Calendar Poodle SAL

Friday, January 15, 2016

Cross Stitch Collection

Hi friends! Are you ready for some great news? I have been improving! Twice a week my physical therapist has been helping me work out this pinched nerve. I have been doing my home exercises every day and correcting my posture. The pressure in my neck is almost completely gone now. I do have pains that pop up in my upper back. My therapist told me my next appointment will hopefully be my last one. HOORAY! The last question I asked her was if I can stitch now. Yes I can! She said to stitch for 20 minutes at a time. Then do stretches. I can do that!!

I have something fun to share with you. A handful of my overseas friends have notified me that they have spotted me in the January issue of  Cross Stitch Collection magazine. I was contacted last fall by the magazine and asked several questions.

I trimmed up Murphy's top knot. Now he won't need a full haircut for weeks yet. I gave Miss Mabel the whole works. You know what goes through my head very often when I blow dry her out? ♪ I WILL SURVIVE ♫  You know the '70's song by Gloria Gaynor? Or do you prefer it sung by Diana Ross? I prefer Gloria's version myself. Mabel's hair looks just as glorious as either lady, don't you think?
I finished reading The Girl In The Glass by Susan Meissner. A very good book.  This is the seventh book I have read by this author. She seems to delight in writing dual-time-periods-fiction.

I finished listening to Come Rain Or Come Shine by Jan Karon. I LOVED this! I have read every single one of her books. Listening to this book was great.

In Come Rain or Come Shine, Jan Karon delivers the wedding that millions of Mitford fans have waited for. It’s a June day in the mountains, with more than a few creatures great and small, and you’re invited—because you’re family.

By the way, it’s a pretty casual affair, so come as you are and remember to bring a tissue or two. After all, what’s a good wedding without a good cry?

I baked Challah this week. We love this bread around here.
STITCHING and praying,


Clare-Aimetu said...

Congratulations on being in CSC - nice photo - I'm in this months edition haha

Your Challah looks lovely :) I must start using audio books more - great way to 'read' and stitch

gracie said...

So happy to read of your PT progress..... keep up the exercises. Congratulations on the magazine article.

Justine said...

Great news about your health. Glad to see you are not too famous now to keep blogging!

Carolien said...

I am very happy for you and ... HAPPY STITCHING!
How nice you're in the magazine, let's see if I can read this with my new glasses ;)

Have a nice day!
Love, Carolien

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Congratulations on your magazine piece and it is great news that you can stitch again:)

Mii Stitch said...

Congrats on being published in the magazine!!! :)

marly said...

Congratulations Vickie! What a great picture of you. Glad to hear you are mending and stitching a little. My sister is a Karon fan, will have to tell her about that one.

Tricia said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are improving and will be able to stitch soon! Praise the Lord! And how fun that you were in the magazine! That will be a fun keepsake. :) Take care!!

Cindy's Stitching said...

great news on your health. it's nice to see you in a magazine.

Jenny said...

Hooray! You can stitch again! That is so exciting! Congratulations on your article in the magazine, that is so exciting. I love your Quaker beautiful. Jan Karon is one of my favorite authors...I have read all of her books and loved them all. I will have to read this new one :) Have a great weekend and Happy Stitching!

Ellen said...

So glad to hear that you are getting better. Take your time and don't overdo things.

how exciting to be featured in the magazine. Hope you can get extra copies of the article to send to family.

Jenny said...

Hooray! You can stitch again! That is so exciting! Congratulations on your article in the magazine, that is so exciting. I love your Quaker beautiful. Jan Karon is one of my favorite authors...I have read all of her books and loved them all. I will have to read this new one :) Have a great weekend and Happy Stitching!

Varla Lee said...

Evivva!!! Hip-hip for you!! This is so "wow" & "wonderful" !! Congrats for this article dear Vickie!!

Annie said...

A post with so much good news! So great that you are feeling better. What a wonderful article. You look so pretty in the photo.

I like the Gloria Gaynor version too. I think I used to have the 12" extended play vinyl version.. I may still have it somewhere, hoarder that I am. Perfect for Mabel.

Homemade challah is the best! Yours looks beautiful and delicious.

Emma/Itzy said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend and can stitch again - yay!

Angela Tucker said...

Good morning, Vickie! Yay and congratulations on both the PT AND the magazine article. Just remember, we knew you BEFORE you were a star. LOL

I am so glad that you are back to stitching. It's hard to be kept from something that gives you joy.

Your Challah looks amazing! I'm an okay bread maker, but it is definitely not my forte. LOL But, maybe I will make some scones today...I make a pretty good scone if I say so myself.

