Good Morning friends! I am still living the life of a sloth. ;) Four days til the G.I. scope. I am hoping the G.I. specialist will have answers for me. And some kind of wonderful medication to get me OVER these ulcers!!
I finished off the freebie I lost interest in. I still kinda like it. Brian liked it a lot. So I decided to make a bookmark for him out of it. I thought it would be a little something nice to do for all of the extra work around the home he has taken on for me in the last month.
Since I had already stitched one leaf, and Brian liked it "just the way the chart shows it" (he always does;), I stitched it up as charted. I did replace the main bird body color with the medium color red called for. I left out DMC 321. I found it too bright.
I stitched this with DMC, two over two, on 25ct Cream Dublin linen. It is backed with a plain grey cotton to match.
This freebie can be found here. (If this link does not work, go to google images to find it. Look under I do not know why I can't get it to work right now. It worked on the link I gave to it a few weeks ago in a post.)
I am now starting on a pattern I bought this summer.
I hope your weekend is long, relaxing and great! Thank you for stopping by. Thank you for leaving me such nice comments. Thank you for your prayers. I appreciate you friend!
Stitching and praying,
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Antique Mall Find
Good Morning friends! Yes, I am still alive. ;) I have a stomach scope scheduled for September 4th. This is a long, slow, painful process getting over these ulcers. I continue to take 16 tsp of Gavascon daily and two Nexium also. Turns out it was stress, changing pain pills(all three have slight stomach upset possibilities),and guess what?! Bananas are BAD for ulcers! I was eating mainly bananas EVERY day for over a week!! I thought these were bland and okay for me. So, the nausea is mostly gone. The burning has gotten barely better. My Aunt had ulcers at the beginning of summer. It took her 6 weeks to fully recover! Oh great! A few weeks to go then still. =(
I could not stitch at all for the first two weeks. I read. A LOT! I read almost the entire years' worth of The Word Among Us. I just finished Beverly Lewis' latest book The Secret Keeper. I really liked this book a lot. I have never been disappointed with a single one of her books through the years.
We went to the local antique mall in July, Brian, Madeleine and I. I found my second, wooden recipe box for $4.00. The first one I found at the thrift store for a dollar last year. This is the lovely freebie I stitched and mounted inside the lid.
The directions do not tell the color linen to use, so I chose from my stash. This is mystery, hand-dyed 30ct linen. I stitched one over one using DMC. I did not stitch up the border shown on the freebie link. I now understand for the first time why some of you do NOT like to stitch on 30ct. This was a loose weave linen. I have stitched on 30ct before and liked it a lot. This was somewhat challenging.
This last picture is probably more true to the actual colors. I am now finishing off the last freebie I was working on. It is my only U.F.O. I am still not sure I truly like it anymore, but Brian likes it. I will most likely make a pin pillow out of it.
The garden is alive thanks to Brian. He has watered it for me every day for three weeks now. I am very thankful for all of his help during these ulcers. I want to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers too. I appreciate every one of you.♥ You are so kind and sweet. =)
Here is a picture of my two constant fuzzy companions. They have been with me at all times during these rough days.
Stitching and praying,
I could not stitch at all for the first two weeks. I read. A LOT! I read almost the entire years' worth of The Word Among Us. I just finished Beverly Lewis' latest book The Secret Keeper. I really liked this book a lot. I have never been disappointed with a single one of her books through the years.
We went to the local antique mall in July, Brian, Madeleine and I. I found my second, wooden recipe box for $4.00. The first one I found at the thrift store for a dollar last year. This is the lovely freebie I stitched and mounted inside the lid.
The directions do not tell the color linen to use, so I chose from my stash. This is mystery, hand-dyed 30ct linen. I stitched one over one using DMC. I did not stitch up the border shown on the freebie link. I now understand for the first time why some of you do NOT like to stitch on 30ct. This was a loose weave linen. I have stitched on 30ct before and liked it a lot. This was somewhat challenging.
This last picture is probably more true to the actual colors. I am now finishing off the last freebie I was working on. It is my only U.F.O. I am still not sure I truly like it anymore, but Brian likes it. I will most likely make a pin pillow out of it.
The garden is alive thanks to Brian. He has watered it for me every day for three weeks now. I am very thankful for all of his help during these ulcers. I want to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers too. I appreciate every one of you.♥ You are so kind and sweet. =)
Here is a picture of my two constant fuzzy companions. They have been with me at all times during these rough days.
