Hi friends! I want to wish you a wonderfully, blessed New Year right now!! ;)
Let me share this with you. It is from our Pastor's sermon a while back.
There was a man who was a real tightwad.. hoarded all his money and, in fact, wanted to take it all with him when he died. So one day, Helmut.. that was his name, Helmut... said to his wife Mildred, "Millie, when I die, before they close the casket be sure to put all my money in with me." Mildred said, "Whatever you want, honey." She was a most devout wife. So, when Helmut passed awasy, at the funeral, right before they closed the casket, Mildred went up and placed this little wooden box in the casket with Helmut.
One of her stunned friends, after the service, said: "You really didn't put all his money in there with him, did you?" To which Mildred replied, "Of course I did. I'm a sincere Christian. I wrote him a check!"
We cannot take any of it with us! Our discipleship is not about this life! It is about the life that is to come! This is the life gained and given, of which Jesus speaks. It is about the abundance, salvation and eternal bounty that is to come. This salvation is found, not "in the things of men" but only in Him. You see, this is what Jesus means when He says, Deny... Take up... Continue to follow! It's not about you. It's all about ...Him.
We saw The Hobbit. It was great. Cannot wait for the next one out!
I finished And Then You Dye by Monica Ferris. I was disappointed. She used swear words halfway through. I figured out the mystery, who dunnit, about halfway through the book. And I got about 90% of the details/clues correct too. :( Too bad. I still will read her next book.
Be safe friends! God bless you!
Stitching and praying,
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Good morning friends! I hope you had a wonderful celebration of Our Lord's Birth. We did. Good times with family too.
Thank you my friends for the Christmas cards. Mary Jane, I could not find your email. I am sorry. Thank you!♥
Whatcha been up to? I stitched this tiny, cute design.
I tried and tried to take pictures of it. I wanted you to see the beautiful color of the linen. It is called Aunt Marle's Violet by Crescent Colours. I stitched this one over one on 28ct. It is called Forever Charming by Forever In My Heart Designs. I picked this little chart up at my LNS for a dime! I placed it in another one of those frame charms, this one in copper. I used the most beautiful variegated, purple, silk ribbon from France Theresa gifted me with. I tied it onto my Longaberger basket that holds a fern above my sink. It makes me smile. =)
I stitched this cute little schnauzer for my nephew. He got his puppy this year.
Yes, I once again used the frame charms from the big JoAnn stores. Sure helps make a quick ornament. I backed it with the fabric shown.This chart is a freebie and can be found here. I had to change the colors completely. She used greens and blues?!? Also, his puppy is lighter in color. I stitched her one over one on 28ct white evenweave using DMC.
I finished The Giving Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.It was okay. It was my least favorite of her series. I found it slow. I have started And Then You Dye by Monica Ferris.
Finally, my friend Laurie in Texas gifted me with a subscription to Cross Stitch & Needlework.=) I must admit I will not be stitching from the first issue I received.

This is the January 2013 issue. Would you like it?
All you need to do is be a follower and leave me a comment on this post. I will draw a winner on Thursday, January 3rd.
We plan to see The Hobbit this weekend. Take care my friends! Oh yes, and welcome new followers! I am very glad you are here. =)
Stitching and reading and praying,
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Good morning everyone! Are ya ready? We are. I just keep baking a new batch of cookies every few days. I freeze some for guests, but the rest disappear.
How about this gingerbreadpoodle? ;)
Mabel looks thrilled right? The outfit came off after pictures. ;)
Pink poodle sugar cookies. I use my grandmother's recipe, it uses cream of tartar and is different and yummy! I made the dogs every Christmas. Mac in blue, Maggie and Mabel in pink. Sadly, we just have the one this year.
Christmas Blessings to you my friends!!
Baking and stitching and praying,
How about this gingerbreadpoodle? ;)
Mabel looks thrilled right? The outfit came off after pictures. ;)
Pink poodle sugar cookies. I use my grandmother's recipe, it uses cream of tartar and is different and yummy! I made the dogs every Christmas. Mac in blue, Maggie and Mabel in pink. Sadly, we just have the one this year.