Have a great weekend, Vickie. And thank you for being you. SMILE.

Manuela said...

I have read the article in the CSC.
So glad I'm hear that you are feeling better.
Have a nice weekend and Happy Stitching, Manuela

butterfly said...

Great news so happy for you Vickie , and congrats for the mag article Hugs.

cucki said...

Yipee congrats :) it's so sweet to see you in the magazine ❤️
I am so happy that you are feeling better
Love you x

stitchersanon said...

Congratulations! Glad you are feeling better..I have sciatica and that's bad enough.

Julie said...

What a lot of lovely things you have been going. Congrats on being in the magazine. One of my book group ladies was talking about the Mitford series the other day...a new author to me.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great news on the stitching front. How many 20 minutes sessions can you fit into one day I wonder?
Nice article in the magazine which is now being renamed Jo's Stitching Friends Monthly LOL

Dotty's Daughter said...

I loved the 80's and poodles always look like they have had a 80's perm...maybe that's why I think they are so cute and memories of perms too...every teenager in the uk wanted one!!! Great news about the pain..keep going ..nearly there.xx

Carol said...

YAY!! So glad for some good pain news, Vickie!! And what a relief you can now put needle to thread again--even if just for a bit :)

Loved the article--such a lovely photo of you and your beautiful creations! Congratulations :)

Von said...

So glad to hear you're almost finished with physical therapy and you're back to stitching again!

CJ said...

Congrats on being featured in a UK magazine. I love the UK, my hubby and I were stationed there for 5 years. It is so green all year long.

Glad to read that you can stitch again, I would have a hard time limiting myself to 20 minutes.


Christina said...

Glad to hear that you are improving. Congrats on the magazine article. Your bread looks great. We like that bread here too, except I buy ours. ;)

Margaret said...

I just finished re-reading all the Jan Karon books in the Mitford and Father Tim series just so I could read Somewhere Safe with Somebody Warm and Come Rain or Come Shine. lol! It was so great to do a re-read of the series -- I love them so much. And topping it off with Dooley and Harper's wedding was the best! Now I'm missing reading them.

Anyway, good news on your neck! Hallelujah! I'm so glad! So glad you can stitch again too! And Murphy -- it's good he let you trim his top knot. How was he? Cooperative? Hope so! Mabel looks lovely! (The challah looks soooo good!)

Minnie said...

Congratulations on your magazine article and I know you are happy to be able to stitch. I don't know what I would do without my stitching.

moreofhim said...

I am SO happy that your pain is better, Vickie!! Praise God! Continued prayers for you, as always!! How exciting that you're in the magazine. Are you getting a copy for yourself? I hope so - it's quite an honor!
I'm still stitching, too, and will be sharing my latest soon on the blog. I have just been doing little things but it's so wonderful to have needle in hand. :)

What a little doll Mabel is! Love seeing the poodles.

Blessings - Julie

gominam said...

Congrats on the improved health and being able to stitch again! I did see the article in one of the blogs i follow, that's so neat! You're a celebrity now, haha. I too prefer Gaynor's, it's a favorite in karaoke, lol.

Ele said...

congratulations on being in the magazine!
That bread you baked looks so yummy!!
Have a lovely sunday

Annie said...

I'm so happy for you - enjoy stitching again! I can't imagine not being able to stitch... simlpy torture!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Such good news Vickie! I'm sure you're thrilled to be able to stitch again and that they physical therapy is working.

I like Gloria Gaynor song but Mable reminds me more of Diana in appearance.

Congratulations on the magazine feature! That's pretty sweet!

Brigitte said...

I hope that your appointment today will be the last you have to go to. I wish you luck.
So great that you were featured in that British cross stitch magazine. I will go and see if they sell digital issues, then maybe I can buy the one you are in.

Penny said...

Vickie, that is such wonderful news! I'm so glad you are able to stitch again! And how exciting to be featured in a magazine! Mabel is such a cutie. :) I gave my mother a few of the Jan Karon books and I can't wait for her to pass them on to me.

Maggee said...

GREAT NEWS about the PT! Twenty minutes is better than none! Great interview in the magazine! I hope to get to the library sometime soon, and get some books to listen to also! Perfect for daytime stitching! Hugs!

Andrea said...

So much great news in one post. Great to hear you are back stitching. Congratulations on your magazine inclusion.

Bea said...

I'm so thrilled you can stitch again. Mabel looks very cute.

Annette-California said...

Congratulations on being featured in the magazine! That's so exciting Vickie! How Beautiful feature they did of you!
love Annette

♥ Nia said...

Awesome!! :D Great to read a little more about you on the magazine! Congrats on the article!! :D