Calendar Poodle SAL

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Travelling Pattern Up For Grabs!

Good morning my friends! Hello to new followers, so good to have you here. =) We are having very, very mild weather. I woke up to 51º this morning!! Crazy for January. Almost all the snow is gone.

I was the one chosen by March Ann to receive the Lizzie Kate Travelling Pattern.
I used Crescent Colours Aunt Marle's Violet 28ct linen. My current favorite linen. ;) I just went through my DMC and found flosses that went well with the linen. The only color I used from the chart was the green for the leaves.
The first picture is true to the colors.
Do you see this wonderful, fat thread of linen? That is right in my satin stitched sawtooth border? Argh!! Grrr! Let me tell you, yesterday had a few lessons for me. The first lesson I learned the very hard way. We went to DSW Warehouse shoe shopping for me. Never got a pair of shoes. But I did take percocet before leaving the store. :(  Brian caught up with me after a bit, and told me I really should sit down to try those shoes on. Boy, am I dumb! Duh! Such a simple thing to do. I could have avoided spiking my pain up. And why on earth do I try one shoe on?!? I need to remember to always try both on and sit down to do it. The next lesson learned is no matter how much I want those totally awesome blue leather dutch clogs, this girl should not wear 2 1/4" heels as comfort shoes. It somehow doesn't work well with the whole hip disability thing. :(

So, where was I ? Oh yes, I blabbered on about that because I wanted to tell you the next lesson I learned yesterday. Stitching a satin stitched sawtooth border for the first time yesterday was challenging enough. Girls, don't try it while on percocet! It becomes interesting. I learned to go back very, very often and recount. Lots of double checking made it possible.

And that gross linen slub in the upper right side? Well, I took my scissors and carefully cut away some of the thickness. Just at that hole. I have no idea what you are supposed to do. But while struggling to stay focused while medicated and stitching, that is what I came up with.

So, would you like to be the next person to stitch this little cutie up? This pattern originally started with Angela. Click on her name to see the list of all 20 stitchers before me! I am number 21. Who will be number 22? You must leave a comment on this post telling me you would like to stitch it. You must be a follower. And you must have a blog. I will draw a name on Friday, January 18th.

Now on to the next project. I want to make another bottlecap pincushion. I am designing a secret cross stitch pattern right now. ooOoo! Mysterious! Yes, challenging is more like it!!

Stitching and praying,


cucki said...

Wowww please count me in..I so much wanted to stitch it too..
Your finish s so cute..
Love Cucki x

Tricia said...

This is gorgeous, Vickie! I love the linen color you chose. So pretty! I hope your pain level is back to tolerable today. : (


Emma/Itzy said...

I would love to be included in the draw :) Thanks!

riona said...

When I have to deal with slubs in linen, I generally just tease the slub out with the point of my needle. That way there is no risk of cutting a warp or woof thread. It works just fine.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love your colours! I almost want to stitch this again just to use your colours. I stitched it back in 2011.
And the satin stitch was a PITA for me too, check out the blog post-

I wasn't on anything stronger than caffeine as an excuse either!

EvalinaMaria said...

I have this chart, I think I should stitch it and later let it go traveling.

I love the colors you chose for your piece. How will you finish it?

Janet P said...

Hi Vickie, I am intrigued, what is a bottlecap pincushion. I hope you are feeling ok. x

Teresa said...

Love your version of the traveling pattern. I can't wait to see your bottlecap pincushion.
On or off medicine I hate buying shoes.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Angela said...

I love the colors that you have used. I think I cursed that border too :) Can't wait to see where it will go next!

Anonymous said...

Your finish is cute. I love the fabric and floss colors you have chosen.

I can't wait to see your next bottlecap
pincushion. You are having so much fun with these.

I would love to be the next one to stitch the pattern. I am a follower and I have a blog.

Good luck to everyone who enters!


Penny said...

Turned out pretty! Looking forward to seeing your secret pattern. :)

CalamityJr said...

Love your color choices (why did we know it would involve pink?!). Makes me sorry I don't have a blog. Please don't overdo today. You suffered enough yesterday!

Giovanna said...

Lovely finish, well done! I hope you're feeling better now...

lanybleu said...

I would love to take part and stitch this travelling pattern. Please include me.

butterfly said...

Love your stitching and the colours you used.
Hope you are feeling better, hugs.

Pam in IL said...

Your finish is gorgeous! Please include me in the chance to stitch this piece.

I am a follower through google reader and my blog is
mystitchin-n-stuff dot blogspot dot com

Annette-California said...

Love the Pink fabric:) Very pretty with the colors you chose. Darling design. You did a beautiful job. Sure hope you feel better. I will pray for you my friend. love Annette

Maggee said...

Bummer about those lesson learned while shopping for shoes! Hope you are feeling better now... I have that pattern... I really should take it out and stitch it a few times... good gift! Hugs!

Myra said...

I really like your linen choice and the floss colors you chose look great!

Nicola said...

I love the pretty pink of your linen. It is so frustrating to get a slub in your fabric. I try and unpick mine gently. Sometiimes it works.

temari by the sea said...

Beautiful colour choices!

Unknown said...

That is adorable!!

Siobhán said...

Lovely finish, Vickie!

Sally said...

What a beautiful finish Vickie. I love the fabric you used. Such a beautiful colour.

Please don't include me as I've already been lucky enough to be chosen.

Chris said...

Lovely colorway on this finish! I am so sorry that you had a bad experience shoe shopping. Please take care.

Michelle said...

Such a lovely finish! Hope you are feeling better today :)

Melanie said...

Hope you are feeling better now!
It's a lovely little piece. Generally I don't mind the slubs too much but you are right - they can wreak havoc with satin stitch. Grrr.

Marsha said...

I think it turned out great. Can't imagine stitching while on percoset, but when tere's a will there's a way. I would love to be considered for the pattern, I have the perfect spot for it.