Stitching and praying,
Friday, August 23, 2013
Blech! (⊙﹏⊙✿)
Hi friends! I hope you are well. I am still not. sigh. I mean, at least I am NOT laying around sloth-like still. My stomach was "feeling bad" so I started taking the over-the-counter acid reducer my doctor told me to take when it acts up. After a week, and sudden majorly increased pain, I called and he told me to double it and take extra strength Gaviscon at the maximum dose as well. After 4 days with no improvement I was seen by him. He gave me Nexium samples. I have been on those at the high dose of twice daily and the maximum dose of Gaviscon for 4 days also now. I had an abdominal ultrasound done yesterday morning. This ruled out problems with any of my other organs. So my doctor believes I have one or two significant ulcers. These medications should heal my stomach up, it is just taking a long time because of the severity? I am still a burnin' here folks. Let me tell ya, a bland diet is not much fun at all. =(
Say! I havegood great news!! The Neurontin I told you I was approved for, to take care of my chronic SI joint pain, is working!!!!!!! WaaaaaaaHooooooo! It is keeping my pain levels at a 2 or 3 all the time people. Isn't that great?! I think so. I could be angry that so many different insurance companies we had over the years refused to cover Neurontin for me. They insisted I use the generic, even though not one of the four generics I tried brought the pain down. Well, I won't lie. I was quite angry about that. But I do NOT want to be bitter. Soooo, I am grateful that I may be on brand name Neurontin NOW,again after 9 years.
On Wednesday night we went to Marquette University's New Student Convocation. What an experience. The keynote address was given by Chitra Divakaruni. She is the author of One Amazing Thing, the book I read along with Jacob and all of the incoming freshman this year. There are exactly 2013 freshmen this year, the year of 2013. Strange huh? They had 23,000 applications!! We are very proud of Jacob.Well, it is really happening folks. Our oldest has begun college now.Twenty-five additional nursing students were added because Milwaukee's VA Hospital has paid for the additional teachers and classrooms required to increase from 100 to 125 students. The VA prefers Marquette trained nursing staff. There are now 6 young men and 119 young ladies. Oh boy!! ;)
I did hear from our dear friend Carol over a week ago, that she received my gift right before she fell ill. Like a dummy, I forgot to take a picture of the beaded angel needle threader I made her. I made her in blue, Carol's favorite color. It was my first time making a needle threader. I also sent Carol this:

Yes, that is right. I actually gave her some of my Chocolate Swirl irises. These are the ones that smell of chocolate.♥ Carol commented on my blog over a year ago that she wished she had some. =) Now she does! And her DH even planted them while sweet Carol was ill .
I did NOT take a picture of the counting pins and two patterns I sent off to Vicki either. But she has received them and likes them. =) Here, I borrowed her picture of my gift.

And I also sent gifts to Angela P, which she has received and likes too! And you guessed it!!! I did not take a picture of pattern and counting pins either. But here is a picture Angela took and said I could show here.
I sent all three of these ladies gifts because they guessed the correct color of fuchsia for my purse.
Emerson and Madeleine have begun classes again as of Thursday. Jacob's first classes begin Monday. He has been to orientation things every day since Wednesday now.
I did not stitch one time while I was ill for the first week. Too weak and exhausted and nauseous.I am currently stitching up another freebie. I did get a lot of reading done. I finished The Last Runaway. That was good, but I felt very badly about the handful of swear words. I then read Evidence Unseen by Darlene Deibler Rose. THIS was an excellent, true story. She was a POW in WWII. She and her pastor husband were missionaries in New Guinea when WWII broke out.