Christmas Blessings to you my friends!!
Baking and stitching and praying,
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Or Not!
Good morning my friends. We got 3" of snow yesterday. Tomorrow we will get more, with up to 40 mph winds. *~* I think it is beautiful, but I hate, HATE to drive in it. I am the commuter, taking the kids to and from school most days of the week. Jacob drives 2 to 3 times a week. They are having their final assessments this week. Wouldn't you know it was not snowing when he left yesterday, but on his return it sure was. He did absolutely perfect. I was so worried for him. Driving in snow stresses me, but I think having Jacob drive in snow stresses me more. Obviously he has proved he is capable, I am just a worrier. Anyways, the snow came so I got this picture as promised for you.
I found this nativity scene about 12 years ago in a Catholic magazine and loved it. I asked my FIL if we could make it in wood. He really, really enlarged it for me. I traced it onto the wood and he cut it. Brian paints it black when needed.
Isn't this just too wonderful?!? Chris sent this surprise to me. I just love, love the pink and chocolate theme. I tried to take a picture of this in so many settings, this is the best pic I could get. It is just such a great ornament. I truly love it. I appreciate all of the hard work Chris put into this piece. Thank you my friend.♥
While I was taking pictures at the tree, I thought I would show you my angel. I made her 18 years ago. I found a pattern for her in a magazine. I am not sure if you can see the tiny candle she is holding on the right.
During the snow yesterday afternoon, I spotted this guy in the tree, in the park, behind our yard. It is a Cooper's Hawk. Not the best picture through the snow. It stayed for about one minute. Hope it wasn't here looking for Mabel! Not to worry, she would be too big for him.
We are 95% done shopping. I have almost every present wrapped. The Christmas cards will go out today. I baked peanut blossoms two days ago. I will make the sugar cookies today or tomorrow. It is getting done! =)
We are still praying for the mourning in Newtown. It is just so sad isn't it friends? I find myself wanting to learn some stories, and then I cry my eyes out.
Take care. Stay warm. Drive safe. Thanks for visiting me in this busy, busy season. I appreciate YOU!!
Baking and praying,
I found this nativity scene about 12 years ago in a Catholic magazine and loved it. I asked my FIL if we could make it in wood. He really, really enlarged it for me. I traced it onto the wood and he cut it. Brian paints it black when needed.
Isn't this just too wonderful?!? Chris sent this surprise to me. I just love, love the pink and chocolate theme. I tried to take a picture of this in so many settings, this is the best pic I could get. It is just such a great ornament. I truly love it. I appreciate all of the hard work Chris put into this piece. Thank you my friend.♥
While I was taking pictures at the tree, I thought I would show you my angel. I made her 18 years ago. I found a pattern for her in a magazine. I am not sure if you can see the tiny candle she is holding on the right.
During the snow yesterday afternoon, I spotted this guy in the tree, in the park, behind our yard. It is a Cooper's Hawk. Not the best picture through the snow. It stayed for about one minute. Hope it wasn't here looking for Mabel! Not to worry, she would be too big for him.
We are 95% done shopping. I have almost every present wrapped. The Christmas cards will go out today. I baked peanut blossoms two days ago. I will make the sugar cookies today or tomorrow. It is getting done! =)
We are still praying for the mourning in Newtown. It is just so sad isn't it friends? I find myself wanting to learn some stories, and then I cry my eyes out.
Take care. Stay warm. Drive safe. Thanks for visiting me in this busy, busy season. I appreciate YOU!!
Baking and praying,
Monday, December 17, 2012
Can You Believe It Is Another Poodle Magnet? *~*
Good morning friends. I must say I have a very heavy heart these days. The 28 victims are in our prayers.♥
I have been entertaining myself with yet another poodle bottle cap magnet. Yes, I admit, I am addicted to these.
I found this little cutie here. I asked Claudine permission for this poodle. I stitched it up almost the same as her Daele. I am glad to say Mabel is not quite this squat. ;)
I did get a batch of what we call "Bear Claws" done.
