One of the very first things we hung up in this apartment were my two samplers in the kitchen. I had these hanging in our home.

Well, hang on to your needles ladies, this may shock some of you. I do NOT have these under glass. Yes, that is right. They are 8 years old, have been in the kitchen the whole time, and do not look worse for it. These are out of sunlight and I dust them. They are near the sink, but not close enough or low enough to ever get water on them.
Since we have moved to this apartment, I am very limited with display space. BUT! Yes, BUT! I have always wanted a sampler wall. For almost two decades now! And I finally have one. In the kitchen. Yes, my itty, bitty kitchen. I have a wide open wall, pale pink of course, duh! The entire apartment minus the boys' bedroom is pale pink, remember?!😍
So now you know why I worked up a pink sampler. For the pink kitchen. Like, hello?! Are you with me? Here it is.
And yes, this one is under glass. No, not fancy glass. It is the wall opposite the window. It does not really get sun directly on it though. We pull the blind every single day. We must to prevent my headaches. This is a store bought, white painted wood 5x7 frame that works very nicely.
This pattern was charted by Barbara Hutson and is available for free from The Attic in their January 4th, 2018 newsletter. You need to scroll to page 21. Go HERE
I stitched this one over one on 32 count Angel Blush linen with VMSS 1840 Rose Pink.
I do want your opinion on putting stitching here though.
Yes, I think most of you will think me crazy. "She wants to put her framed pieces above her oven? Is she mad?" Well, maybe I am. Or maybe I am dumb. Please tell me if this is just a really bad idea. This space begs for some stitching also in my opinion and I have a different plan for this spot. Help please! Yes, be honest with me.
I have finally joined so very, very many of you on Instagram. Oh my goodness! How wonderful to reconnect with old friends!🤗 If you would like to follow me on Instagram, my user name is stitchingvickie. Let me know if you are on Instagram and I will follow you!
Okay friends, once again Jenny and Scott NEED us to rally round and give our support PLEASE! Scott is scheduled for surgery to remove his cancerous kidney today at 3:00. God willing it will happen this time and all will go smooth and recovery will be excellent. Jenny has expressed to me how much these prayers mean to Scott and her. Thank you!!
Thank you for stopping by today. I am so glad you did! I look forward to connecting with lots of you on Instagram. I will still be here on my blog every week as always, not to worry. Have a great week my friends!
Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10
Stitching and praying,
My stitching in the kitchen framed under glass is hung above the oven most of the year and in the month of December another framed the same way a Christmas piece. Seems alright. Must stitch another for a different area of my kitchen. Happy Stitching.
I have stitching in my kitchen , because it is open plan with my dinning room .
I never use glass in my frames , and my cross stitch stays beautiful .
I want to enjoy my stitching for myself , I find if you have glass in the frame you don't seem to get the full colour or to see the lovely stitches.
This is my personal feeling and I know some people would think I was mad ,but I have no trouble with dust , every now and again I turn upside and just tap the back gently, but I never see any dust and the colours are has bright as the day I stitched them .
I stitch to enjoy .
I personally don't have stitching in the kitchen, but that's because I don't have that much to put up! I wouldn't put it above your oven but see no issue with stitching in the kitchen. I love your sampler and the words on it. Best wishes for Scott x
Hi Vickie,
So far I have a stitch in the kitchen - my coffee sampler and soon the chocolate sampler will be added. Both are opposite the sink and stove. Because that is also the only place I have for it.
I do not think you're crazy, if you like it that way, then do it that way. I would just hang the work behind glass, so they are a bit more protected. And over the stove in a living room they hang just as well or badly.
I also found you on Instagram, how nice.
Hugs, Martina
I have a feeling you are a very good housekeeper so that your stitching would be safe. Under glass. I wouldn't risk no glass! I don't have any stitching in my kitchen. Never thought to do so. I do hesitate to put my stitching in the bathroom just because of the humidity involved in there, but that's me.
I am sending prayers for Jenny and Scott....
Sending prayers for Scott and his surgery!
I have pieces hanging in the kitchen/dining room area (it is open). Most of my stitching is under glass. I would be wary about hanging it above the stove. Look forward to seeing more pieces for your sampler wall.
I have pieces in my kitchen/dining room and they look fine Vickie. I think your sampler wall will be great.
I am sending prayers for Jenny and Scott.
I don't have any stitching in my kitchen because there are cupboards everywhere but I can't see why you wouldn't hang it there? I would think twice about eight above the oven though due to humidity when you're cooking but maybe if you didn't use glass this wouldn't be a problem?
Anyway your house your rules!
The only stitching that I have had in my kitchen was a small Angel pillow that I put in the corner of the counter space far away from the stove and sink. It survived many years, but sadly during my last move, apparently, even though having wings, was unable to fly into one of the packing boxes...or perhaps she flew out of one...not really sure. She is greatly missed, and I have been thinking about making a new one. Your stitching is always so lovely. Thank you for the link and pattern, too. Blessings always. :)
Your old and your new sampler are so wonderful.