That is it for today. I continue to take my "little purple pills" and hope to be all better very soon. Just wanted you to know I am still alive. ;)
Stitching and praying,
Say! I have
On Wednesday night we went to Marquette University's New Student Convocation. What an experience. The keynote address was given by Chitra Divakaruni. She is the author of One Amazing Thing, the book I read along with Jacob and all of the incoming freshman this year. There are exactly 2013 freshmen this year, the year of 2013. Strange huh? They had 23,000 applications!! We are very proud of Jacob.Well, it is really happening folks. Our oldest has begun college now.Twenty-five additional nursing students were added because Milwaukee's VA Hospital has paid for the additional teachers and classrooms required to increase from 100 to 125 students. The VA prefers Marquette trained nursing staff. There are now 6 young men and 119 young ladies. Oh boy!! ;)
I did hear from our dear friend Carol over a week ago, that she received my gift right before she fell ill. Like a dummy, I forgot to take a picture of the beaded angel needle threader I made her. I made her in blue, Carol's favorite color. It was my first time making a needle threader. I also sent Carol this:
Yes, that is right. I actually gave her some of my Chocolate Swirl irises. These are the ones that smell of chocolate.♥ Carol commented on my blog over a year ago that she wished she had some. =) Now she does! And her DH even planted them while sweet Carol was ill .
I did NOT take a picture of the counting pins and two patterns I sent off to Vicki either. But she has received them and likes them. =) Here, I borrowed her picture of my gift.
And I also sent gifts to Angela P, which she has received and likes too! And you guessed it!!! I did not take a picture of pattern and counting pins either. But here is a picture Angela took and said I could show here.
I sent all three of these ladies gifts because they guessed the correct color of fuchsia for my purse.
Emerson and Madeleine have begun classes again as of Thursday. Jacob's first classes begin Monday. He has been to orientation things every day since Wednesday now.
I did not stitch one time while I was ill for the first week. Too weak and exhausted and nauseous.I am currently stitching up another freebie. I did get a lot of reading done. I finished The Last Runaway. That was good, but I felt very badly about the handful of swear words. I then read Evidence Unseen by Darlene Deibler Rose. THIS was an excellent, true story. She was a POW in WWII. She and her pastor husband were missionaries in New Guinea when WWII broke out.
That is it for today. I continue to take my "little purple pills" and hope to be all better very soon. Just wanted you to know I am still alive. ;)
Stitching and praying,
Friday, August 16, 2013
Cross Stitcher In Residence Winner
Hi friends! The winner of the Giveaway is Mary Jane! Mary Jane will you please email me your address? Also, Carol, Vicki, and Angela P won something too. All three of these ladies guessed fuchsia and they were specifically right. ;)
Carol, Vicki and Angela, I have mailed you out your prizes. I am a tiny bit concerned as I have not heard back from a single one of you three.Edit: I have now heard back from all three ladies. I have given everyone something different.
Carol, Vicki and Angela, I have mailed you out your prizes. I am a tiny bit concerned as I have not heard back from a single one of you three.Edit: I have now heard back from all three ladies. I have given everyone something different.
say,it is not a good morning for me. I have had a terrible time with
gastritis again. I haven't thrown up this time around. Only because I
learned the hard way in the spring when I had this terrible two times. I
had never, ever thrown up that way in my life. Ever. Didn't know you
could keep throwing up for over a day from gastritis. And nothing but bile. I have had
one banana and a handful of crackers in two days. I called the doctor
late Wednesday. Unfortunately, I forgot my doctor is off on Wednesday. I
called 3 times yesterday, but he likes to take care of calls himself
sometimes which is very nice, but that means waiting til after 5:00 when
he is done seeing patients. I am so weak. This is the first time I have
been on the computer since Wed. early afternoon. He doubled the
over-the-counter acid reducer I take when my stomach gets bad. He also
added in Galvascon, a heavy duty stomach coater that I can take up to 4
times daily. I felt a very minor difference before bed last night and
this morning barely. I am going back to bed. That is where I
have been for 36 hours mainly. It is best to just try to sleep it off.
It does not work of course, but I would rather be out than awake to this
awful pain.My doctor insists that if I am not better by Monday, I need to come in for blood work.
reason my gastritis even flared up this time is because of stress. Jacob has been putting off everything. A
few things the University required were even late in being sent in.
Brian insists it is time we back off and let him grow up, even if it
means failure. I do know this, and I realize this sounds silly to some of you. It is just so very,very hard to train
myself to let go. I like control and I like things done my way. Well, he
will soon be 19 and he is in college now. I will with God's help not
only back off, but try not to freak out on the inside. Only with God's
help can I do this.
this week I have been weaning off my prescription for my SI joint pain
that I have been on for years. At the same time I have been slooowly building up
the Neurontin, the one I was on 9 years ago. This kept my pain at a 2
level. I hope it works that way again of course. Can't tell yet, as I am
taking it twice daily and need to take it three times daily starting
tomorrow. So one more day of bad pain, I hope. But this is the medication I battled it out with insurance for. It took over a week, but they approved of it. Praise God! Our different insurances over the years all denied me. We once again provided proof that I tried 4 different generic manufacturers of Neurontin and none of them provided good pain relief. I never used to believe there was a difference in generic and brand name. Friends, pain does not lie!!