I use Nilla cookies. Place a smooshed caramel on top. Arrange and press cashews in. Top with melted chocolate. mmm! As you might guess, these go rather quick!
I think I may be making Peanut Blossoms shortly.
Oh my goodness! I forgot to tell you the exciting, wonderful news! I convinced Brian that we could just call Salvation Army to ask if they even get tread mills in. I called and the man who answered told me, "Well, we very rarely get those in. But when we do, they go quick. I just so happened to get one one hour ago off the delivery truck." He had not even tested it out yet. He told me to come on over and we could test it. Well, it is a bit of an older model, but it works just fine. AND IT WAS $20!!! Whoo hoo! So I am back in business with trying to walk every day, depending on all the stupid pain of course. I am determined to get the 5 or so pounds off that I have gained this fall. If I walk, I do just fine. If I cannot, due to pain, the pounds creep on very slowly. My whole family is "big". I am the only thin one. I very much want to keep it that way.
I have not even started my cards. We aren't done shopping. It will all get done. I am not going to stress over it.
That is it for now my friends. I thank you for stopping by and visiting me. I appreciate YOU, I do!♥
Have a great day in the Lord.
Baking and praying,
I have been entertaining myself with yet another poodle bottle cap magnet. Yes, I admit, I am addicted to these.
one over one on 28ct pink Meran Linen |
I did get a batch of what we call "Bear Claws" done.
I use Nilla cookies. Place a smooshed caramel on top. Arrange and press cashews in. Top with melted chocolate. mmm! As you might guess, these go rather quick!
I think I may be making Peanut Blossoms shortly.
Oh my goodness! I forgot to tell you the exciting, wonderful news! I convinced Brian that we could just call Salvation Army to ask if they even get tread mills in. I called and the man who answered told me, "Well, we very rarely get those in. But when we do, they go quick. I just so happened to get one one hour ago off the delivery truck." He had not even tested it out yet. He told me to come on over and we could test it. Well, it is a bit of an older model, but it works just fine. AND IT WAS $20!!! Whoo hoo! So I am back in business with trying to walk every day, depending on all the stupid pain of course. I am determined to get the 5 or so pounds off that I have gained this fall. If I walk, I do just fine. If I cannot, due to pain, the pounds creep on very slowly. My whole family is "big". I am the only thin one. I very much want to keep it that way.
I have not even started my cards. We aren't done shopping. It will all get done. I am not going to stress over it.
That is it for now my friends. I thank you for stopping by and visiting me. I appreciate YOU, I do!♥
Have a great day in the Lord.
Baking and praying,
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Gifts From Shirlee
Good morning friends! Welcome new friends!
Such tragedy. Such severe sadness. Pray. Pray not only for those families in Newtown, but the many, many lives affected by this. We also need to pray for our nation. Our nation is so very violent. We need to make changes. And those changes need to be in the homes of America. It needs to start with the family.
I would like to show you what I received in the mail yesterday from dear Shirlee. I was a winner of her recent giveaway. It is a wonderful LizzieKate chart called When We Do. It reads: When we do what we can God will do what we cannot. I love it! She also made me this wonderful tuck pillow. I have never made or owned a tuck pillow. Hooray for me!
Guess what friends?! Baby Jesus has two french knots for eyes! I noticed that right away, and I felt special. To know Shirlee put herself through that for me, well I feel honored. Thank you Shirlee.♥
I told Trace last week I would post a picture of our nativity. This is the nativity we purchased for ourselves the December we moved into our first home back in 1993.
My family gave me additional pieces each year for my Christmas gifts, until I told them, "That's enough now, thank you!" I just didn't want the entire town of Bethlehem there! I already wonder about the bagpiper you see on the left?!?
I am waiting for some snow. We are having such extremely mild weather here. It is in the forties! I love it. But if we had some snow, I would take a picture of our outdoor nativity. I would prefer to show it to you that way. It looks so nice that way. I will just wait a bit longer.
