On Monday my orthopedic doctor's nurse called to cancel my appointment for Wednesday. All appointments have been cancelled. All elective surgeries have been cancelled. I did ask him to tell me what the test findings were. The EMG(nerve test) was normal. The MRI showed I have arthritis in my big toe, second toe and top of my foot. I also have a cyst in there? I asked him if this is causing me such pain along the top of my foot constantly. He said, "I am sorry, but I am not the doctor. I do not know." So... I will just plod along folks. It is not that bad. Just pretty bad on the treadmill, but that is NOT going to stop me. I refuse to gain anymore weight.
Would you please pray that masks get delivered NOW to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin please? Our son Jacob is a pediatric nurse there. He and all staff are forced to work like never before. Gone are the days of wearing a new mask for each patient each time you are with them. They must make a mask last all shift! This is not right. This is soooo wrong. I know there are more masks on the way, but not enough. And not NOW, WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED. And they are not allowed to wear masks at all times. I personally think they should be doing that!! Children's Hospital just had an outbreak this week because a doctor went to Spain and now has COVID-19. He is at home self isolating. 200 other people have had to be tested because of him. Patients, family and staff. Not Jacob. He and others were told that if they start to get sick, get tested. I want to throw up. I am praying.
I am stitching. I am sure you are too! I will have a finish to share next time.

Have any of you read this?! WOW! This is my favorite book so far this year! The tension and suspense went right to the end. It reminded me of Rebecca, both have that Gothic atmosphere, and the romance. I like this book better however. And the ending! Did you like the ending? I did!😦😲😬
Philip Ashley's older cousin Ambrose, who raised the orphaned Philip as his own son, has died in Rome. Philip, the heir to Ambrose's beautiful English estate, is crushed that the man he loved died far from home. He is also suspicious. While in Italy, Ambrose fell in love with Rachel, a beautiful English and Italian woman. But the final, brief letters Ambrose wrote hint that his love had turned to paranoia and fear. Now Rachel has arrived at Philip's newly inherited estate. Could this exquisite woman, who seems to genuinely share Philip's grief at Ambrose's death, really be as cruel as Philip imagined? Or is she the kind, passionate woman with whom Ambrose fell in love? Philip struggles to answer this question, knowing Ambrose's estate, and his own future, will be destroyed if his answer is wrong.
Oh friends, what difficult times we are in. Lean on the Lord. Do not forget Him just because we can no longer attend church. If your church does not have a "live stream of Divine Liturgy/Mass/Service" find one online you can watch and devote that time to it! We are going to. If we do not, our spiritual life with wither away.
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That woe and well-being proceed? Lamentations 3:38
Thank you for stopping by today. I am glad you did. Thank you for your prayers. I have been praying for YOU! God bless you!💗 Stay at home as much as possible. That is what we are all doing. There is only one YOU my friend! And I like you!!🤗 I care about you!
Stitching and praying,
Hello from Melbourne, Vickie, where the Covid-19 madness has manifested itself over people fighitng in supermarkets over toilet paper (even though it is manufactured locally and we have all been assured that there is no chance of the country running out!). Total madness, I am so ashamed to be Australian especially after the great way we supported each other during the bushfire crisis. I really feel for your son and I am praying for him and all of the medical people on the front line. My eldest son is in lockdown in Kuala Lumpur and so I am really worried for him (he works and lives there). Re your foot, I have the same issue in my right foot - old fracture, which was never treated, pain in the top of the foot and I now have osteo-arthritis in the foot. I have found that if I wear a shoe with arch support, that it actually helps the top of the foot and I can walk without pain. I have been dealing with this for nearly two years now so I really sympathise. Lastly, My Cousin, Rachel is a fabulous novel and I am so glad that you enjoyed it, have you read Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier yet? Probably an even better read! Stay safe and well my dear friend and thank goodness we have stitching!
It's scary times we're in the midst of Vickie. I'm finding it hard to navigate as I'm sure millions of others are too. I work for the NHS and currently the staff in my building have little or no protective gear - we have not been issued with masks but hopefully this might change. There was a news story today saying that masks issued in some hospitals here in Scotland were out of date in 2016. Take care and stay safe.
My son is a nurse too and also facing low supplies that are critical. I'm praying this is all over soon.
We are living through very scary times Vickie, I hope you son will stay safe and well through it all, we all appreciate the people who are on the front line so to speak.