This is the freebie I was stitching over a week ago. I am pretty sure I do not like it anymore. =(
At least definitely not for what I had planned. What do you think of it? The colors seem weird together. It is the leaves mainly, I don't think fit. Why are leaves growing off a grey, swirly thing. So I have one UFO now friends. =)
I started another freebie a week ago. But have not touched a needle in days.
This is what Mabel looked like last week, right after I clipped her face, neck, tummy and feet. Then I bathed her and blow dried. Do you see the color fade from grey to silver down her legs. =)
This is how she looks now, all clipped and beautiful.
Going back to bed now friends. I am usually very, very good at commenting on all your blogs. It won't be that way for a little bit. I am sure you understand. Thank you for coming by. I am thankful for you all, old and new friends!!
Resting and praying,
Friday, August 9, 2013
What I Am Up To Lately
Good Morning friends! Hello to new friends! So glad you all have stopped by. We are still having beautiful, sunny days with wonderfully cool evenings. We went to our State Fair yesterday, the five of us. Had a very good day there. Madeleine and I truly enjoy petting the huge draft horses. Do you? Madeleine and I shared Funnel Cake. The boys shared Deep Fried Oreos. ʘ‿ʘ We brought home a six pack of Cream Puffs (our State Fair is famous for them) and we each ate one right away. Four out of five of us went to bed with weird feeling tummies!
Speaking of weird feeling tummies, Henry threw up the other day. On Mabel's bed. yeah. It had been washed one too many times. The fluff was lumpy. So I made her a new one.
I never made one this deep. She loves it! Her problem is that Henry loves it too. ;)
Did you notice Henry is getting a little bit fluffier? Yay! And Mabel is too fluffy. She definitely needs a haircut soon. She is doing very well presently. We are sure hoping it stays that way too.
I have been waiting for weeks to get a cute(if you can call it that) picture of Tilly and Todd. Our resident toads. Those two live under the patio stone in the garden. Well, we have a lot of Tilly and Todds. (◕‿-) Mabel found one the other night in the dark. I used a flash for the picture.
I finished reading The Prisoner In The Third Cell by Gene Edwards. It is an historical fiction book that takes a look at John the Baptist's life. I liked it. It was inspirational. I am now reading The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier. This is a very good book so far.
I found this on Etsy last week.♥
Not the poodle. The antique silver thimble. Do you see the "V" that I see? It has two "V's" on it, and I love it. It is in very good condition.
I have all kinds of viola seedlings growing here and there. The seeds fall from the previous years of plantings in the hanging baskets on the trellises. I just love finding them pop up. Here is one variety. So sweet!
If you did not read my last post, maybe you should! You can receive a chart or another gift for leaving a comment and answering a question. That giveaway ends Thursday August 15th.
That is all for today friends. I am stitching a freebie right now. I hope you have a stitchtastic day!
Stitching and praying,
Speaking of weird feeling tummies, Henry threw up the other day. On Mabel's bed. yeah. It had been washed one too many times. The fluff was lumpy. So I made her a new one.
I never made one this deep. She loves it! Her problem is that Henry loves it too. ;)
Did you notice Henry is getting a little bit fluffier? Yay! And Mabel is too fluffy. She definitely needs a haircut soon. She is doing very well presently. We are sure hoping it stays that way too.
I have been waiting for weeks to get a cute(if you can call it that) picture of Tilly and Todd. Our resident toads. Those two live under the patio stone in the garden. Well, we have a lot of Tilly and Todds. (◕‿-) Mabel found one the other night in the dark. I used a flash for the picture.
I finished reading The Prisoner In The Third Cell by Gene Edwards. It is an historical fiction book that takes a look at John the Baptist's life. I liked it. It was inspirational. I am now reading The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier. This is a very good book so far.
I found this on Etsy last week.♥
Not the poodle. The antique silver thimble. Do you see the "V" that I see? It has two "V's" on it, and I love it. It is in very good condition.
