Hi friends! How are you holding up? We are safe so far. Wisconsin has 155 cases of COVID-19 so far. Our monthly stitch gatherings have been cancelled of course. No one can gather in groups of more than 10 anywhere. Including churches. So of course, all restaurants and bars are closed down, except for take out only. I am sure you know the White House predicts this to last for 18 months! My oh my.
On Monday my orthopedic doctor's nurse called to cancel my appointment for Wednesday. All appointments have been cancelled. All elective surgeries have been cancelled. I did ask him to tell me what the test findings were. The EMG(nerve test) was normal. The MRI showed I have arthritis in my big toe, second toe and top of my foot. I also have a cyst in there? I asked him if this is causing me such pain along the top of my foot constantly. He said, "I am sorry, but I am not the doctor. I do not know." So... I will just plod along folks. It is not that bad. Just pretty bad on the treadmill, but that is NOT going to stop me. I refuse to gain anymore weight.
Would you please pray that masks get delivered NOW to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin please? Our son Jacob is a pediatric nurse there. He and all staff are forced to work like never before. Gone are the days of wearing a new mask for each patient each time you are with them. They must make a mask last all shift! This is not right. This is soooo wrong. I know there are more masks on the way, but not enough. And not NOW, WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED. And they are not allowed to wear masks at all times. I personally think they should be doing that!! Children's Hospital just had an outbreak this week because a doctor went to Spain and now has COVID-19. He is at home self isolating. 200 other people have had to be tested because of him. Patients, family and staff. Not Jacob. He and others were told that if they start to get sick, get tested. I want to throw up. I am praying.
I am stitching. I am sure you are too! I will have a finish to share next time.

Have any of you read this?! WOW! This is my favorite book so far this year! The tension and suspense went right to the end. It reminded me of Rebecca, both have that Gothic atmosphere, and the romance. I like this book better however. And the ending! Did you like the ending? I did!😦😲😬
Philip Ashley's older cousin Ambrose, who raised the orphaned Philip as his own son, has died in Rome. Philip, the heir to Ambrose's beautiful English estate, is crushed that the man he loved died far from home. He is also suspicious. While in Italy, Ambrose fell in love with Rachel, a beautiful English and Italian woman. But the final, brief letters Ambrose wrote hint that his love had turned to paranoia and fear. Now Rachel has arrived at Philip's newly inherited estate. Could this exquisite woman, who seems to genuinely share Philip's grief at Ambrose's death, really be as cruel as Philip imagined? Or is she the kind, passionate woman with whom Ambrose fell in love? Philip struggles to answer this question, knowing Ambrose's estate, and his own future, will be destroyed if his answer is wrong.

Oh friends, what difficult times we are in. Lean on the Lord. Do not forget Him just because we can no longer attend church. If your church does not have a "live stream of Divine Liturgy/Mass/Service" find one online you can watch and devote that time to it! We are going to. If we do not, our spiritual life with wither away.
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High That woe and well-being proceed? Lamentations 3:38
Thank you for stopping by today. I am glad you did. Thank you for your prayers. I have been praying for YOU! God bless you!💗 Stay at home as much as possible. That is what we are all doing. There is only one YOU my friend! And I like you!!🤗 I care about you!
Stitching and praying,