I have arthritis in my knee and also a cyst behind my knee (a bakers cyst they call it) don't know if it would be the same in your foot but apparently they are common with knee arthritis and I can confirm that they are very painful.
I have steroid injections at the moment and touch wood am virtually pain free at the moment.
Take care Vickie x
It's like a bad dream , but we have to get through this and our stitching will help , hugs and xxxs .
18 months? What happened to 2 weeks?
I hope the hospital get more supplies soon.
My hairdressers husband works in maintenance there, I pray he is ok.
The stores are still a little crazy, & now with the 18 months news, I'm sure it will get worse again.
Have a great weekend!
Vickie, I hope a lot of lessons are learned from this outbreak of how unprepared we are for a pandemic. I hope your son's hospital gets the masks they need quickly. It's dangerous that they have to use the same ones over and over. I hope he stays safe. Thank god for the dedication of the nurses and doctors.
I never read that book but will have too, sounds like a good one to get lost in during these stressful time.
I hope you get to see the doctor in the not too distant future about the cyst. Stay well...Hugs, Mary
Hello Vickie,
hier in Deutschland sind alle Geschäfte, bis auf die lebensnotwendigen Geschäfte, geschlossen. Auch sollen soziale Kontake auf das Nötigste heruntergefahren werden.
Auch in unseren Krankenhäuser werden geplante Operationen bis auf weiteres verschoben, damit genügend Kapazitäten für die Kranken, die mit dem Virus erkrankt sind oder erkranken gegeben ist.
Take care and sty healthy my friend.
Hugs, Manuela
Yes Vickie, it is a little scary these days! There are many nasty people trying to take advantage of this scary situation but I am finding most people are being kind....I hope it continues. I hope your son's hospital gets its needed supplies quickly and your foot will improve. I understand the not wanting to gain weight but if the treadmill is when it hurts worst, perhaps laying off that for awhile will give it time to heal. There may be other exercises you can do in the meantime. Stay well!
Definitely scary times especially for those on the front lines in the medical fields. Praying for all the nurses, doctors, caretakes. I hope Jacob's hospital gets the needed masks and praying for their safety and wellness.
Stay healthy, my friend!
Good morning Vickie, thank you so much for sharing today. And, thank you for mentioning your son (He will be in my prayers too). I am so thankful I don't have to work but my licenses (Indiana/Ohio) are both active. So, I don't know if I could be called back to work or not. Now that being said...I have a soap box and I don't know how or where to vent it. I appreciate your listening ear:) Currently the nurse patient ration is 1:15 in a nursing home. A nursing assistant may be assigned 15 but then the nurse is responsible to 30 patients. In the hospital my ratio was suppose to be 1:6. And ICU (this is your vent patients) 1:1. Now these crazy people who insist that their rights have been taken away really don't care. I can't imagine being a nurse in ICU with a ration of 1:4 vent patients and if one codes that leaves the other 3 unattended. Believe me you pray a lot! God forbid if 2 code at the same time. This is when people start suing the hospital and the nurses. My heart is with the caregivers, please let everyone know to give them a break, take care of yourself, so they can take better care of you. Thank you Vickie, for listening.
Thinking positively and hoping that out of the bad in the long term the population will learn lessons and come out the other side better people.
with love x
We have to think positively. I can't believe the shopping and the hospital issues are the same all over the world.
Stay safe.
So very scary for those who are out there in the middle of it, and that there aren't enough supplies for them is unbelievable. Prayers for them and Jacob.
I hope that the doctor has gotten back to you regarding your foot, you'd think he's got plenty of time now!
Hi Vickie!
I hope your son will stay safe!
Take care! Hugs x
Sadly it is true that this may take months to go away, hopefully not more then 3-4 months.
I have not read that book it does look interesting.
Stay healthy.
I am so thankful for all the doctors, nurses, scientists, paramedics, lab technicians, ambulance drivers, etc., like your oldest son, who are on the front-lines battling this war for us, Vickie. I hope and pray he gets masks. We haven't left the house since we flew home last Sunday except once to pick up food we had ordered online. Just don't want to take the chance of picking up anything or spreading anything. I am hearing increasingly good things about the malaria drug and hope it is something we can count on to fight covid-19.
Haven't read the book (or even heard of it!), but will check it out. I seem to be listening to books more than stitching these days--just finding it hard to concentrate! Take care now ♥
The shortages are a problem everywhere, and definitely a worry. Thank you to your son -- the health care workers are wonderful. Hang in there.
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