I have all kinds of viola seedlings growing here and there. The seeds fall from the previous years of plantings in the hanging baskets on the trellises. I just love finding them pop up. Here is one variety. So sweet!
If you did not read my last post, maybe you should! You can receive a chart or another gift for leaving a comment and answering a question. That giveaway ends Thursday August 15th.
That is all for today friends. I am stitching a freebie right now. I hope you have a stitchtastic day!
Stitching and praying,
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Cross Stitcher In Residence
Hi friends! It will be another lovely, warm day here. The nights have been wonderfully cool. What is your weather like?
I received Cross Stitcher In Residence from June last year. It has been patiently waiting in my "must stitch folder". I stitched this last week, and made it into a knob hanger. It now hangs from a knob of my grandmother's china cabinet.
I stitched this one over one on 28ct lambswool, using DMC. The pattern calls for 2 over 2 on 28ct. I left 3 of the colors the same and changed 4 of the colors. This is what the actual pattern looks like.

You might notice, I pinked it up!! ;)
I had every intention of stitching this as charted when I received this. When I sat down to actually stitch it this last week, I thought, "This house should be pink. If this is for me, it needs to be pink!"
I used tiny, vintage, pink ric rac trim. I backed it with a solid pink of the same color. I decided it needed just a little something up top, so I made a pale pink, crackled glass beaded pin for the center.
I love this sweet, little finish. Thank you June. This pattern was originally gifted to June by Karen (no blog). June introduced me online to Karen this year. It turns out Karen and I live 20 minutes from each other. We have not met in person yet, but I am sure we will one day. Isn't that neat? This little pattern came from the same LNS I shop at, because it is Karen's LNS too.=) But it made it's way to me through June in England!!
Would you like this pattern friend? You may have noticed, I like to give almost all of my patterns away after I stitch them up! ;) Well, I have been thinking. And I have been wanting to ask a question of you,just 'cause I am curious, and just for fun! So if you would like this pattern you must first be a follower. Second you have to leave me a comment here telling me you would like it! And thirdly, answer this question. No answer = no pattern. ;) It's easy! This is the question: What color purse(handbag) are you currently using this summer? Yup, that's what I was wondering. I will close this giveaway on Thursday, August 15th.
For more fun, you can guess what color purse(handbag) I am using this summer. ;) tee hee! You need to be rather specific, okay?. It is one color. It is unusual. And we have all heard of it and know it! BUT probably not your first guess! That is all I am saying. IF you can actually guess the color it is, I have something for you too! I do believe no one is gonna guess this!!!
There! That made this giveaway a little different and fun =) So glad you came. You brighten my day with your visits. Mabel and Henry say hi!! Have a stitchtastic day my friends.
Stitching and praying,
I received Cross Stitcher In Residence from June last year. It has been patiently waiting in my "must stitch folder". I stitched this last week, and made it into a knob hanger. It now hangs from a knob of my grandmother's china cabinet.
I stitched this one over one on 28ct lambswool, using DMC. The pattern calls for 2 over 2 on 28ct. I left 3 of the colors the same and changed 4 of the colors. This is what the actual pattern looks like.

You might notice, I pinked it up!! ;)
I had every intention of stitching this as charted when I received this. When I sat down to actually stitch it this last week, I thought, "This house should be pink. If this is for me, it needs to be pink!"
I used tiny, vintage, pink ric rac trim. I backed it with a solid pink of the same color. I decided it needed just a little something up top, so I made a pale pink, crackled glass beaded pin for the center.
I love this sweet, little finish. Thank you June. This pattern was originally gifted to June by Karen (no blog). June introduced me online to Karen this year. It turns out Karen and I live 20 minutes from each other. We have not met in person yet, but I am sure we will one day. Isn't that neat? This little pattern came from the same LNS I shop at, because it is Karen's LNS too.=) But it made it's way to me through June in England!!
Would you like this pattern friend? You may have noticed, I like to give almost all of my patterns away after I stitch them up! ;) Well, I have been thinking. And I have been wanting to ask a question of you,just 'cause I am curious, and just for fun! So if you would like this pattern you must first be a follower. Second you have to leave me a comment here telling me you would like it! And thirdly, answer this question. No answer = no pattern. ;) It's easy! This is the question: What color purse(handbag) are you currently using this summer? Yup, that's what I was wondering. I will close this giveaway on Thursday, August 15th.
