solstitches said...

What a lovely blog win Vickie and it couldn't have gone to anyone more deserving.
I hope that you can get onto the meds that give you the pain relief you so desperately need.
Margaret x

Giovanna said...

How disappointing that the ablation didn't work... I do hope that a the new path will offer relief soon. You had some wonderful pink gifts :-)

Melanie said...

Oh, no. I'm so sorry that procedure didn't work out better. :(
Fingers crossed they approve you for the non-generic med!

Trace4J said...

Still praying for you friend.
What a sweet win.
I love those darling scissors.
Woolie Hugs

Shirlee said...

Congratulations on your win! So sorry that you have to try injections in a different spot now : ( Praying for you, as always.

Lillie said...

Congrats on your win. Sorry to read you are having some issues with the medication. Hope everything will work out soon.
Take care there!

Annette-California said...

Your gifts from Chris are Beautiful. How special that she made all of them. SOO sorry to hear the procedure didn't work. Prayers for you Vickie. love Annette