I got the gingerbread cookies baked and will work on a batch of another kind this weekend. I am still being naughty! I have not even touched my Christmas cards. This is extremely unusual for me. I am actually stitching another poodle bottlecap magnet! ;) Brian approached me while I was stitching it last night. He wondered if we really needed another one. HA!! My response was just a smile. =)
Annie recently asked me a few questions about those bottlecap magnets. I realized that I never fully explained to you all. They are called Giant Bottle Cap- Chrome from Darice. I buy them at the larger JoAnn stores. They come in a six pack.
You have probably noticed I include a poodle with each post? ;) Well there is one here this time too. It is just not that obvious. ;)
Have a wonderful weekend my friends. Thank you for visiting and commenting. You make me glad.♥
Stitching and baking and reading,
Such tragedy. Such severe sadness. Pray. Pray not only for those families in Newtown, but the many, many lives affected by this. We also need to pray for our nation. Our nation is so very violent. We need to make changes. And those changes need to be in the homes of America. It needs to start with the family.
I would like to show you what I received in the mail yesterday from dear Shirlee. I was a winner of her recent giveaway. It is a wonderful LizzieKate chart called When We Do. It reads: When we do what we can God will do what we cannot. I love it! She also made me this wonderful tuck pillow. I have never made or owned a tuck pillow. Hooray for me!
Guess what friends?! Baby Jesus has two french knots for eyes! I noticed that right away, and I felt special. To know Shirlee put herself through that for me, well I feel honored. Thank you Shirlee.♥
I told Trace last week I would post a picture of our nativity. This is the nativity we purchased for ourselves the December we moved into our first home back in 1993.
My family gave me additional pieces each year for my Christmas gifts, until I told them, "That's enough now, thank you!" I just didn't want the entire town of Bethlehem there! I already wonder about the bagpiper you see on the left?!?
I am waiting for some snow. We are having such extremely mild weather here. It is in the forties! I love it. But if we had some snow, I would take a picture of our outdoor nativity. I would prefer to show it to you that way. It looks so nice that way. I will just wait a bit longer.
I got the gingerbread cookies baked and will work on a batch of another kind this weekend. I am still being naughty! I have not even touched my Christmas cards. This is extremely unusual for me. I am actually stitching another poodle bottlecap magnet! ;) Brian approached me while I was stitching it last night. He wondered if we really needed another one. HA!! My response was just a smile. =)
Annie recently asked me a few questions about those bottlecap magnets. I realized that I never fully explained to you all. They are called Giant Bottle Cap- Chrome from Darice. I buy them at the larger JoAnn stores. They come in a six pack.
You have probably noticed I include a poodle with each post? ;) Well there is one here this time too. It is just not that obvious. ;)
Have a wonderful weekend my friends. Thank you for visiting and commenting. You make me glad.♥
Stitching and baking and reading,
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
A Giveaway Winner
Good morning my friends! Hello to new followers! I am glad you all are stopping by for a visit today. =) Leanna and Crystal, I would very much like to email you two. I was unable to. If you would like, would you please email me your email addresses? Thank you.♥
I stitched up and finished off another little poodle bottle cap magnet.
I used the pink striped 32ct linen given to me by Annette. This little poodle is a freebie found here. I docked the tail. ;) And the dog was supposed to be white. I made it a light grey poodle instead. ;)
I finally opened June's gift to me. Her beautiful, Craft Club angel card and the lovely "Peace" pinkeep. I just love it June! She even gave me the stand for the pinkeep. It sits here on our piano with the sweet card in front of Santa from Annette. Annette also gave me Candyland bandaids!!! ;) And some sweet ribbon trims. Thank you my friends. You are both a blessing to not only me, but so many stitchy friends around the world!!♥
I am thankful the pain level has gone back down now. Thank you for your kind words, and prayers.♥ I now take Mabel on a short walk every day. We can loose weight together. ;) I also go a few times a week to the large grocery store. I do laps, up and down their aisles. The kids think that is crazy! tee hee!