My kitchen is very small, so that I don't hang any stitching on the wall. During the Christmastime I hang a Santa Claus Banner at the kitchen-window.
I have found you on instagram my friend.
Have a nice new week.
Hugs, Manuela
I stitched MOTHER for my mom and it's hanging in her kitchen. It IS behind glass for better protection.
I just followed you on Instagram -- please follow me back!
I have been praying non stop since I got up this morning and said special intentions at Mass last night for Scott. I'm so anxious to hear good news.
Vickie I think you should go for it. Stitching is to be enjoyed and if you want it in the kitchen why not? You are not one bit crazy. I think it will look great. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever
I do have stitching in my kitchen. Some is under glass and some not. I have never put anything that close to the stove. In my kitchen, that just doesn't work so I can't comment on that. I see no real difference on the other pieces. God bless Scott today!
Hello dear friend....
First of all I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thank you’s to all of you who have taken precious moments to pray for my husband Scott and our family. Those prayers have been holding us up and keeping us strong as we travel this road of kidney cancer. Last Thursday was very frightening but God in His goodness answered our prayers and Scott’s heart has been in normal rhythm. His surgery is now scheduled for Thursday, we thought it would be today but it was changed...and we are continuing to trust and find comfort in those prayers! They mean so very much to us! Thank you again ❤️
Vickie...I love your pink sampler and I think your sampler wall will be lovely! I firmly believe that stitching should be enjoyed and treasured and that displaying it in your kitchen is a great place to do so. I have 2 samplers in my kitchen and they have faired very well! They are under glass and have been there for years🙂 Samplers to me bring joy and they should go wherever you want them to be...grins!
Sending hugs and love your way my friend!
I've got a coffee Mill Hill hanging on the cabinet knob by the coffee area and a Just Dragin' hanging near there too, but it's under glass. Our kitchen is all cabinets and open area, so it's hard to hang anything else. The ones in your kitchen look lovely! Why not add another one above the stove? Maybe make a simple one to see how it does there first?
I'm on Instagram, but more fun and family than stitching... astro.astrid. I'll look for you!
Prayers for Scott and Jenny, and that his surgery went well.
Praying for Jenny and Scott.
We don’t deep or shallow fry, but it seems grease and oil get everywhere regardless of what I do. So, no I personally wouldn’t decorate with anything in our kitchen that could not get scrubbed. I’m sure it has a lot to do with our perpetually running ceiling fan. If putting it up without glass blesses you I say go for it. 😊
I have 6 pieces currently in my kitchen!
I only have one stitched and framed piece (with glass) in my kitchen, and it is right beside my stove. So I don't worry about it. I'm not sure I would put something without glass in the kitchen. That is just me in my kitchen. : ) I love your pink sampler!! Thinking of Jenny and Scott and hoping things are going well for them.
Your sampler is so pretty, Vickie! I really enjoy a lot the Barbara Hutson samplers! :)
Sounds really great your sampler wall! I don't have any stitching on my kitchen (for now...), so follow your idea and show us your pieces!
Your pink sampler is lovely, Vickie, and your sampler wall is off to a great start. I don't have any stitching in the working part of my kitchen--do have it in the eating area where my corner cupboard and a side table and little wall-mounted clock/shelf are. I do have a lot of stitching there. I never use glass for my framed pieces, but I might if I ever hung one near the stove :)
I don't think you're crazy (maybe poodle crazy :D) for stitching in the kitchen! My grandmother has a very large sampler hanging in hers for as long as I can remember. I think one of my aunts stitched it when she was young. I just have a tiny piece that I hook on the kitchen calendar as a weight. That said, I wouldn't hang one over the stove without glass. But I am a very messy cook and deep/pan fry a lot of different foods.
Still not on Instagram here though I seem to post enough pictures on Twitter that I probably should open an account...
Hopefully today's surgery goes well! !!!
I have stitching in my kitchen! 2 old crewel pieces my mother and I made and no, they don't have any glass, but they have lasted 7-8 years and don't look any worse for it. But they are not too close to main cooking action! Above the stove I would definitely use glass though in case of splatters and grease! And then you will also see how dirty the glass gets to let you know if more stitching in the kitchen is a good idea! But I agree, that's the perfect spot for something beautiful to look at while you're cooking! :)
I can't hang anything in my kitchen because there are cupboards all around and the rest is tiles. But I would do it, why not. A friend of mine has her stitching everywhere in the house, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, everywhere. She says she wants to see it all around her because that makes her happy. And I totally agree with her. So just do as you please - I can't see a reason why not.
I have stitching in my kitchen but not on the same wall as the cooker. The condensation from the saucepans would worry me.
We have a kitchen large enough to have the dining table and a dresser in so I have all my stitching books in there. I also sit up the table to stitch but again, it's on the opposite side of the room to the cooker.
All my framed pieces are under glass because of the dust in the house.
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