We had another stitch gathering on Saturday. This time it was at a lady named Lisa's house. She was not able to make it last time when we met at Panera. There were seven of us ladies this time, including Barb and Leanne. No picture sorry.😉 We did have a lovely afternoon with delicious soup Lisa made and challah bread I baked, and of course lots and lots of laughs❣️
The winner for the Heart in Hand Thanksgiving Bird chart is: Lynda Ruth!

I have been stitching away on the baby piece for the young couple. This is a picture of it. It is by Durene Jones. I have not stitched the tiny lock of hair. I am waiting to see what color hair baby Luke has. Also, on the back of the blanket, you stitch the date of baby's birth.

I am rather stressed. I am really, really behind in stitching this year. All because I created my own sampler. I just felt the impulse to do it finally and went with it. It took all of September and now.... Well now, I am WAY behind. I do not see how I will get the kids' ornaments made for St. Nicks'. Honestly, as soon as the special linen comes in the mail this week, I am dropping this baby piece. They can wait for it. They do not even know I am making it. I must start the ornaments! I am stressed because I ordered the linen from Ye Olde Stitchery and I am waiting to see if the linen shows up. They say online that you can follow your order because it is tracked. Not so. It has never said anything but being processed. They are one of two places anywhere that I can find that have it. I do NOT need this delay! I wanted to just back out of the order and change colors. They will not let you.
I am sharing with you the last two The Cat Who Books!!!!!!!

As the devoted readers of the series know, Qwill has been working on this book since The Cat Who Tailed a Thief. Now the tales are finally all compiled-legends such as "The Secret of the Blacksmith's Wife" and "The Trevelyan Curse." In Short and Tall Tales, Lilian Jackson Braun introduces James Mackintosh Qwilleran and tells how he collected the tales. Qwill provides a preface for each legend, identifying the teller and the circumstances. And it is no surprise that the tales themselves are entertaining stories that reveal the off-beat "history" of Moose County. Cat Who . . .fans will delight in reading these stories and anecdotes taken from the pages of the books they have come to love.

The New York Times bestselling author of the Cat Who mysteries presents a fantastic collection of feline fiction which includes fourteen short stories about kitties who just can’t keep their whiskers out of trouble... Filled with furballs like a courageous Siamese who bags a cunning cat burglar, a country kitty who proves a stumbling block in a violent murder, and an intuitive feline whose premonition helps solve the case of the missing antiques dealer, this collection will delight cat lovers and mystery aficionados alike! This Collection Includes: Phut Phat Concentrates • Weekend of the Big Puddle • The Fluppie Phenomenon • The Hero of Drummond Street • The Mad Museum Mouser • The Dark One • East Side Story • Tipsy and the Board of Health • A Cat Named Conscience • SuSu and the 8:30 Ghost • Stanley and Spook • A Cat Too Small for His Whiskers • The Sin of Madame Phloi • Tragedy on New Year’s Eve
I am so sad to be done with The Cat Who!! I kid you not! I feel withdrawal over it! I also am not kidding!
I was fitted for a pair of Asics shoes by the district manager of our local Rogan's Shoes. She took over a half hour with me. I wore them on the treadmill and for physical therapy. I told my physical therapist, Luke that they did not feel very good. He told me to go back and tell them that. He said to listen to your feet. I went back and she found me a better fitting pair. I wore them at home all day and the pain in my right foot was almost gone!! Brian returned them for me though. For the price we paid, $120!!!, we ordered them in all pink!! They come this week. It is worth the wait for me.💗 After this pair, when I need a pair next time, we can shop online and find better deals. We wanted to give the district manager the sale. She spent a LOT of time with me and helped me!
“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
I hope and pray you have a wonderful week my friends! Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate YOU!
Stitching and praying,