We still have so many treats from our stockings, that I have hesitated to bake Christmas cookies. I may begin today. Otherwise tomorrow
Oh my goodness! I almost hit Publish, but I just realized I forgot to tell you who the winner is!! DUH! Giovanna is the winner of the July Cross Stitch & Needlework magazine. =)
Take care my friends. May God bless you today.
Baking and reading,
I stitched up and finished off another little poodle bottle cap magnet.
I used the pink striped 32ct linen given to me by Annette. This little poodle is a freebie found here. I docked the tail. ;) And the dog was supposed to be white. I made it a light grey poodle instead. ;)
one over one, 32ct linen |
I am thankful the pain level has gone back down now. Thank you for your kind words, and prayers.♥ I now take Mabel on a short walk every day. We can loose weight together. ;) I also go a few times a week to the large grocery store. I do laps, up and down their aisles. The kids think that is crazy! tee hee!
We still have so many treats from our stockings, that I have hesitated to bake Christmas cookies. I may begin today. Otherwise tomorrow
Oh my goodness! I almost hit Publish, but I just realized I forgot to tell you who the winner is!! DUH! Giovanna is the winner of the July Cross Stitch & Needlework magazine. =)
Take care my friends. May God bless you today.
Baking and reading,
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Bethlehem Scene
What Child Is This?
1. What Child is this who, laid to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom Angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
2. Why lies He in such mean estate,This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and Angels sing;
Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christians, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.
3. So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh,Nails, spear shall pierce Him through,
The cross be borne for me, for you.
Hail, hail the Word made flesh,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.
Come peasant, king to own Him;
The King of kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise a song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby.
Joy, joy for Christ is born,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.
Bethlehem Scene |
I stitched it on white 28ct evenweave using DMC 322. The material in the background is what I used to back all of them. The figurine you see was my fraternal grandparents.
I absolutely love this pattern. I have stitched it 5 times now, as I said, but I would easily stitch it again. It reminds me of my favorite Christmas hymn, What Child Is This?
So, today I will be after the boys to get their ornaments hung on the tree. They are responsible for their own large ornament collections. Madeleine's fourth of the tree is done. The back quarter of the tree and the tippy top of the tree is for the rest of the ornaments. Since I am only putting up one tree this year, and the tree is small, only the favorites get to be hung by me. That is okay. The kids will not be with us forever. Until they leave someday, they can hog that tree right up! ;)
I will most likely be making some Christmas cookies today. Who knows? I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing. I am stitching another little poodle bottlecap magnet. ;)
Thank you for stopping by and leaving comments for me also. You brighten my day! Hello new friends!♥
Have a wonderful, blessed day in the Lord my friends.
Stitching and praying,
Friday, December 7, 2012
Flashback Friday
Good morning friends! As we were getting out our Christmas decorations yesterday, I thought I would share this ornament I made 18 years ago.
I made this for Jacob. I don't have the pattern. It most likely came from a library book.
Last night, I do not know why, but I made the other hot pad, with the other fabric I purchased. I should be baking Christmas cookies. I should be decorating the house. I should be finishing the ornament I just stitched up.
The cowgirl poodle on top of the hot pad is "Reba". ;)
Our treadmill died yesterday. Not good. It's gonna be a while til we can get a new one. So I bundled up and went for a walk yesterday morning. The good news is, it was so cold the pain was numbed. The bad news is, I was a dummie and didn't want to have to take two walks outside, so I walked for 40 minutes. After I thawed out back at home, the pain came and came. I am still suffering today. It will take a few days for it to settle back down. Percocet is the only way I will get through it now.
Now I need to decide on stitching or reading. I only allow myself to read while I walk on the treadmill. I love to read, it is a great motivator for me. Can't read and walk outside! ;) And I am reading a great book, Thr3e by Ted Dekker. It is one from years ago that I somehow missed. Ordered it in from another library. Jacob is reading it at night before bed. I read it during the day. It's kinda neat. We are having a book club of two!
Here is a picture of Mabel watching the ducks fly over our home to the pond in the park behind us.
If you didn't know I am having a giveaway you can read about here.