For more fun, you can guess what color purse(handbag) I am using this summer. ;) tee hee! You need to be rather specific, okay?. It is one color. It is unusual. And we have all heard of it and know it! BUT probably not your first guess! That is all I am saying. IF you can actually guess the color it is, I have something for you too! I do believe no one is gonna guess this!!!
There! That made this giveaway a little different and fun =) So glad you came. You brighten my day with your visits. Mabel and Henry say hi!! Have a stitchtastic day my friends.
Stitching and praying,
Friday, August 2, 2013
Summer Blog Hop (And A Winner)
Hi friends! The weather here has been beautiful, not too hot at all. I have some things to share with you, but first up is the Summer Blog Hop. Have ya heard of it? YOU can still sign up right here on Jo's blog if you like. I was sent a postcard from Clare. This is the picture and her message.
It hangs above our stairs (in what we call the hole). The frame matches a mirror I inherited from my Grandmother, I had never seen a frame like her mirror which now hangs in our hall. One Mother's Day we went to Ironbridge and in a charity shop I found this frame - so I used designs from a magazine (Cross Stitch Crazy I think) and plotted them in a circle to fit the frame."
"This is a
Round Robin I did when Wimble Bees forum was running - it was stitched
in 2007. The stitchers were, me and my daughter Philippa who was 13
then, Ester who I think lived in Holland, Colette, Lynn, Chris, and
It hangs above our stairs (in what we call the hole). The frame matches a mirror I inherited from my Grandmother, I had never seen a frame like her mirror which now hangs in our hall. One Mother's Day we went to Ironbridge and in a charity shop I found this frame - so I used designs from a magazine (Cross Stitch Crazy I think) and plotted them in a circle to fit the frame."
I think that is really neat Clare. Thank you for sharing with me. =)
Here is something to share with all of you! I saw these on Etsy for months. I knew we could talk them down in price since they were still not sold. So we got them real cheap and I am real happy.
They were listed as coasters, and I am sure that is what they were used for. The frames and glass aren't in pristine condition, but I think they are cute. I truly wanted them for their originality. They are believed to be one of a kind. A poodle-crazed nut like me probably designed and stitched them a long time ago. They certainly aren't perfect, but their quirkiness is what I was drawn to.
Here is the finished Bent Creek Snappy Sampler of mine.
Isn't it sweet? The pattern calls for it to be stitched two over two on 32ct. I stitched it one over one on 28ct lambswool. The finished size is 2"x2". There are only two colors called for with this pattern. I already had the Weeks Dye Works Onyx. I did not have the GA Maple Syrup. The DMC alternate was just plain gross. So I used one of my Victorian Motto threads, 1795 Faded Sampler Red Light. I am so glad I did. I really like the look of it.
I had a solid red fabric from French General for the backing that was the perfect match. I did not want to add trim. I like it this way. =)
The winner of the Snappy Sampler pattern is Lelia ! I have emailed you Lelia, just waiting for your postal address now. =)
The winner of the Snappy Sampler pattern is Lelia ! I have emailed you Lelia, just waiting for your postal address now. =)
Finally, here is a picture of Henry after his shampoo and blow dry.
Here he is after I gave him a haircut yesterday.
Quite the difference huh?! His eyes look so much bigger! Pretty sure I will not be redoing this style of haircut again. I think I prefer the cuddly puppy look.♥ Oh well, poodle hair grows.
I am so glad you all came to visit me today. Your lovely comments brighten my day. And I need a little brightening lately. The ablation actually caused my pain to increase if you can believe it friends. My left leg now has pain up and down and all around it. I never had a problem with my leg. No improvement in the hip pain either. Still waiting for insurance to approve a very much needed and wanted prescription.
I hope your day is special! Bye now.
Stitching and Praying,
Quite the difference huh?! His eyes look so much bigger! Pretty sure I will not be redoing this style of haircut again. I think I prefer the cuddly puppy look.♥ Oh well, poodle hair grows.
I am so glad you all came to visit me today. Your lovely comments brighten my day. And I need a little brightening lately. The ablation actually caused my pain to increase if you can believe it friends. My left leg now has pain up and down and all around it. I never had a problem with my leg. No improvement in the hip pain either. Still waiting for insurance to approve a very much needed and wanted prescription.
I hope your day is special! Bye now.
Stitching and Praying,
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