Have a wonderful day my friends! Oh yes, I want to say Hi! to my newest follower, Marilyn. =)
Stitching and praying,
I made this for Jacob. I don't have the pattern. It most likely came from a library book.
Last night, I do not know why, but I made the other hot pad, with the other fabric I purchased. I should be baking Christmas cookies. I should be decorating the house. I should be finishing the ornament I just stitched up.
The cowgirl poodle on top of the hot pad is "Reba". ;)
Our treadmill died yesterday. Not good. It's gonna be a while til we can get a new one. So I bundled up and went for a walk yesterday morning. The good news is, it was so cold the pain was numbed. The bad news is, I was a dummie and didn't want to have to take two walks outside, so I walked for 40 minutes. After I thawed out back at home, the pain came and came. I am still suffering today. It will take a few days for it to settle back down. Percocet is the only way I will get through it now.
Now I need to decide on stitching or reading. I only allow myself to read while I walk on the treadmill. I love to read, it is a great motivator for me. Can't read and walk outside! ;) And I am reading a great book, Thr3e by Ted Dekker. It is one from years ago that I somehow missed. Ordered it in from another library. Jacob is reading it at night before bed. I read it during the day. It's kinda neat. We are having a book club of two!
Here is a picture of Mabel watching the ducks fly over our home to the pond in the park behind us.
If you didn't know I am having a giveaway you can read about here.
Have a wonderful day my friends! Oh yes, I want to say Hi! to my newest follower, Marilyn. =)
Stitching and praying,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A Giveaway and Some Ornament Finishes
Good morning my friends! A big welcome to my new friends! It is chilly here,but sunny. =) Hope you all are well. I wanted to show you the XI ornaments all finished up.
Jacob's is in the center, to show you how I put their graduating years on the backs. I am happy with them. They have no idea. That part is fun. Into the stockings they go tonight. =)
I also finished my mother's angel ornament up this way.
I found these little frames at the larger JoAnn store in the city. The only complaint I have, is that when you use two pieces of linen or evenweave in there, the stitching gets a tiny bit smushed. It is not too noticable. If you recall, back in October I had asked for advice on these. I just cut the pieces of linen to size and put them in there. That simple. Done.
Isn't this pretty? A surprise from Brian this week. ♥
My friend Laurie passed this on to me to give to you.
Would you like it? All you have to do is be a follower and leave a comment on this post telling me you would like it.
I will draw the name of the winner next Wednesday, December 12th.
I am still stitching an ornament for our own tree. I do need to get some Christmas cookies baked. And get the tree decorated. First I need someone to haul it upstairs for me!!
Have a blessed day in the Lord my friends!
Stitching and praying,
Jacob's is in the center, to show you how I put their graduating years on the backs. I am happy with them. They have no idea. That part is fun. Into the stockings they go tonight. =)
I also finished my mother's angel ornament up this way.
I found these little frames at the larger JoAnn store in the city. The only complaint I have, is that when you use two pieces of linen or evenweave in there, the stitching gets a tiny bit smushed. It is not too noticable. If you recall, back in October I had asked for advice on these. I just cut the pieces of linen to size and put them in there. That simple. Done.
Isn't this pretty? A surprise from Brian this week. ♥
My friend Laurie passed this on to me to give to you.
Would you like it? All you have to do is be a follower and leave a comment on this post telling me you would like it.
I will draw the name of the winner next Wednesday, December 12th.
I am still stitching an ornament for our own tree. I do need to get some Christmas cookies baked. And get the tree decorated. First I need someone to haul it upstairs for me!!
Have a blessed day in the Lord my friends!
Stitching and praying,
Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 3, That's Me!
Good morning friends! Today is day 3 of the Advent Calender Blog Hop. Check in here to see who is up next!
This morning I am sharing with you a very old piece. I stitched this 24 years ago! I was 19 years old! =) My husband and I were dating. I had stitched two other pieces by Gloria Pat, all from the same book, God's In His Heaven. Brian suggested I stitch this one next.
It is simply titled 'December'. It is stitched on Aida with good old DMC. I have had it stored away for 23 years. I finally framed it myself last year. (I could not afford to frame it for years.) I gave it to him as a Christmas gift last year. He was surprised. I am glad it is finally out for display. =)
So, the theme for this year's Blog Hop is "Stocking, Sack or Something else?" I am quite happy to say I have carried on the tradition of filling the St. Nick stockings for our kids. Since Brian never really had this as a child growing up, we kind of came up with a compromise. They are "Christmas Stockings". ( Still given on St. Nicholas Day ;)
These are the children's, Brian's, Mabel's and Winky's stockings. My mother still has mine. And would you believe it is the same one from when I was a girl? My brother Michael and I have our's, my other two brothers have replacements. ;) My mother still stuffs all of our stockings, and I am 43!! No complaints here! =)
So on the night of December 5th after the kids are in bed, I will be stuffing the people stockings with goodies. They tend to have quite a few chocolate items, not sure why? ;) The dog's and bird's stockings are just for show.
We have been giving each of the children an ornament in their stockings every year. There have been one or two that have broken. I have been unable to replace only one. ( a glass Ernie from Sesame Street on a fire engine) I do have lists of every ornament ever given to them, so they can keep track through the years. Some are stitched, some are sewn, the rest store bought. But they were all given in love.♥
Speaking of ornaments the stitching for their XI ornaments this year has been done for days. Again, it is hard to get them pressed, cut and slipped into the little glass frames with them around. Will be working on that today. They will be ready. =)
Gave little Miss Mabel her hair cut the other day. Good bye fuzzy and hello pretty!
I really enjoy that about poodles. They have the fuzzy puppy look, and the pretty look. Neat. ;)
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it! I like making new friends. Leave me a message so I will know you stopped by. I would love to come visit you in your little world. I see some new-to-me names on the Blog Hop list. Oh and I love my dear, old friends too. ;)
Stitching and praying,
This morning I am sharing with you a very old piece. I stitched this 24 years ago! I was 19 years old! =) My husband and I were dating. I had stitched two other pieces by Gloria Pat, all from the same book, God's In His Heaven. Brian suggested I stitch this one next.
It is simply titled 'December'. It is stitched on Aida with good old DMC. I have had it stored away for 23 years. I finally framed it myself last year. (I could not afford to frame it for years.) I gave it to him as a Christmas gift last year. He was surprised. I am glad it is finally out for display. =)
So, the theme for this year's Blog Hop is "Stocking, Sack or Something else?" I am quite happy to say I have carried on the tradition of filling the St. Nick stockings for our kids. Since Brian never really had this as a child growing up, we kind of came up with a compromise. They are "Christmas Stockings". ( Still given on St. Nicholas Day ;)
These are the children's, Brian's, Mabel's and Winky's stockings. My mother still has mine. And would you believe it is the same one from when I was a girl? My brother Michael and I have our's, my other two brothers have replacements. ;) My mother still stuffs all of our stockings, and I am 43!! No complaints here! =)
So on the night of December 5th after the kids are in bed, I will be stuffing the people stockings with goodies. They tend to have quite a few chocolate items, not sure why? ;) The dog's and bird's stockings are just for show.
We have been giving each of the children an ornament in their stockings every year. There have been one or two that have broken. I have been unable to replace only one. ( a glass Ernie from Sesame Street on a fire engine) I do have lists of every ornament ever given to them, so they can keep track through the years. Some are stitched, some are sewn, the rest store bought. But they were all given in love.♥
Speaking of ornaments the stitching for their XI ornaments this year has been done for days. Again, it is hard to get them pressed, cut and slipped into the little glass frames with them around. Will be working on that today. They will be ready. =)
Gave little Miss Mabel her hair cut the other day. Good bye fuzzy and hello pretty!
I really enjoy that about poodles. They have the fuzzy puppy look, and the pretty look. Neat. ;)
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it! I like making new friends. Leave me a message so I will know you stopped by. I would love to come visit you in your little world. I see some new-to-me names on the Blog Hop list. Oh and I love my dear, old friends too. ;)
Stitching and praying,
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